The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1313 Leading

PS1: This is an update on Wednesday, a little bit late, I hope readers don’t pay too much attention to the update time, and I promise not to stop updating...

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

PS3: Here I would like to thank the book friend "Big Wang Yuyu Yuyu" for the reward.

"Jose, this guy, I didn't expect to use the three midfield configuration of Gattuso, Makelele and Ballack in this game." After seeing Mourinho's formation, he came to the scene Zhuang Mingge, who was watching the game, said, "Put pressure on the opponent through a lot of running and pressing, so that the opponent's players participating in the offense will not have enough space to display and pass the ball, and then make their mistakes to launch a counterattack... It really fits Jose. Consistent tactical style."

Compared with his predecessor and teacher Heynckes, Mourinho obviously pays more attention to defense, and also pays more attention to the huge impact of running without the ball on the game.For example, if every player in Fiorentina on the field runs an extra kilometer in the game than the Lazio players at the same position, then the Viola players will definitely be easier to form on both ends of the offense and defense than the Blue Eagles. situation.In this way, as long as it is not luck or the player's condition is particularly bad, Fiorentina will definitely take the initiative at both ends of the offense and defense more easily.

It is precisely because of this small difference in football philosophy that Gattuso, who was only regarded by the Germans as an additional supplementary midfielder during the coaching period of Heynckes, got a lot of attention after Mourinho came to power. More performance opportunities!

In Mourinho's view, although the player Gattuso has almost no concept of defensive positioning, he also has advantages that other players do not have, that is, extremely vigorous energy and never give up game style!

With these two things, coupled with his fierce but not fierce playing style and conscientious defensive attitude, it is enough for Mourinho, who always pays attention to defense, to include Gattuso as the team's key development target.

The eleven players on the field, no matter who they are, must actively participate in the defense. Through a lot of off-ball running and systematic defensive positions, they control the opponent's space and cut off their passing routes, forcing them to rely on Personal ability to dribble and break through to complete the offense.And when they choose this way, the Lazio players will fall into the defensive traps deliberately set by Mourinho, and then lose the ball under their feet in the encirclement of the Fiorentina players.And this is Mourinho's defensive strategy specially formulated for Fiorentina's first team on the basis of Heynckes' original basis after absorbing the successful experience of Chelsea and Greece and other teams.

Sure enough, after the start of the game, the Fiorentina midfield trio composed of Ballack, Gattuso and Makelele quickly disrupted Lazio's game rhythm and almost completely cut off the Losing the connection between the Blue Eagles midfielder and the striker trident in the frontcourt caused a serious disconnection in Lazio's midfielder and frontcourt!

Although Deco and Davis have played in Fiorentina, they are more familiar with Viola's pressing method. They can rely on their experience and technical skills to deal with opponents on the court, and try their best to let their teammates play according to their familiar game rhythm. The ball, but Fiore can't do it. This rare technical midfielder in Italian football has tried his best not to lose the ball under the pressure of Ballack and others. There is really no extra energy to devote to other aspects up.

Although his skills are excellent and his abilities are considered comprehensive among midfielders, his disadvantages in off-ball running ability and physical fitness make it difficult for Fiore to exert his due strength in such high-intensity games.Facing the ubiquitous defense and pressing of Fiorentina players, Fiore, who was a little out of position, gradually fell silent, and threw the task of organizing the offense to his two teammates Deco and Davis, while he played on the field Playing a stealth game, occasionally receiving passes from teammates a few times will often do nothing under the pressure of Ballack and others, and it is difficult to organize a threatening attack.

With Fiore's stealth, Lazio began to gradually lose in the midfield competition.Although Davis and Deco are excellent in ability, it is also difficult for the two to help the Blue Eagles re-establish their connection with Ronaldinho and Drogba in the frontcourt.After all, the former is now a 31-year-old veteran. After all, his running ability is not as good as when he was at his peak, and his abilities in other aspects have also declined. What's more, connecting the midfielder and the frontcourt is not what he is good at; Although the latter was trained as Redondo's successor in Fiorentina, he is not good at dribbling and breaking through, not to mention that after Fiore disappeared, Lazio often faced players who played more with less in the midfield. In this situation, Deco, who wasted a lot of physical energy to get rid of the opponent's press, naturally has no energy to take care of these things.

In the 204th minute of the game, Fiore was surrounded by Ballack, Gattuso and Vincent who retreated and defended in the process of dribbling the ball in the midfield. He fell into the trap and was once again caught by Fiorentina. The steal was successful and the ball was lost!

Fiore's sudden loss of the ball in the midfield caught the Lazio players who were about to press the formation on the offense by surprise. They didn't expect that Fiore would be successfully intercepted by the opponent at this juncture.Therefore, when Davis was the first to react and rushed towards Vincent who was counterattacking with the ball, there were still many players in Lazio still running towards the Fiorentina goal.

Although Davis successfully blocked the Spaniard before Vincent dribbled the ball to speed up, Vincent was not Walcott's single-minded young man who only knew to dribble all the way to the end and didn't think about anything else. .Seeing the Dutch boar appearing in front of him, Vincent first made a fake move to dribble the ball to the left, then flicked his ankle, and passed the ball to the other side of the court!There, Ronaldo, who got rid of Maxwell's defense, was advancing at high speed along the right side of the court!

After receiving the ball from Vincent, Ronaldo did not give the Lazio players the opportunity to interrupt this quick counterattack with a foul or a yellow card.After observing his teammate's running position for a while, Ronaldo, who pretended to continue to dribble the ball, directly picked the ball over Favalli's head, and passed the ball to the feet of Milito who successfully reversed offside!One-handed!

Petr Cech, who was a beat behind, missed the ball shot by Milito. When the Czech goalkeeper fell on the turf, he heard the cheers of the fans-obviously, these cheers were not from the Lazio fans. .

In this way, relying on a quick counterattack in the first half, Fiorentina, who lacked the midfielder Pirlo, unexpectedly led Lazio by one goal in the first half, taking the lead in this Italian Super Cup contest!

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