The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1323 Battle for the Top of the List

PS. Here is today’s update. By the way, I want to vote for the 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets, and votes will give you coins. I beg everyone to support and appreciate!

PS1: This is an update on Saturday, a little bit late, I hope readers don't pay too much attention to the update time, and I promise not to stop updating...

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

PS3: Here I would like to thank the book friend "Big Wang Yuyu Yuyu" for the reward.

On November 11th, on this day of special significance to many singles, the Fiorentina team arrived at the Alpi Stadium in Turin on time. Viola will challenge the Bianconeri tonight and launch a strong battle for the top of the standings. Shock!

So far, ten rounds of Serie A have been fought, and Fiorentina is in second place with nine wins and one loss, three points behind Juventus, which leads the standings with a record of unbeaten victories.Therefore, if the Fiorentina players and Mourinho want to reverse this situation as soon as possible, then this direct confrontation with Juventus is obviously their best chance!

"Guys, I know that you have had a very hard time these days, and it is another week of double-match dominant national team games, which have had a considerable impact on your physical fitness and state." The visiting team changed at the Alpi Stadium In the room, Mourinho was making his final pre-match speech, "However, I still hope that you can persevere. Although the season has just started, Juventus's momentum this season is very fierce. I am worried that if we do not If you can bite them in the standings, the point difference will be "

"Boss, we understand what you said, so we won't have any complaints about it." Due to Mourinho's relationship with the first-team assistant coach under Capello and Heynckes before, including The old people in Florence, including Nesta, have a good friendship with him, and the team's record since the start of the new season is also quite good, so they will naturally speak according to each other's wishes at this time, "This is also There is no way around it, who would have expected that Juventus would be so stable this season, and they still haven't lost a single game in the league until now, this situation is really weird."

Nesta's words expressed the aspirations of the vast majority of Fiorentina players present.After all, Fiorentina's scoring momentum at the beginning of the season was as fierce as it was when Heynckes was in charge. Under normal circumstances, other Serie A teams could not keep up with Viola's point-grabbing rhythm, which caused them to lose points in the first half of the season. Being separated by Fiorentina, he lost his confidence in winning the league championship.

But now, Juventus has shown a stronger scoring efficiency than Fiorentina since the start of the season. Defensive old woman.It's just that the luck of the Juventus team back then was really bad. First they met the Milan dynasty, which was at its peak, and then met the strong rise of Fiorentina, and they never had a chance to win the league championship.When Fiorentina declined due to the aging of the main players and injuries, the Bianconeri, which had been strong for a whole decade, also began to decline...

"Okay, don't lament these things for now. With this time, you might as well take this opportunity to recall the points I just said, for example, don't have too much entanglement with Juventus players in the midfield, and make good use of them. Our advantage in the wing, as much as possible to attract Emerson and Tacchinardi to the wing to defend, to pull out more for Diego (Milito) and Andre (Pirlo) in the center Space..." Even though the players under his opponent are very confident, Mourinho, who is facing the big test for the first time, will still feel a little nervous, and some nagging is naturally inevitable.

Just as Mourinho seized the time to make the final pre-match arrangements, the 65-year-old Trapattoni was doing the same thing in the home team locker room.However, due to his age, the gold medal coach will definitely not be able to give a passionate speech like Mourinho. Only a calm and calm explanation will bring enough confidence to his players.

Goalkeeper Frey, left back Grosso, central backs Gallas and Thuram, right back Zebina, Emerson and Tacchinardi form a double midfielder, Nedved on the left, Camorane West is on the right, with Trezeguet and Zlatan Ibrahimovic on the front line. This is the starting lineup Trapattoni sent tonight against Fiorentina.

Pierrot's loss to the starting line-up did not come as a surprise.In fact, since Trapattoni entered Juventus, the status of the Zebra Prince has plummeted. He has played off the bench for many consecutive games. Even the starters are often replaced in the middle of the game. The performance on the battlefield is extremely stable.Therefore, in the face of such a situation, Juventus fans have nothing to complain about. At most, they lament the impermanence of fate in the chat. Not many people are really complaining about Piero.

After all, Juventus has not won a league championship in the past 20 years. Piero, who has been the offensive core and team banner of the Bianconeri for the past ten years, is naturally to blame.Coupled with the fact that the sluggish competitive state at the turn of the century caused the team to repeatedly fall before the finish line, and the reality that the number of championship trophies won was very small, Pierrot's status in the hearts of Juventus fans in this life is far from that of Juventus fans. Past lives are so important.Therefore, when Piero was turned into the main rotation player by Trapattoni or even sat on the bench, not many people stood up to speak for him.

This is the cruelest aspect of professional football.No matter how earth-shattering achievements you have made, as long as your state declines, then you will become a burden in the mouth of the fans or a guy who drags the team back.

The referee of this game is the famous Italian whistler Corina. This world-renowned bald referee is now about to retire.Therefore, many fans hope to see more of the Golden Whistle law enforcement important game before Collina seals the whistle, and the Italian Football Association also satisfies the fans' wish very well, appointing Collina to be responsible for whistleblowing. Big game.

Since Piero was not selected for the starting list, the Czech ironman Nedved was the captain of Juventus in this game.After undergoing a big change in the summer, Nedved, who joined the Bianconeri in 02, is already a veteran among the players who entered the starting lineup. In addition, the Czech also serves as the captain of the national team. He will not cause dissatisfaction among other players when he wears the captain's armband.

Perhaps it is precisely because Nedved replaced Piero as Juventus captain, and old acquaintances such as Iuliano and Montero also sat on the bench, so before the start of the game, there was no sense of gunpowder between the players of the two sides. It's not very strong, and it's basically maintained in a relatively safe range. There is no situation where players from both sides use the opportunity of shaking hands to make small moves or talk trash.

Of course, after the game starts, the atmosphere on the field will probably change drastically. At that time, Collina may not know how many brain cells will be consumed in order to maintain the smooth progress of the game.

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list, and by May 5th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers and publicity works.A piece is also love, it must be better! 】

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