The Era of Emerald

Chapter 417 Meeting with Prodi

Boss Mo and Zhuang Mingge acted very quickly. It took only three days in total from the initial price inquiry to the final completion of the player exchange deal.

Anglomar and Bilindley, the parties involved, did not express any objection to this transfer. The former is old and has retired from the French national team. He hopes to win more championships in the last few years of his peak period. Honor, the rapid rise of Florence in these years just met his request; the latter has almost won all the medals he can get in these years in Florence, and he already wants a better contract, and he is eager for talent The big boss is naturally a good choice. After coming to Inter Milan, Billindley doubled his salary as he wished.

The Fiorentina people expressed their understanding of Bilindley's departure and thanked him for his contributions to the team over the years. At the same time, they also expressed their warm welcome to Angloma's arrival. They believed that the former French international could effectively strengthen Fiorentina's overall strength. Viola will be more competitive in future events.

The outside media are also very optimistic about this player exchange, thinking that Bilindley can bring valuable experience to Inter Milan, and the transfer of Angloma can also add a bit of calmness and sophistication to Fiorentina, which is mostly young.

To be honest, if it weren't for Angeloma's 31-year-old age, just one Bi Lindley would not be able to replace this international player.I believe that many people think that Angloma will maintain the top level for one to two years at most at this time, and then, like all veterans who have entered their twilight period, they will go to low-level leagues for retirement or go to West Asia to seek gold.

But Bilindley is different. He is not yet 24 years old, and he still has a lot of room for improvement in the eyes of outsiders. Even becoming an Italian international is also possible.

However, Zhuang Minge knew very well that Billindley was not pursued much anymore; Anglomar was a player at the level of an old demon.According to historical development, his high-level competitive state can be maintained for at least five years. By the time this old monster can no longer play, Florence has already cultivated a new player who can replace him.

As the biggest player in the winter transfer market this winter, Panucci chose to go to Real Madrid in the end. After Milan collected a transfer fee of 800 million US dollars, they transferred the man who could have become the "Maltini on the right". The Italian star of hope was sent to the Bernabeu.

From a certain point of view, Panucci’s choice of Real Madrid is actually a necessity. With Ferrer’s Barcelona, ​​Gary Neville’s Manchester United and Zanetti’s Inter Milan can’t guarantee his absolute main position. Newcastle and Panucci, an emerging team like Valencia, doesn't like it. As a result, only Real Madrid is left for Panucci to choose. [

By the way, after Zhuang Mingge learned that Panucci had transferred to Real Madrid, he sighed in his heart, saying that the inertia of history is indeed very strong...

On January 1th, in the No.12 league match between Fiorentina and Reggiana, Zhuang Mingge did not go to watch the game with the team, nor did he watch the broadcast of the game at home. Instead, he drove to the capital Rome, because today , he will meet with Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi to start a discussion on some football matters.

Since neither party wanted to leak the content of the conversation prematurely, the meeting between the two was arranged in a reception room with good soundproof facilities in the Prime Minister's Palace.

After taking their seats, the two first exchanged polite greetings, and then got to the point. After all, time is precious, and there is not much free time to waste on meaningful conversations.

Since he has always been an Italian fan, Zhuang Mingge still has some understanding of Prodi's deeds during his tenure as Italian Prime Minister.After taking office as Italian prime minister, Prodi, a recognized economic expert in Europe, implemented a fiscal austerity policy at home and drastically cut public spending, intending to make Italy the first member of the euro zone.

Under such circumstances, Zhuang Mingge, who has been thinking about how to take the Frankie Stadium under the ownership of the Fiorentina club, naturally has the capital to deal with Prodi.

"What? Chairman Corleone, did I hear correctly? You mean, you want to buy the Frankie Stadium?" Prodi thought that this conversation was related to the business of the Corleone family when he heard Zhuang Mingge's words. After the first sentence, I couldn't sit still. "You have to know that according to the current law, the ownership of the stadium should belong to the local municipal government. Your idea violates the relevant laws."

"Prime Minister Prodi, you have to know that there are specialties in the technical industry. Football stadiums can only exert their maximum value under the operation of football clubs. As a layman, the government has inherent disadvantages in this regard. It is impossible to do this. Yes." Zhuang Mingge bluntly stated his point of view, causing Prodi to fall into silence for a while, because the Italian Prime Minister knew that what the other party said was not wrong.

The operating costs of these stadiums maintained by the local municipal government in Italy are not low, and the government officials do not have that keen sense of smell and foresight. They are just doing amateurish maintenance on the stadium step by step.

If the stadium is owned by the club, the situation is completely different. First of all, as a user of the stadium, the club knows which aspects should be focused on maintenance, and there will be no so-called waste of resources; secondly, when the stadium is owned by the club, the club can Carry out professional commercial development of the stadium and its surrounding areas, such as setting up some fast food restaurants in the stadium, and planning the surrounding area into a commercial area to attract fans to shop and spend here, instead of just setting up in the stadium alone as it is now A few billboards are considered commercial development.

Furthermore, after the Heysel and Healdsburg tragedies, the football associations of various countries began to focus on the safety environment of their stadiums.However, the governance effect of the Italian side is obviously not optimistic. This season alone, there have been several incidents of game interruptions caused by fans setting off fireworks in the stadium without authorization.

The municipal government responsible for the maintenance of the stadium often requires the club to invest in the reconstruction of the stadium facilities. However, the club believes that it is unreasonable to pay for it when the stadium does not belong to them. This is why Italian football stadiums are becoming more and more expensive. Dilapidated, an important factor for the endless emergence of various organs and secret passages in the stands.

With the stadium not owned by the club, the team's income is limited, the playing field is getting more and more backward, and the safety of the stadium is not guaranteed... Can such an environment attract fans?Do not make jokes!

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