As the saying goes, if you want to conquer a man, you must first grab his stomach.

From Zhuang Minge's point of view, this sentence is also applicable to women. Don't you see that a certain Kamijou pickpocket caught a foodie nun with a pack of instant noodles and average cooking skills?

The college students of the Celestial Dynasty all have decent cooking skills, otherwise they would have been killed by Di, Ditch, Youla, Su, Dan, Hong and the like.

Because his parents often have to work overtime, Zhuang Mingge, who has no one to cook for him, has developed the ability to cook since he was a child. Taking advantage of the fact that everyone in this small "gambling syndicate" is here this time, he is tired of eating spaghetti recently. Get ready to show your hand.

As for the ingredients to be used for cooking, of course, there is no need for a rich young master like Zhuang Mingge to go out and purchase the ingredients in person, and make a shopping list for the required ingredients. Naturally, there will be a dedicated person to purchase these ingredients.

So, when Karin, Alisa, Little Groz and other women sat at the dining table, they were surprised to find that the spaghetti, steaks, and vegetable salads that they often ate were gone. The aroma is tangy, but none of these women can accurately name these dishes.

"Tony, you did all of this?" Karin looked at Zhuang Mingge in disbelief.

"That's right, let me introduce to you, this dish is preserved egg tofu, this one is soft fried tenderloin, that one is stewed lion's head, and..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhuang Mingge was dragged into the corner of the restaurant by Karin: "Tony, why haven't you told me about this after we've lived together for so long~"

Hey, Karin, can you stop being so angry when you talk?It's scary!

Of course, Zhuang Mingge didn't recklessly express what was in his heart, but quickly turned his brain to find a reason to fool this goddess first: "Uh, that, Karin, you haven't come to my house to eat much this year. After dinner, of course it is impossible to know that I can cook Chinese food..."

"Chinese food?" Karin found a clue from Zhuang Mingge's words, raised her eyebrows, "You know how to cook Chinese food?"

For most foreigners, the Celestial Dynasty, which has just reformed and opened to the outside world, is still a mysterious place, and Karin inevitably has doubts about Zhuang Mingge's words.

"I swear to God! It's definitely authentic Chinese food! I learned it from the owner of a Chinese restaurant when you were studying in the United States!" Almighty God, although I don't believe in you, and I also lied , but please show mercy and let me pass this test successfully.

If you don't die, you won't die. Now Zhuang Mingge finally understands the meaning of this sentence.

"Hmph, I'll let you go this time~" Karin let go of Zhuang Mingge's collar, and like a wife sending her husband to work, she straightened Zhuang Mingge's wrinkled skirt, and took the opportunity to put her lips close to Zhuang Mingge's. In his ear, he said softly, "After you go back, you will be responsible for the three meals a day at home~"

Hearing this, Zhuang Mingge smiled wryly and remained silent: Will he become a housewife like Hong A in the future?

Leaving aside this trivial matter, this dinner can be regarded as a feast for the guests and the host. Rosella, Francesca, Alisa and Groz Jr. fully experienced the delicacy of a Chinese feast Well, after dinner, Alisa was still thinking about opening a chain of Chinese restaurants in Italy in the future.

The conversation was divided into two parts, and said that after dinner, Zhuang Mingge and the others gathered in a room

"Rebecca, what happened to the funds in Southeast Asia?" Because of the "middle finger incident" caused by Effenberg, although Zhuang Mingge stayed in this manor these two days, he didn't pay much attention to it. The movement of the gambling funds, and two days, for an instant "game" like gambling, is enough for many unpredictable changes to occur.

Today is June 6th, and the group stage of the World Cup has all ended.Since 30 is too far away from Zhuang Mingge's travel time, and there is no bug-like complete memory ability, Zhuang Mingge's impression of this World Cup group stage is only a few more famous things: the first one is of course Effenbo Grid's middle finger, the second is that Roger Mira became the oldest goal scorer in the history of the World Cup at the age of 94 in the match against Russia on June 6th, and the last one also happened in this game In the game, the Russian striker Salenko, who scored one goal in the previous two group matches, scored five goals alone, and shared the goal with Bulgaria's "Thunderbolt" Stoichkov with six goals in three games. The Golden Boot of the 28st World Cup was a major upset.

Stoichkov is a world-class striker, and bookmakers and those gambling syndicates will definitely not set his odds very high in the Golden Boot betting; but who is Salenko?It is estimated that many people have not heard of his name before the World Cup.The casinos in Southeast Asia also added this striker after they received several bets from Panama and the Virgin Islands (in fact, it was Zhuang Mingge who was just the gambling money that Groz transferred to these casinos through layer-by-layer transfers and camouflage). Odds - 1 to 100, the player with the highest odds on the shortlist. If there is no change, the profit from this bet is enough to make everyone here live comfortably for the rest of their lives.

"Almost, the 3000 million US dollars of funds (including the 2000 million US dollars contributed by Zhuang Mingge himself) have begun to flow according to the destination you specified, and it is expected that they will be fully deployed within 24 hours! In this way, in the top sixteen Before the start of the game, we can just complete the first stage of betting." Groz Jr. made a serious report to "Commander" Zhuang Mingge, "Also, the betting on the World Cup Golden Boot will start at the opening game of the World Cup Before, I asked my subordinates to bet 200 million US dollars on Stoichkov and Salenko according to your instructions, and you and we will each get half of the two funds."


"Brother Antonio, you really guessed it right. This striker named Salenko scored five goals in one breath in the game the day before yesterday, and now he is far ahead in the scorer list." Alisa Looking at Zhuang Mingge with admiration, "I heard from Sister Karin that none of the best shooters in the previous four World Cups scored more than six goals. It seems that our sisters can make a lot of money this time." what~"

"You little money addict..." Zhuang Mingge looked at this little girl who looked more like his "sister", and pampered Alisa's little head, "This is just an appetizer, wait and see, the knockout stage begins The time is when our gambling work will officially start!"

ps: I will accompany my classmates to visit the school today, so the 1900 votes will be posted later, everyone forgive me...

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