The Era of Emerald

Chapter 664 Summer transfer

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After talking about Effenberg's contract renewal, let's talk about Batty's transfer situation.Although the club's data has declined, but with his excellent performance in the French World Cup and the series of dazzling honor books, Batistuta's name was immediately attracted by the transfer market. A large group of mad bees and butterflies.

AC Milan, who sold the increasingly depressed Kluivert to Barcelona, ​​is eyeing the Argentine God of War. The new coach of the Rossoneri, Zaccheroni, likes this powerful center very much and requires the club to combine Bierhoff and One of the two of Batty was brought to the San Siro Stadium, otherwise he would have no way to lead the team to compete for the championship under the circumstances of the lack of personnel.

Just at this time, Berlusconi had to turn his attention back to football because of repeated defeats in the political arena.At the same time, stimulated by being expelled from the G14 league, Lao Bei opened his wallet and threw out a lot of real money, preparing to bring his AC Milan back to the ranks of the top giants.

So Galliani, who finally had enough money in his pocket, immediately flew to Florence with a checkbook. In his opinion, Batistuta was obviously much better than Erhoff, who had extremely single technical characteristics. So it is of course better to win Batty if possible.

However, it is obvious that AC Milan cannot be the only club that favors the Argentine God of War. Representatives from the Roma duo recruiting with great fanfare, the big boss Inter Milan, the Premier League's Manchester United and Chelsea, and the La Liga duo Real Madrid and Barcelona have all come here. A city brimming with art, come and join the battle for Batistuta!

Some people may ask, why did these representatives who are interested in Batty come to Florence on the same day?In fact, this is Kenyon's idea. He believes that bringing these people together for negotiation can better raise Batty's transfer fee and strive for more benefits for Florence.

Therefore, when Galliani rushed to Florence to start negotiations on Batty, the general manager of AC Milan was surprised to see representatives from other teams sitting in the conference room, arguing about something red-faced .

"1200 million US dollars plus Dave Suker!" This is the price given by the representative of Real Madrid, "Suker is the silver boot winner of this World Cup. Dee, you Florence are absolutely worth it!"

"Manager Poirot, don't listen to the nonsense of those stingy guys from Real Madrid!" The representative of Barcelona jumped out at this time to break the stage, saying, "You know Suke's status in your Real Madrid last season best, and in the World Cup A good performance in the field does not mean that you can still be powerful when you return to the club. Schillaci and Bielanov back then are the best examples! Barcelona is willing to pay 500 million US dollars plus Celades and De La Pena. A major player with absolute sincerity!"

"You still have the face to say that Real Madrid is stingy with this little bargaining chip?" After being ridiculed by the enemy, the Real Madrid representative also started to fight back, "You don't even look at Fiorentina's first-team lineup. Such good players as Effenberg, Redondo, and Pirlo, how can Celades and De La Pena be needed? Besides, you think we don’t know that Van Gaal is thinking about driving them both out of Barcelona so that he can Are those cronies of yours making room?"

The statement made by the representative of Real Madrid immediately sank the arrogant Barcelona representative, because the latter knew that what the other party said was indeed the truth, and it was something that the Florentines could find out if they had a little heart.

After all, Van Gaal's big cleanup of Barcelona this summer is really too big. Nadal, Amor, De La Pena, Celades and other team players have all had transfer rumors this summer. However, those fellows of Van Gaal came to Barcelona one after another, causing the team to be in turmoil.

It can be said that if the heavy news that Batistuta applied for a transfer had not suddenly appeared, then the Catalan giants would be the focus of European football this summer.

"I said, Kenyon, what's the situation?" Since the content of the talks was the transfer of Batistuta, a heavyweight player, the three giants of Florence, Antonioni, Poirot and Kenyon The collective appeared at the negotiation site.At this moment, Antonioni was looking dumbfounded at the confrontational scene in front of him, "Obviously we were discussing Batty's transfer fee, why did they pick it up before we even spoke?"

"Giancarlo, don't you understand that?" Kenyon explained to Antonioni calmly, his tone full of complacency, "Actually, this is similar to an auction. Interest, then we should work hard to make buyers have a greater desire to buy and form a bidding atmosphere, so as to maximize the benefits.”

"It turns out that you put them all together to create an effect similar to an auction." After hearing Kenyon's explanation, Antonioni suddenly understood and said.

"That's right, although it's not very appropriate to describe Batty as a cargo, but that's probably what it means."

Meanwhile, two representatives from the Roma duo - Roma's Rosella Sensi and Lazio's Dino Zoff - are at the other end of the table making their offer to Poirot, and it looks like It was extremely intense, not much worse than the spat between Real Madrid and Barcelona here.

After all, Fiorentina is now the well-deserved golden sign and the number one overlord of Italian football. It is impossible for the Roman duo to send some people who are not at the same level as Antonioni and the others to discuss the transfer of Batty like Real Madrid and Barcelona. The two heroes are purely because they are used to running rampant in Spanish football, forgetting that people in Italy will not buy their account at all, thinking that sending a few random people can easily handle this transfer.

Moreover, compared to taking this opportunity to throw the bad assets in the team to Real Madrid and Barcelona in Florence, the Roman duo is much more kind.

Dino Zoff offered Batty a sky-high transfer fee of 3000 million U.S. dollars, and at the same time generously stated that if Poirot felt that the price was not enough, he could go further with him; while Rosella did not have Lazio So rich and powerful, but also made a good offer for God of War.

However, if anyone among these people wants to win Batty the most, it must be the boss Mo himself who condescends to go to Florence to negotiate in person.

In order to get the Argentine god of war and further strengthen the strength of Inter Milan, boss Mo Da offered the same price of 3000 million US dollars as Lazio!

In this way, after the delay of the World Cup in France, the battle for Batistuta finally officially started in Florence today!

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