The Era of Emerald

Chapter 73 Van Basten

The story that Fiorentina overturned the European overlord AC Milan and won the Italian Super Cup in the "away game" soon spread throughout Italy.

No one would be surprised that Milan lost. After all, there is no team in this world that can go on a winning streak. Tigers have to take a nap occasionally, don't they?However, it can be seen from the video that Milan was firmly suppressed by Florence in their own half throughout the game. If it wasn't for the bad luck of the Florentines, the Milanese would have raised the white flag to surrender...

The rise of Fiorentina has attracted the attention of many Serie A teams. After all, the current Serie A league is too fierce. There are six or seven teams that can compete for the league championship. If they are not careful, they will even qualify for the European Championship next season Can't get it.

At this time, at the train station in Florence, Zhuang Mingge and Karin were here to welcome a special guest.

A slender and stalwart figure, and the kind of deep eyes that cannot be erased from the memory - the comer is none other than the Dutch superstar Marco van Basten who is suffering from injuries.

It was the first time that Zhuang Mingge had such close contact with Basten, and once again saw his idol in his heart. Facing the tired Dutchman, he simply shook hands with him and said a word directly:

"Trust me, Marco, the physiotherapy center in Florence will not disappoint you!"


The car carrying Basten drove directly into the newly built training base in Florence and stopped in front of the gate of the physical therapy center.

Zhuang Mingge, who was sitting in the car, remembered the scene when he mentioned Basten's injury to Dr. Thomas Carter two days ago...

In order to treat Basten's Achilles tendon, the AC Milan club can be said to be painstaking. After Basten has undergone several surgeries but with little effect, Galliani remembered that the rumors have the most advanced sports medicine treatment. Technical Florence, and owes Zhuang Mingge a big favor for this.

Zhuang Minge could no longer remember what he had discussed with Dr. Carter at that time, only the expression of Dr. Thomas Carter eager to try before he left was left in his mind.

To be honest, after Carter and Nelson came to Florence, they thought that a sport like football that emphasizes physical confrontation should give them a lot of work to deal with, but they were disappointed that, except for a few people (such as Inzaghi) ), Fiorentina's players are much healthier than other teams.

In fact, this is what Zhuang Mingge made when he introduced players. Of course, Zhuang Mingge would not consider buying "medicine pot" players like Irving or Hargreaves. no?

In the physiotherapy center in Florence, here, Zhuang Minge saw that Basten was undergoing a preliminary diagnosis by Dr. Carter.

"How is it? Dr. Carter?" Seeing Thomas Carter walking out of the infirmary, Zhuang Mingge asked out of concern, "Does Marco's injury still require a thorough operation..."

"I still need to confirm some issues." Thomas Carter's expression was extremely serious at this time. "This guy's Achilles tendon and ankle joint are simply a mess. It's hard to believe who cured it like this!"

Afterwards, Katla went to Nelson and ran to a small room to discuss specific treatment plans.

It seems that the plan has to be decided by God. At this time, Zhuang Mingge can only give the blessing of good luck to this strong Dutch superstar: Come on, Basten, everyone who loves football is praying for you, praying that you can return to football ...

Although Florence and Milan tried their best to take strict confidentiality measures, the news that Basten came to Florence quietly still spread like wildfire.However, to everyone's disappointment, this figure, which is familiar to countless reporters and fans, quickly disappeared from people's sight after making a brief appearance at the train station in Florence.

However, to the dismay of these paparazzi, neither Florence nor Milan gave a clear explanation for why Basten appeared in Florence.

Zhuang Minge left the physiotherapy center after arranging for Basten a life-related matter in Florence and entrusting two doctors, Thomas Carter and Nelson, to treat the Dutchman's ankle and Achilles tendon injuries.

After a preliminary diagnosis by several kinesiology experts, Basten's ankle injury was expected to be completely cured, but it was a pity that it was delayed by the previous attending doctor.

After learning about this situation, Zhuang Mingge called Galliani without hesitation and informed him of the situation. The latter was also furious and sent the quack doctor who had treated Basten back to his home. left home.

Zhuang Mingge, who had nothing to do, came to the No. [-] training field, stood on the edge of the field, and quietly watched the Fiorentina players training. The noise at the entrance of the training field did not seem to affect him, until he accidentally discovered that there was someone at the entrance. Individuals held up a large banner with the words "vanbasten" written on it.

"So it's a Basten fan!" Zhuang Mingge made a temporary decision to meet this Basten fan.

"Hello, Chairman Corleone, this young man is called Simonti. He kept saying that he wanted to see Mr. Basten or the high-level officials of Florence, saying that he had something very important to do. Look..." The staff of the training base said to the young man Introduced Zhuang Mingge's identity, "Simonti, this is Mr. Antonio Corleone, uh, he is the chairman of our Florence."

"You are Simonti?"

"Can you represent Florence and Basten himself?"

Zhuang Mingge and the young man named Simonti blurted out the words almost at the same time.

"you know me?"

"You know him?"

There were two voices asking questions at the same time.

Zhuang Mingge had no time to explain his surprising performance. He knew that this young man named "Simonti" would not have thought of this "Simonti" without the slogan related to Basten.

In Zhuang Mingge's memory, this "Simonti" has done a major event related to Basten, for which he was awarded the title of "Outstanding Person of a Certain City" (similar to the Top Ten Outstanding Youths in China).

"You don't need to ask me why I know your name, and I also know what you mean by 'important things'... Don't look at me with such doubts, these are not important, the important thing is that I can represent Florence Come with me on behalf of Mr. Basten." Out of respect for this young man, Zhuang Minge invited him to the reception room for a detailed discussion.


"Do you really know what I'm going to say?" Simonti, who had already had two cups of coffee, didn't wait for Zhuang Mingge to give him an answer. Seeing that the other party seemed to be immersed in that eloquent speech mode, he sat still. Simonti, who couldn't go down anymore, had no choice but to interrupt Zhuang Mingge's words.

"You want to replace Basten with a healthy Achilles tendon, and I'm right, Monsieur Simonti?"


Simonti, who walked out of the reception room, was in a very complicated mood, pain, loss, confusion, emotion, longing, and the intertwining of various emotions made him realize that he really didn't understand Basten, the football superstar, because just now , The Florence chairman in the reception room told him frankly that he couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Dear Simonti, I admire your courage, and I am even more moved by your love for Basten and football. However, I have to regret to tell you that your idea is just a beautiful fantasy... fantasy, Do you understand? It is a storyline that only appears in Shakespeare's novels, but has zero probability of appearing in reality...

First of all, from a medical point of view, have you ever heard of a precedent for successful Achilles tendon transplantation in the world? Didn’t you know that the experiments on Achilles tendon transplantation are still in the stage of animal experiments?Do you think we would agree with your decision under the circumstances?

Secondly, even if your Achilles tendon is successfully transplanted to Basten, do you think it is still Basten?Do you want to trade your disability for the rest of your life for a strange Basten? ...Well, by the way, there is one more point. It seems that Italian laws do not allow similar human body transplants at present. This involves some traditional ethical and moral concepts. These problems cannot be resolved in a short time. Have you considered these ? ... Do you think it's injuries that can really beat Basten?Oh no, you are wrong, only time can defeat the hero! "

Zhuang Mingge didn't know why he became more and more excited as he talked. He knew that Basten didn't need people's sympathy now, but he didn't know what the Dutchman needed now.Looking at the deeply stimulated Simonti, Zhuang Mingge felt very sorry.However, in the face of such sincere fans, his heart prevents him from being hypocritical.

Many times, in front of these sincere fans, Tancheng is the best way to communicate.

ps: Chapter 3 of "Addition and Completion Plan", if there is a recommendation ticket, there will be an addition~

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