The Era of Emerald

Chapter 801 The Vicenza Supermarket Opens

ps1: This is a recommended update for 21, and the next update will be recommended for 21. I hope everyone will support it... ps2: I still ask for a recommendation ticket here, and the free book does not require you to spend money , It shouldn’t be a problem to give a little more recommendation votes, right?We are here thank you~

ps3: After the night shift, I dozed off stiffly and typed out this chapter in front of the computer...

On the first day of the opening of the summer transfer door, five main players or main rotations including Larson and Ambrosini were lost. The blow to the Vicenza team was not insignificant.It can even be said that the departure of these players turned Vicenza from a team capable of competing for European qualifications to a mid-range team overnight.

Fortunately, Vicenza's executives and team coach Guidolin had already taken precautions against this in their hearts, so in the face of such a turbulent wave of departures, they still maintained a superficial calm.

"I didn't expect five players to leave all at once. It seems that there are really many teams coveting Vicenza players in the past two years." Dorin smiled bitterly, and thought to himself, "I hope Fiorentina can recommend some good seedlings to us for the sake of the team's massive blood loss this summer. Otherwise, I'm afraid the situation facing the team this season is not optimistic. That being said, Guidolin also understood in his heart that it is impossible for Vicenza, which is running a small business, to put all its eggs in one basket, and to count on the big brother Florence to give them the necessary assistance in everything.Therefore, looking for those potential new stars and semi-finished products that can be sold at a price after training around the world is also a way for Vicenza to get rid of the current predicament.

Otherwise, if one day Florence decides to terminate the cooperative relationship with Vicenza, then Vicenza, who has his head tied to the waistband of Florence's trousers, will be completely dumbfounded by then.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with hugging a thick thigh tightly, but if you think that you can sit back and relax in this way, it is a big mistake.

However, although Guidolin and the Vicenza executives have such thoughts and plans, it is not an easy task to establish a complete scouting system that can cover the world, because the establishment and improvement of this system is not only A lot of financial support is required, and it will take quite a while.Therefore, at this stage, Vicenza still needs enough support from Fiorentina to help them survive in the increasingly competitive Serie A.After letting go of the five generals, Vicenza no longer intends to continue to sell people. After all, the income from these few transfers plus the income from TV broadcasting is enough for them to last for a long time, and if they sell too many people It will also have a great impact on the team's performance this season-although Vicenza's hope of competing for a European seat after selling Larson and others has become quite slim, they also do not want to To see the team having to fight for league relegation the following season.

Therefore, after making the above considerations, the Vicenza executives decisively terminated the transfer negotiations on other first-team members, and expressed with a rather tough attitude that they would never sell any more players. The transfer door has been completely closed...

However, Vicenza's attitude did not make a team that was already red-eyed quit.The clubs, which were helpless in the frontal battlefield, showed their talents, contacted their favorite players through various indirect ways, and at the same time encouraged the players to submit transfer applications to the clubs, forcing Vicenza to return to the negotiating table.

After all, after the announcement of the Bosman Act, players can already take their destiny into their own hands, instead of just obeying the team's arrangements as before.As long as the player himself does not let go, no matter what agreement the two teams reach, this transfer cannot be completed.

Conversely, when a player expresses his intention to leave the team, if the team fails to retain him, it is better to sell it as soon as possible.Because players who fail to achieve their goals may not only appear to be unable to work hard, but this emotion will also affect other players in the locker room.

Therefore, just when Vicenza thought that the departure of important players such as Larson and their own tough attitude would allow other teams to stop this poaching behavior, this trend of carve-up Vicenza did not go as they expected Stopping like that, but there is a tendency to intensify!

This is also something that can’t be helped. After all, when other players in the Vicenza team see that their teammates have climbed to new heights, and their income and personal treatment are several times higher than theirs, they will feel a little unbalanced, Thinking that everyone is playing for the same team, why can he get a big contract, but he can only live with such a meager salary in Vicenza?

So, driven by this kind of thinking, players like Ambrosetti and Morfeo couldn't sit still anymore, and they wrote to Vicenza to allow them to transfer to those stronger clubs.Under the pressure of all parties, Vicenza had to agree to the players' request and reopened the transfer door that should have been closed.

In this way, two days later, that is, on July 7, the No.3 player left the Vicenza club-Luka Toni, who played in Vicenza for three seasons, transferred to Red for $6 million. Wolf Rome!

Zeman is very optimistic about this native Italian center, and believes that his strong physical fitness and a more stable goal rate than Delvecchio can make him a good helper for Totti, pulling enough for the new prince of Rome. space to organize or shoot directly.

At the same time, with Tony, he and the newly joined Montella and Totti can form a more efficient offensive trident.As for Delvecio, the main center last season, Zeman intends to turn him into a qualified striker rotation player to avoid the team facing the dilemma of no one available on the forward line when Tony and other main players are injured.

Yes, you read that right, on the day the transfer door opened, Montella left Sampdoria, which was relegated to Serie B, and came to Rome, the world-famous eternal capital.

Mantovani, who was jingling with small calculations, finally sold the small plane that countless people coveted to Rome before selling his shares in Sampdoria, and paid the sum The transfer fee of 1600 million US dollars from the transfer transaction was all put into his own pocket.

However, Mantovani soon paid a heavy price for his smart behavior, because Berezovsky's staff team had long been eyeing him and secretly designed a campaign against his behavior. An ingenious trap, luring Mantovani Jr. to sign a letter of intent for the transfer of Sampdoria's equity with hidden secrets.

Then, after Mantovani was arrested unconsciously and Berezovsky obtained enough evidence in his favor, the short-sighted second-generation ancestor discovered that he had nothing to bargain with the other party. of capital.

Among other things, just the letter of intent he signed with the other party before, some of the terms above are enough to make him lose his fortune after secretly selling Montella!

As a result, Mantovani, who was in a completely passive situation, had to sell all his Samp shares to Berezovsky at an ultra-low price of 5000 million US dollars, and completely withdrew from the Italian football world since then!


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