The Era of Emerald

Chapter 803 A Noisy Summer

ps: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here said that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets, right?We are here to thank you all~ Although after accepting the support from Florence, Guidolin finally made up for the disorganized offensive line after Tony and others left the team. For Vicenza, this kind of staffing seems too thin.

Moreover, they also lost a lot of blood in other positions, and they still need to carry out targeted reinforcements for these positions.After all, no team can play a full season with a lineup, not to mention that Vicenza will also play in the European Cup Winners' Cup this season, and it is easy to have main players.

Therefore, if Guidolin still wants to strive for results, it is imperative to add fresh blood.

Therefore, Vicenza's executives, who urgently need to strengthen the depth of the bench, made a decisive decision. They retrieved data from the part of the player database shared with them by the Florence Information Center overnight and studied it, preparing to screen out players that meet their needs in the shortest possible time.

Therefore, according to the information screened from Fiorentina's player database, Vicenza quickly completed several acquisitions while selling people in the transfer market.Argentine striker Diego Milito, who has Italian nationality, was transferred from Tenerife at a price of 400 million US dollars; Eric Abidal, who has just come out of the youth academy and has not yet played a professional game Freed to join Guidolin, the French left-back is more than happy with Vicenza as his career base; tired of returning home after a disappointing season at Paris Saint-Germain Okocha returned to this small city in northern Italy, and the Vicenza man spent four times as much as the main attacking midfielder of the Nigerian national team when he transferred to Paris for a high price of 1300 million US dollars after the World Cup in France. One-tenth, it can be said that this club in the French capital has been severely pitted.

Vicenza did not blindly introduce foreign aid. In addition to the aforementioned Milito and Okocha, they also introduced local players such as Cassetti and Marco Zanchi. These young talents were scouted by Fiorentina. They are quite optimistic about the existence, and Guidolin, who admires the vision of the Fiorentina scouts, naturally signed it without thinking.

Anyway, Vicenza got a lot of liquidity by selling players. Signing these unknown young people will not cost Guidolin much transfer budget. Therefore, even if only some of them can become talents in the end, the profits will be enough make up for current expenses.Some people may ask, if Vicenza took this opportunity to find some future superstars that Zhuang Mingge focused on, such as Ronaldinho or Kaka, who had just debuted at this time, and then made a move to buy them And cultivate talents, so that the strength soars and breaks away from Florence's control in one fell swoop, wouldn't that be a big deal?

With regard to this issue, Zhuang Mingge himself, and Karin and Rebecca who have been conscientiously advising him behind the scenes, naturally would not have imagined that they had already formulated corresponding countermeasures for this possible situation.

In fact, although Vicenza has the authority to view the player database established by Fiorentina, the managers of the information center only give them the right to view the profiles of those players whose potential rating is below three and a half stars.In other words, if the potential of these players is fully developed, at most they will be able to serve as a qualified main rotation player in a giant club. Therefore, even if Vicenza stays after they mature, they may become an unstoppable team in Serie A. An underestimated power will never be able to reach the level of competing for the league championship.

In this way, the huge gap in football status and strength between the two sides is enough for Vicenza to be a follower behind Florence in peace.

By the way, Diego Milito was originally classified as a four-star star, but Zhuang Mingge considered that Vicenza, which has lost Larson and Tony in a row, would not be able to rely on Di Natale and Lucarelli. In human terms, it is difficult to guarantee enough firepower when fighting on the third front, so people secretly lowered the Argentine's rating by half a star, and it is right to give the benefit of Vicenza, a follower.In the same way, the same is true for Abidal being selected by Vicenza, otherwise Guidolin would not be able to find this young defender who has not shown any performance in the official game.

Of course, Vicenza doesn't know this, so at best they think that Fiorentina's scouts are too cautious when observing players, and they are unwilling to give high evaluations easily... As for whether they will find Da Mili from them? Tuo and Abidal, who have three-and-a-half-star cloaks but actually have four-star potential, it depends on Vicenza's own ability.

After talking about Vicenza, which was almost scooped up by all kinds of powerful players and had to make a lot of money in the summer, let us take a look at the actions of other Serie A teams in the transfer market.

The first thing I want to say is that when the transfer door was just opened, the Red Wolf Roma, who spent a lot of money to get two forwards, Tony and Montella, in one go.

The reason why Roma will be so proactive in the transfer market this summer is mainly because they have achieved good results in recent years and have received huge TV broadcast fees.At the same time, with the improvement of the stadium environment and the continuous development of commercial surroundings, ticket revenue and commodity revenue have also increased significantly compared with before the reform.

It is these changes that have led to Roma getting a huge amount of liquidity when the club's shares have not yet been publicly listed, coupled with Franco Sensi's consistent large-scale injection of money into the club, making the transfer market this summer. , The Red Wolves unexpectedly became one of the focus teams in the transfer market!

And Lazio, who have been calling the shots in the transfer market for a long time, and the top three in the north are also unwilling to be lonely this summer. The ambitious Craniotti brought Diego Simeone and Veron to the Blue Eagles. The Argentine gang has grown further; Moratti followed the suggestion of the new coach Lippi to make repeated moves in the transfer market. At present, it has been confirmed that Real Madrid's main right back Panucci, Juventus goalkeeper Peruzzi, and Atletico Madrid have been introduced. Juventus, Moggi, who sold Peruzzi, quickly bought Dutch goalkeeper Van der Sar as a substitute, and at the same time from Anderlecht, Vicenza and Monaco and other Fiorentina Among the several satellite clubs under it, they paid a lot of money to buy young talents such as Tudor, Ambrosetti and Henry, and their book strength has increased.

As for AC Milan, although Galliani was intercepted by Fiorentina in the transfer of Shevchenko and Karadze, the arrival of Rebrov, Ambrosini and Koko has greatly improved The competitiveness of the Rossoneri.

It can be said that in this summer, all the teams aspiring to compete for the Serie A championship are desperately improving their strength, just to overthrow Fiorentina's five-year rule of the league trophy in the new season!


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