The Era of Emerald

Chapter 824 Galatasaray

ps: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here said that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets, right?We are here to thank everyone~ "Antonio, you guessed it right." When Heynckes and Zhuang Mingge walked out of the airport together, they saw a large group of Galatasaray fans waving various slogans and stern faces gathered in front of them. At that time, the German couldn't help sighing, and said, "I didn't expect the Turkish fans to be so crazy... If you hadn't vaccinated us in advance, I'm afraid this trick would be enough for those boys to suffer."

Hearing Heynckes' emotion, Zhuang Mingge smiled and remained silent. After all, he was able to know these things because it was knowledge from his previous life, and there was nothing to be proud of.The most important thing is that although Zhuang Mingge knows that the radicalism and madness of Galatasaray fans will sooner or later cause a big mess like in his previous life, but in the absence of real evidence, even he can't just rely on personal speculation. Report to Leeds United or UEFA that it is too dangerous to play in Turkey, and the visiting team should be asked to protect the players and fans who came with the team in advance.

If Zhuang Mingge really dared to do this, not only would his report not get the attention it deserved, but he himself would definitely be considered out of his mind. That's why Zhuang Mingge's heart was so heavy.After all, knowing that a tragedy will happen in the not-too-distant future, but he is powerless to stop it, no one will feel good about it.This is like if a citizen of the Celestial Dynasty travels back to the end of the Qing Dynasty, knowing that this land will endure half a century of suffering, but he has nothing to do about it. No one likes to see a series of tragedies on their own reenacted in front of you.

I hope that in next year's UEFA Cup, Leeds United will not draw the evil star of Galatasaray, Zhuang Mingge sighed inwardly, he was the last one to board the team bus, and went to the reserved hotel with the players.

Because before coming to Istanbul, Heynckes reminded every player who is going to play in Turkey with the team in accordance with Zhuang Mingge's instructions, informed them of the precautions for this away trip, and asked them to strictly abide by this One regulation.As for the Fiorentina fans who traveled with the team to Turkey, Zhuang Mingge asked the fans to act collectively during this period through an official announcement. The club will provide free accommodation for the fans and hire a professional security company to protect the hotel where the fans are staying.

At the beginning, the players didn't understand Zhuang Mingge's intentions and good intentions. After all, most of them have had many confrontations with Premier League teams. They have also seen the notorious English football player many times, but There was no danger at all, so although the players agreed with their mouths, they still didn't take it seriously in their hearts.However, within a few hours of arriving in Istanbul, the Fiorentina players changed their minds.

Because during the day when Fiorentina players were adapting to the field, Galatasaray fans ran to the stands to interfere with their training with unbearable abuse and shouts, and at the same time set off a lot of fireworks to fill the stadium with smoke. , forcing Fiorentina to terminate the training early after only one hour.

"The boss is really wise. If he hadn't asked the bus to wait for us at the exit of the stadium in advance, I'm afraid we can't do it right now." Sitting in the bus, Zambrotta said with a shocked expression on his face. I was quite frightened by the madness shown by the Galatasaray fans.

Deco and Hypia, who were sitting next to Zambrotta, nodded in agreement. Honestly, they have always stayed away from such violent incidents.

"What's the matter, can they really pounce on you and eat you?" As the leader of Florence's locker room, Effenberg naturally cannot make negative remarks like Zambrotta. He must stand up at this time to boost morale , "Guys, remember, even if these bastards really plan to use some tricks to keep you from playing, then they have to step over my dead body first!"

Effenberg's words played a very good role in stabilizing the morale of the army. After the German Tiger made a statement, Zambrotta and others finally controlled the panic and gradually returned to a normal state.

However, the big meal prepared by Galatasaray fans for the visiting team cannot be as simple as a mere interference with training. When it was time to go to bed at night, the Galatasaray fans who had been waiting outside the hotel where they stayed in Florence began to become active. Beating gongs and drums outside the hotel to make noise is a lively scene.

According to the words of a sketch in Zhuang Mingge's previous life, it's the sound of gongs, drums, firecrackers, red flags and crowds of people...

It's a pity that Fiorentina had already prepared for this trick against Galatasaray fans. Everyone brought a high-quality earmuff that Zhuang Mingo asked someone to go to sleep. In this way, even if the home team fans outside There's nothing wrong with making a fuss all night long!

Although the fans outside the hotel were crazy enough, they were not fools after all. After making noise for more than an hour, no one came out to express their protest and dissatisfaction with their behavior of making noise. These fanatical supporters of Galatasaray Naturally, they realized that the other party had already broken the difficulty they created.

"Hey, Boss, it seems that these Italians have been prepared for a long time, and the noise we are making now has no effect on them!" Outside the hotel, a person who looked like the leader of a Galatasaray fan organization walked towards him. The walkie-talkie shouted, "Do you think it's time for the brothers to retreat temporarily and save their energy for tomorrow's game?"

"What stupid things are you talking about?!" On the other side of the walkie-talkie, the man called the boss seemed very dissatisfied with the incompetence of these younger brothers, and shouted angrily, "Are you all idiots? Do you still have brains? Since the volume doesn’t work at this level, please find a way to make more noise! ​​Go to the nearby electrical store to see if there are any high-power speakers, and you can’t let these Italians rest alright!"

"No problem, boss! I'll do it now!" The little boss here was shocked when he heard the words, and his brain immediately became much better. "I remembered, it seems that I have a relative who runs an electrical store. I I remember that there seems to be a tweeter in his place, so it’s a good time to use it at this time!”

"Then what are you doing here? Hurry up and get it!" The boss ordered, and the little boss had to rush to move the tweeter he had only heard of from his relatives. Come……

Then, something happened that Zhuang Mingge didn't expect. After discovering that ordinary noise pollution had no effect at all, these frenzied Galatasaray fans managed to create a more powerful weapon!


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