The Era of Emerald

Chapter 827 Galatasaray

ps: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here said that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets, right?We are here to thank everyone~ When the media announced UEFA's punishment for Galatasaray, the entire European football world was in an uproar!

Although football corruption is something that no matter which country hates and punishes severely, it is the first time that UEFA has not tolerated it, and it can even be said that it has severely cracked down with a thunderous force.

No one thought that such a seemingly clever move by the Galatasaray fans would attract such a heavy fine from UEFA... A fine of [-] US dollars is not so important, but the Ali Samiyan Stadium was banned Fans have been banned from entering the venue for five consecutive European matches, which means that the home court advantage that Galatasaray Club is most proud of will disappear in the next Champions League match!

The Galatasaray club can be said to be crying at this time. They themselves knew the actions of those extreme fan organizations, but they did not send people out to stop them at the time, but turned a blind eye. With a mentality of watching a joke, he acted as an onlooker on the sidelines.After all, the Fiorentina players do not have a good rest, which is very good for them to win a victory at home.The result is good now, because this incident led to a five-match ban at home by UEFA. The Galatasaray club, which was still secretly laughing, couldn't laugh in an instant.Because this not only means that in the next three Champions League group matches at home, Galatasaray will have to face the embarrassing situation that its own fans cannot enter the stadium to watch the game, thus losing a lot of ticket revenue and Other benefits, but also lose one of its most powerful weapons against visiting players, which is the atmosphere of terror at home in hell!

Many experts and the media believe that Beckenbauer's UEFA is using this extremely tough way to express their attitude towards punishing racial discrimination and fans deliberately causing trouble, thereby purifying the three major European cups directly under the jurisdiction of UEFA. The atmosphere of the stadium allows players to go to away games with more confidence, without worrying about being maliciously harassed by local fans or even endangering their personal safety.

And if UEFA does not punish Galatasaray severely this time, it will send out a very bad signal, and soon most teams in Europe will act to create all sorts of problems for the visiting team, overtly and secretly. All kinds of troubles and difficulties.Therefore, for the UEFA Disciplinary Committee, even if there is no Beckenbauer secretly urging behind the scenes, after receiving the complaint from Fiorentina, they will resolve the incident as quickly as possible, because it is related to The prestige of UEFA and the future of European football cannot help but be ignored by them.

After receiving this heavy fine, the Galatasaray fans were still smart and did not make an irrational move of rushing into the stadium against the ban-because such a move would not help at all, and would only make Ou The Football Federation has become even more furious. Waiting for Galatasaray's punishment will not be as simple as a home ban. It is very likely that it will become a European ban that lasts for more than one year!

You know, even AC Milan, which was so powerful in European football back then, was severely punished by UEFA, which was controlled by Johansson at the time, for a one-year suspension from European competitions because of a strike in the middle of the Champions League, which made it a record at that time. The Rossoneri, which has an astonishing record of winning the championship undefeated this season, had to stay away from the European arena at its peak, leaving a big regret.

Even a top giant like AC Milan paid such a huge price for its irrational behavior, and Galatasaray obviously couldn't afford the consequences of further escalation of the conflict.After all, although this club can be regarded as the top player in Turkey, it is nothing in the European football where there are strong players. Once it is banned from participating in the European competition, Galatasaray will soon lose its other players. The attraction to many aging stars will also be surpassed by rivals such as Fenerbahce and Besiktas in China, and they will lose their original dominance.

Therefore, facing the home ban announced by UEFA, even if Galatasaray fans have 1 unwillingness in their hearts, they can only accept it honestly instead of choosing a more intense confrontation.

Although Galatasaray's coach Trim said in an interview with reporters before the game that UEFA's punishment will not have any impact on him and his players, he has sufficient confidence to lead the team to victory over Fiorentina This powerful opponent let the Italians know how powerful Turkish football is.But anyone with a discerning eye can see that after losing the most terrifying home atmosphere in Europe, Galatasaray's qualifying situation in this group may have become very difficult.

In fact, even if Galatasaray has the strength to break through the siege, I am afraid that UEFA will secretly stumbling it, so that this thorn will quickly disappear from the Champions League!

With the home advantage almost gone, Trim did not announce surrender in advance, but dealt out the best card in his hand.Hakan Suker, Haji, Popescu, Taffarel and other famous football players, as well as local rising stars with unlimited potential such as Emre and Okan, have all entered Trim's starting list.It seems that the Galatasaray coach who has the domineering nickname of "Emperor" still has expectations in his heart at this moment, hoping that the players can explode in a small universe under adversity and kill this hateful opponent in front of him !

Looking at Fiorentina, although the players did not get enough rest last night, after learning that the culprit, Galatasaray, was punished as they should be, this booster produced by UEFA can be said to be Greatly boosted their morale!Driven by Effenberg, the Fiorentina players are gearing up one after another, preparing to show their talents in the game to avenge last night!

In this game, Heynckes formed a four-four-two formation: the goalkeeper is still Toldo, the defense, Nesta and Stam continue to partner in the central defense, Carlos and Di Livio are in charge. The starting full-back, Zambrotta's flustered performance in the face of the offensive created by the Galatasaray fans yesterday made the Germans a little afraid to trust him; The field is dual-core, Makelele is responsible for sweeping the midfield, the Swede Ljungberg is the wing assaulter, and Di Livio behind him supports Fiorentina's right-hand offense and defense; on the forward line, the alien Ronaldo Played together with Vieri, Shevchenko and Inzaghi sat on the bench at any time.

In this way, when the players from both sides took their positions in the silent Ali Samyan Stadium, the referee blew the whistle to start the game, announcing that the game without fans came to the scene to watch the game officially began!


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