The Era of Emerald

Chapter 840 Devil’s Schedule

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The victory over AC Milan at home made Heynckes breathe a sigh of relief, although the German knew that with Viola's current player configuration, it was almost impossible for AC Milan's silky lineup to take away a game from him. Victory, but there is an old saying that is good, it is called careful sailing for ten thousand years, and Zaccheroni's title of attacking lunatic makes Heynckes somewhat apprehensive.

To be honest, a head coach like Heynckes who follows the rules step by step and likes to take everything into consideration is most afraid of this kind of guy who doesn't play cards according to common sense.Because you can't guess what the other party will do next. Maybe most of the adjustments don't have any good effects, but as long as you get it right once, it's enough to drink a pot.

So, don't look at this game from beginning to end as if it was AC Milan's blind onslaught, but was taught a lesson by Fiorentina's highly targeted and quick counterattack.In fact, if Weah and Bierhoff, the two veterans, go crazy tonight and get back to their peak state, then Fiorentina, who are playing at home, may really be suppressed by AC Milan's offense. But it was a completely different scene.

That's why Heynckes felt lucky after the game, saying that thanks to Zaccheroni's gamble not being successful, Weah and Bierhoff are still in poor condition, otherwise Florence might really be stabbed. Cheroni's unreasonable trick disrupted the original tactical arrangement - in Heynckes' guess, the Germans originally thought that Zaccheroni would send the younger Leonardo or Sergi Neo, the performance of these two Brazilians in the game is not worse than that of the Liberian striker, and the stability is also better... But the result is that Zaccheroni just put Weah, who Heynckes is least optimistic about. Entering the starting lineup really caught the Germans by surprise.

"I really don't understand what's going on in Zaccheroni's head..." Heynckes, who finished the post-match press conference, thought in his heart while heading to the exit of the stadium, "Even if Weah He recovered briefly in the second half of last season, but at his current age, Leonardo and Serginho, who are in a more stable state, are the most able to provide Milan with immediate combat power. Why is this so? Trust that Liberian?"

Not to mention that Heynckes couldn't figure it out, even the people inside AC Milan were also very puzzled by it.For this reason, Galliani even communicated with Zaccheroni on this issue after the team lost to Fiorentina, and conveyed the warning from Berlusconi to the coach, to the effect that But if he can't lead the team to a satisfactory ranking in the league this season, then just ask him to find another job next summer!

Let's talk about the situation of Zaccheroni, who lost his job because of his poor record, and now turn the topic back to Florence.

Six days later, at the Olympic Stadium in Rome, Fiorentina players came here, ready to challenge Lazio, one of the two bosses of this eternal capital!

Like Fiorentina, who are aiming to win the championship, the ambitious Lazio has made a lot of moves in the summer transfer market.Craniotti, who spent a lot of money, dug up their midfielder Veron from Parma, giving the Blue Eagles a qualitative leap in midfield creativity; Argentine midfielder Diego Simeone transferred from Inter Milan. At the same time, the arrival of Inzaghi Jr. gave Eriksson more choices in the forward line, and also made Crewe, who was still arguing about the starting position before, Si and Salas realized the club's dissatisfaction with the two of them destroying the atmosphere of the team's locker room, so that the competition between the two returned to an acceptable range, rather than the extremely tragic and vicious competition like last season .

In this game, as the coaches of both sides, Heynckes and Eriksson can be said to have worked hard. Not only did they send the strongest lineup at hand, but they also racked their brains in terms of tactical arrangements before the game. While guessing what kind of tactics and lineup the opponent will use, on the other hand, thinking about how to respond and adjust tactics to better restrain the opponent...

In the end, the German, who had considered for a long time, decided to stay the same and use his best tactics to deal with Lazio. After all, Heynckes has now initially integrated his football thinking with Florence's previous tactical system. If the style of play is changed, it may lead to some low-level mistakes in the game due to the players not adapting to the new tactics.

Let me introduce the starting lineups of the two teams for this game. For Fiorentina, the goalkeeper is still Italy's No. [-] national goalkeeper Toldo; Fans hailed as the partner of the world's No. [-] central defender combination. As for Nesta's original partner Ferrara, although he is still a very reliable defender after recovering from a broken leg, he has slipped from the peak It will be difficult for him to be like before; Di Livio will be the right back, while Roberto Carlos will continue to occupy the throne of the starting left back. The team has no problem playing him back-to-back if needed.

The starting midfielder is a four-man combination of Redondo, Makelele, Effenberg and Gattuso. This midfield configuration can be said to be both offensive and defensive. There is nothing except that the offensive ability of the wing is a little worse. It's a shortcoming, but with Carlos and Zambrotta as sidewalk players, this weakness in Fiorentina's midfield is not considered a weakness.

On the forward line, Vieri and Shevchenko got the chance to start this time. The combination of the strength of the former and the speed of the latter is enough to make any team's head coach have a headache for them!

Looking at the home team Lazio, the starting goalkeeper arranged by Eriksson is Marchegiani. Although this old goalkeeper has not been called by the national team several times, it is only because he was born in Italy, a country rich in top goalkeepers. , if you switch to other countries, such as England or France, it is estimated that there will be no such thing as Seaman and Barthez...

On the defense line, Favalli, Sansini, Grandoni and Negro lined up. Although they are not as famous as those defenders in Florence, they are all powerful players in Serie A, especially Grandoni, after Nesta was poached by Zhuang Mingge in advance, this young central defender embarked on a path completely different from history, and has now grown into the new captain of the Blue Eagles.

It can be said that with the maturity of Grandoni, Lazio's defense did not suffer any loss because Nesta was poached in advance by Zhuang Mingge, because the former can fully make up for this loss!


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