The Era of Emerald

Chapter 844 Devil’s Schedule

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Just when Karin and Zhuang Minge were discussing in a silent voice how to turn Lazio around, Fiorentina scored again: Carlos, who broke out suddenly, dribbled the ball on the left and passed Consicao and Negella in succession. Afterwards, Luo made a pass with his left foot, and Vieri, who followed up in the center, soared into the air, pressing down on the two central defenders of San Sini and Grandoni to complete a high-altitude bombing!

The ball flying over the Lazio penalty area was hit by Vieri's head, and immediately changed direction and went straight to the Blue Eagles' gate!

Although Lazio goalkeeper Marchegiani made a save at the first time, he had no choice but to stand a little far away before. In addition, Vieri controlled the shooting angle very well. The Fiorentina center hit the ball. In the completely opposite direction to Marchegiani, the 34-year-old goalkeeper could only watch the ball fly into the gate behind him!

Three to zero!Vieri's second goal of the game has almost sealed the victory for Fiorentina!However, Vieri's goal seems to have allowed Lazio to completely throw away the heavy mental burden before. In their view, they have already conceded three goals anyway. Instead of continuing to be conservative and eventually lose the game In the game, it is better to let go and fight hard, let Florence see the courage of Lazio!

It has to be said that until this time, Eriksson has not completely erased the influence that Zeman brought to the Blue Eagles. Although the Czech has already picked up the coach of the rival Rome next door, the spirit he instilled in the Blue Eagles This crazy factor did not completely disappear with his departure.You know, the backbone of the team such as Grandoni, Negro, and Nedved all grew up under the banner of Zeman. They are deeply influenced by the Czech coach and naturally have such courage to refuse to admit defeat. .

Therefore, once Lazio falls into adversity in the game, these "legacy" left by Zeman to the Blue Eagles will show their true value and rescue the team from the predicament!Regardless of the effect, people will realize over time that there are still such a group of Predator in the Lazio team who are usually not visible, but can all come forward at critical moments!

Before the re-kick-off, Eriksson made substitution adjustments: the mediocre Salas was replaced, and the old Fiorentina player Julio Cruz came on as a substitute for the Chilean; Kovic came on to replace Consicao, and it seemed that the Swede couldn't stand the Portuguese winger's lack of defense.In this way, after the game restarted, the Lazio players did not give the Fiorentina players time to react, and no matter how they controlled the rhythm, they all rushed up to participate in the attack as soon as the referee whistled!

"What a bunch of lunatics..." Although he has already become the core of the team in terms of tactics, Veron is only a newcomer after all. Like the traditional attacking midfielder, he pursues to control the rhythm of the game first and then slowly find the weaknesses of the opponent's defense. He has not been tempered by Zeman, so it is difficult to understand Nedved's thoughts.

However, although he didn't understand the performance of these teammates, Veron still cooperated and stayed behind, ready to help Simeone sort out the backcourt.The Argentine wizard clearly knows that this is his biggest role now. After all, he is slow and easy to delay the rhythm. It is not suitable for him to charge forward with his teammates at this time.

At the same time, all the Fiorentina players who saw Lazio's desperate posture couldn't help being stunned for a moment, thinking that the head coach of this group of guys is not the Swede who seeks stability in everything, why now it looks more like Zeman That attacking lunatic seems possessed by his soul?

As a result of the players being stunned, they took the initiative to create an excellent opportunity for the Lazio players to drive the ball straight into their own hinterland!

So, when the Fiorentina players finally reacted, they were surprised to find that Nedved had taken this opportunity to dribble the ball to the top of the penalty area!

Fiorentina players are well aware of Nedved's long-range shooting skills, so no one wants to let this Czech iron man hit the goal in this very dangerous position.However, when Gattuso rushed over to interfere with the opponent's shooting action, Nedved took the first step and swung his left foot 20 meters away from the goal, which was a powerful volley!

Nedved's shot was of high quality, and the fast ball almost scratched the turf and went straight to the far corner of the goal. Therefore, when Toldo hurriedly made a sideways save to the ground, he was about to save the ball out of the baseline At that time, the ball had already crossed the goal line and rubbed against the net behind Toldo violently!

One to three!Less than 2 minutes after Vieri's goal, Lazio pulled back a victory with Nedved's long shot on the ground!

Nedved's goal greatly enhanced the confidence of the Lazio players, and at the same time let them see the hope of breaking through the defense line that had made them extremely desperate before.Therefore, in the following time, the Lazio people completely handed over the defensive work to Simeone, Grandoni and Sansini, the midfielders and central defenders, and the rest began to attack more desperately, intending to With this momentum, turn the tables in one fell swoop!

Although Heynckes, who realized that the situation was not right, made continuous adjustments, allowing Effenberg, Vieri and others to strengthen the pressure on Lazio's backcourt players, trying to stabilize the somewhat out-of-control situation, but the position on the field Veron, who retreated, played his role very well. The Argentine wizard's skillful dribbling skills made the pressing of Tiger and others useless.

The reason why Fiorentina was so embarrassingly beaten by Lazio's punches in the second half was because the Blue Eagles' move was beyond their expectations and they were caught off guard by their opponents; the main reason was that , Nesta, the core of their defense, was directly kicked over by Inzaghi Jr. in the process of defending him. After being diagnosed by the team doctor, Nesta strained his ankle ligament when he fell to the ground, and he had to leave the field immediately to accept treat!

Nesta's accidental injury disrupted Fiorentina's defensive system to a large extent. Although Ferrara, who came off the bench, is also a good defender, he obviously cannot replace Nesta's role in Fiorentina's defensive system.After all, not everyone has the ability to withstand the combined impact of Salas and Inzaghi Jr. on their own.

The house leak happened to rain overnight. After Nesta left the field due to injury, Cruz, who came off the bench, once again showed his great power as a substitute surprise soldier. The Argentine played head-to-head for more than half an hour. Kick scored two goals in a row, helping the Blue Eagles chase the score to a three-to-three tie!

In this way, when the whole game ended, Lazio, who staged a crazy offensive battle in the second half, finally drew [-]-[-] at the Olympic Stadium. The suffocating stormy onslaught completes the Jedi counterattack!


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