ps1: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here said that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets?We are here thank you~

ps2: Here I would like to thank the book friend "zzllss" for the reward.

"Although we didn't draw the weakest Marseilles and Bordeaux, but fortunately, our opponent in the top sixteen this time is not Valencia, otherwise it would be a bit troublesome." Zhuang Mingge, who walked out of the draw ceremony, said to Karin and Groz Jr. said, "It seems that our luck is not particularly bad. Although Chelsea is a difficult opponent, it is much better than meeting Valencia..."

"Antonio, I've heard you say it several times since just now, why do you think it's better for us to play against Chelsea than Valencia?" Little Groz felt a little strange about Zhuang Mingge's judgment, and said asked, "Although Chelsea is not a traditional powerhouse in England, their development momentum has been quite good in the past two years. Not only has they won the League Cup once, but they have also reached the final of the Cup Winners' Cup. Well-known stars such as La, Poyet, De Houyer. No matter how you look at it, it is the most difficult to deal with among these six options?"

"Uh..." Zhuang Mingge couldn't help but be speechless when asked by Groz Jr. He couldn't say that he valued Valencia so much just because this team had made it all the way to the Champions League final this season. Are Redondo and Raul, who are at their peak, working together to teach people?

Of course, Zhuang Mingge couldn't say that, unless he wanted to be sent to the hospital for treatment by Little Groz and the others as mentally abnormal.

According to common sense.Groz Jr.’s opinion is the most in line with the outside world. After all, Chelsea has been able to make a round of the European arena every year in the past few seasons. If you are lucky, you can also give people some surprises. There are also many familiar players in the team. star; look at Valencia again, the Bat Corps has been in the middle of the league for most of the past years, that is, last season under the leadership of Ranieri, it won the fourth place in the league. A place in the Champions League... So, no matter how you look at it, Chelsea look to be a step up from Valencia.

Realizing his slip of the tongue, Zhuang Mingge quickly used his brain to find a reason that sounded logical: "Well, in fact, Valencia's player allocation is not much worse than Chelsea's. They have Claudio Lopez on the front line. There are even more powerful players such as Keeley Gonzalez, Mendieta, Farinos and Herald on the field, and there are also experienced veterans such as Angloma and Djukic on the defense line. The position is the former Real Madrid goalkeeper Canizares, whose combat effectiveness can be said to be considerable. The most important thing is that Valencia's current coach Cooper is the one who led Mallorca to the Cup Winners' Cup final last season Guy, he is a head coach who advocates defensive and counterattack tactics. This tactic can just make Valencia's players play their best. In this respect, he is much better than Chelsea's fledgling Vialli gone."

Hearing Zhuang Mingge's eloquent speech, Karin and Groz Jr. felt that what the other party said was indeed very reasonable. After all, they had been in contact with football for a long time. Whether it was the former who was more professional or the latter who entered the game as a blind player, both It is clear that having a coach suitable for the team is far more valuable than a few stars-the latter may allow you to sell more tickets, but the former can make the team's performance better!

It is a simple fact that the income is guaranteed only when the results are good. After all, who would want to watch a team that always loses?

After the lottery ceremony, Zhuang Minge took Karin and Groz Jr. to the Maldives for vacation, planning to spend the last Christmas and the last day of the 20th century there, and return to work after the league restarts.

Nothing special happened in the last few days of the 20th century, except for one Y[-]K problem that made the world tense and worth paying attention to, namely Carlos Roa's disturbance last year is worth mentioning: As the main goalkeeper of the Argentine national team, Roa actually announced his retirement when his career was still at the peak. The reason was actually for his religious beliefs and to avoid the coming disaster of extinction!

Although Luo Ah's actions made many people feel very puzzled, since he has no opinion personally, then others are just watching this incident, and there is nothing to regret.

In fact, the most unlucky thing about this matter is the Mallorca club where Roa played. This island team lost their main goalkeeper without preparation. This is a small business that needs to rely on reselling players to maintain operations. For the club, it is undoubtedly a double blow on the two levels of competition and economy.

After the New Year, the Fiorentina players who spent a Christmas vacation returned to the team as scheduled, and under the supervision of the coaching staff, they re-entered the intense and orderly preparation work, striving to win the first game of the new century. The next victory will give the team a good start!

In particular, Effenberg and Vieri, who only won a bronze ball award in the selection of the World Footballer and the European Ballon d'Or, are even more motivated. The result of being taken away by Rivaldo made them I feel very dissatisfied, so I just want to perform well in the next game, and let those who voted for Rivaldo see who is more qualified to win the Golden Globe Award!

In fact, if Beckham won the award, Vieri and the others wouldn't have such a big opinion. After all, he won the Triple Crown at Manchester United, and they can't compare with them in terms of honor.But what does Rivaldo have?There is only one La Liga champion!

Even if Rivaldo is reelected, it is useless. Whoever makes Fiorentina more fierce, has won five consecutive Serie A titles.Furthermore, when judging a European Ballon d'Or, the America's Cup winner should not be included!

As a result, when these two guys got excited, Florence's first opponent in the New Year, Lecce, was in bad luck.Driven by Vieri and Effenberg, Fiorentina players played a very good level in this game.Throughout the game, the Fiorentina players kept running under the leadership of the two and looked for opportunities to launch an offensive. The beautiful and simple pass and cut cooperation made the Lecce players hard to guard against!

On the defensive end, they were also very active. Vieri even retreated to his own half to intercept a pass from Lecce during the game. At that time, the audience was stunned. A star at Vieri's level is willing to put down his body and do this kind of hard work?

Although the Lecce players also performed quite actively in the game and tried to resist in the way of attack and attack, they were still captured by Fiorentina: Vieri scored twice, Efenbo With one pass and one shot, Fiorentina won the home team with three goals in the away game, and won a good start to the new year!

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