The Era of Emerald

Chapter 859 When the meeting is in progress

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"My, are you all misunderstanding something?" Looking at these guys who kept saying they wanted to use legal weapons to protect their rights and interests, Zhuang Mingge had no choice but to stand up at this time to calm down these short-sighted and easily hot-headed guys, " Chairman Perot didn't mean that. He just wanted to find a way to further enhance the attractiveness of Serie A. However, the wording may be a bit inappropriate, which led to unnecessary misunderstanding of his ideas. Why don't Chairman Perot explain it to us in detail now..."

"I don't agree! I don't agree!" The representatives of these clubs obviously didn't notice that it was Zhuang Mingge who was speaking, and they were still shouting loudly in their respective positions, abruptly interrupting Zhuang Mingge's words.

Or, some of them have heard it, but they are deliberately pretending not to hear it.After all, they are not fools. When Perot made this suggestion, they had already vaguely guessed the idea of ​​​​the Football Association, which is to make the game more beneficial to the offensive side and force the Serie A teams to give up the current increasingly conservative approach. Instead of boring tactical play, he followed the changes in the rules and strengthened the offense, thus making the game more enjoyable.Instead of being like now, many league games are even boring to the point where the fans at the scene are drowsy and unable to cheer up!

In the eyes of representatives of these Chinese clubs who pay more attention to immediate interests, if the Italian Football Association really intends to make the game more enjoyable, so as to enact more rules that are beneficial to the offensive side, or simply order the referee to enforce the game In the process of being more inclined to the active offensive side, it is quite unfavorable news for them.

After all, if these Chinese teams can still put up defensive counterattacks or even iron barrel formations to fight for points when facing giants like Fiorentina, then when the Italian Football Association makes such adjustments and changes, let the game start against the offensive team. When it becomes more and more favorable, it means that they will lose one of their own trump cards!

And if they follow this change and strengthen their offense, these people feel from the bottom of their hearts that their team will definitely be beaten by those strong teams without any power to fight back!

Therefore, for his own benefit, the chairman of Turin stood up at the first time and deliberately turned the focus of the topic to the Football Association's interference with the club's freedom, trying to force the Football Association to dispel this idea in this way.

However, these Chinese club representatives who are huddling together and shouting loudly obviously forgot a very important point, that is, although they have a large number of people, the right to speak in this meeting is actually not in their hands. The domestic giants are the key figures to determine whether this plan can be passed!

Seeing that these people in front of him were so ignorant, Zhuang Mingge's face darkened, and he reminded sullenly: "Chairman Mattres, I remember that there will be a match against Barry tomorrow, right? Should I give Hein now?" Make a phone call from Coach Kex, tell him to be serious, and see if your defense in Barry can really cause trouble for my Fiorentina?"

"No...uh! Chairman Corleone!" Hearing the threat hidden in Zhuang Mingge's words, Mattrez, who was shouting vigorously with the others, quickly stopped shouting slogans and said with a flattering smile, " Haha, look at what you said, Chairman Corleone, you really think too highly of me. How can a club like our Barry be the opponent of Florence? You have a lot of adults, so please don’t worry about my unintentional mistake this time. lose."

Although Barry used to be known as a "giant killer" in Italian football, after a relegation trip, Barry, who was not as strong as before, was obviously unable to cause enough trouble for Fiorentina.For the current Barry, taking advantage of Fiorentina's underestimation of the enemy or distracting other games to steal a point is success.If the serious Violet beat up the team at home because of offending Zhuang Mingge here, then Mattrez, the chairman of Barry, would be ashamed...

Furthermore, the Florence chairman in front of him has the background of the Corleone family, and his power in Italy is naturally not comparable to the role of Mattres; He also participated in the Asian financial crisis in [-]... that is, as long as the other party wants to, he can make Mattres go bankrupt instantly and spend the rest of his life in poverty without his own help!

"So, regarding the topic just now, Chairman Mattres, you! Now! Here! Do you have any comments?" Looking at Mattres, who was already sweating profusely, Zhuang Mingge, whose anger had not completely dissipated, had no plans Let go of the other party easily and ask word by word.

"Uh..." Although he knew that this was a big man he couldn't afford to offend, Mattres hesitated for a moment because of the immediate interests. After all, this decision by the Football Association might affect Barry's vital interests. A million dollar event!

Mr. Marx is absolutely right. In the face of huge enough interests, capitalists will definitely ignore all possible risk factors, even if this crisis is right in front of their eyes...

Mattres' hesitation immediately aroused Zhuang Mingge's dissatisfaction: "Why, Chairman Mattres, do you have any other ideas?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Seeing the obvious dissatisfaction of the big man in front of him, Mattres couldn't help but shudder, and quickly replied, "Chairman Corleone, we Barry have no objection to this at all! "

It wasn't until this time that the representatives of other Chinese football clubs who had been clamoring for joy before reacted, and at the same time, they finally noticed the smug voice from Moratti, Moggi, and Galliani and other football bigwigs. With a warning look in his eyes, he quickly and covertly glanced at the cold sweating Mattres, and suddenly realized that an agreement had been reached between the Football Association and these giants, and they were simply kept in the dark by these big shots !

So, each of these people turned into ostriches, buried their heads deeply and remained silent.

"Ahaha, it seems that this is all a misunderstanding. It is my inappropriate statement that caused so many people to express their objections. Those who don't know are not surprised, please let Chairman Corleone let Chairman Mattres go this time. Just treat me as an old man, please stop worrying about these things."

At this time, Chairman Perot, who was watching half the show, finally jumped out, smoothed things over with a smile, and said, "Now that the misunderstanding has been cleared up, let me ask again. There are still people who have objections to this." ?"

Fuck me, Perot, you old fox, knowing that those giant clubs are in the same trenches as you, you actually dug such a big hole to trap us!At this moment, the representatives of the ballot club were all scolding the extremely cunning Perot in their hearts, and they didn't remember that this was the result of their own initiative.



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