The Era of Emerald

Chapter 861 When the meeting is in progress

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"Since we are not required to increase the quota for local players in the first team, what do you mean, Chairman Perot?" Hearing Perot's answer, Galliani was also a little confused. Could it be that the Chairman of the Football Association His head was cramping, why did it give him a feeling of inconsistency?It is required to increase the training of local players, and they are not required to increase the number of local players in the first team. In this way, how can they complete the goal requested by Perot?

Galliani does not think that this goal can be achieved simply by relying on the current youth league.After all, it was just a confrontation between the youth teams belonging to [-] Serie A clubs. There were no old fritters and old football ruffians that caused headaches on the court. The players generally lacked experience in professional competitions; It also lacks the intense physical confrontation and variety of moves in the senior team game.The combination of these factors has made many young stars who shine in the youth league very uncomfortable after being transferred to the professional league, and it will take a long time to temper in the professional league to provide the team with the necessary combat power.

For the increasingly competitive Serie A, what each team lacks most at present is to give these rookies the opportunity to play and exercise.Because these inexperienced players have a high probability of making mistakes and causing the team to lose points, this has formed a vicious circle... because the players lack experience and strength, they have few opportunities to play, and the lack of professional game training leads to their accumulation. Without much experience, it is difficult for them to improve their strength... If this cycle continues, unless this player is willing to change jobs and transfer to a team that is willing to give him the main position, it is only a matter of time before he is abolished.

There are very few young people like Nesta and Owen who can secure the main position in one fell swoop as soon as they enter the first team. Most of them gradually accumulate strength and become famous after wandering in low-level leagues or some underdogs for a period of time. , Only then did he have the opportunity to land in a powerful team.

Therefore, relying on the current so-called youth league alone will not be able to train players who meet professional standards, let alone use it as a training base for newcomers.

"Uh, everyone, I think so." Perot also felt that if he continued to go around in circles like this, someone might misread something extra, so he said straightforwardly, "My idea is to learn from Germany. Like Spain, every Serie A club has the right to form a second team to participate in the professional league! However, there are some restrictions. For example, like Spain, the second team cannot be in the same league as the first team, and the newly formed The second team must start from the third league...Of course, I will not require all Serie A teams to form a second team. This is your freedom. If anyone thinks it is necessary, please submit the application before the end of this season , we can also arrange the schedule here.”

"Well, that's a really good idea." This time the speaker was replaced by Franco Sensi. After all, Rome's youth training has always been very strong, and the old Sensi often worried about how to train newcomers. "In this way, Not only can the potential rookies of each team have more opportunities to participate in professional games, but it can also solve the problem that players need to re-adapt tactics after being promoted to the first team by keeping the second team and the first team in a consistent style of play system problem."

Old Sensi's views were naturally endorsed by all the representatives of the rich clubs, while the representatives of the middle and lower teams generally had no interest in it. After all, if there were really good seedlings, they would definitely be promoted to the first team as soon as possible to focus on training. Kung fu allowed them to start slowly from the second team?That is to say, those wealthy clubs with too many high-quality resources will have the capital to set up a second team to train young players who have not yet turned their potential into strength.

Therefore, with the strong support of the major clubs, Perot's second proposal was successfully passed.

When the conference was announced to be over, representatives of the seven Serie A sisters, including Florence and Rome, unexpectedly submitted an application to Perot for the establishment of the second team, and planned to call up manpower to open up the second battlefield as soon as they returned.In addition, Vicenza and Udinese, two teams that rely on human trafficking for their livelihood, also submitted applications to the Football Association. They obviously intend to cultivate a huge reserve army through the second team. After buying the first team players, they can directly fill the vacancy by drawing people from the second team.

"Hehe, these short-sighted guys will regret their actions sooner or later." Zhuang Mingge laughed secretly in his heart when he found out that only representatives from nine teams had submitted applications to form the second team, including himself. road.He finally understands that if he wants to keep the Serie A league at its peak in the World Cup, he really can't count on these pig teammates who can only cheat people.

After all, with a lot of TV revenue as a base, even the bottom of the Serie A standings can spend a lot of money to acquire stars.Think about it, if this kind of investment can last for a few years, I am afraid that these teams may not have enough playing time for the young people in the youth team, let alone other teams?In this way, a second team that can be used to adapt young players to the professional league is quite important.

Closer to home, after returning to Florence from the Football Association headquarters, the news of the team's victory made Zhuang Mingge's already good mood even more comfortable!

In the No.17 round of Serie A that ended at the end of the weekend, Fiorentina, who sit at home, ushered in this round of opponents, Bari. Has been firmly in the middle and lower reaches of the standings, but has not been threatened with relegation.

However, compared with Fiorentina, who ranks first in the list, Barry's strength is obviously not enough. The Fiorentina player who is playing at home and has plenty of physical strength did not give this opponent much chance to perform. The angry Vieri even let the fans appreciate the demeanor of a top shooter in the game. While performing a good show of scoring four goals alone, he also raised his league goals this season to ten. Seven - Seventeen league goals have been scored in the Serie A league just in the past half, and Vieri has shown people his powerful scoring ability!

In the end, Fiorentina beat Barry four-to-one at the Frankie Stadium, and won the Serie A half-time championship with an absolute advantage of 44 points!



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