The Era of Emerald

Chapter 881 Lazio

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On the court, Lazio, who took the lead to kick off, was not in a hurry to launch an attack. They knew how sharp Fiorentina's counterattack was, and they naturally couldn't give their opponents a chance to easily steal.Seeing Pirlo and Shevchenko approaching their positions, Veron decisively passed the ball back with a clean kick and passed the ball to Diego Simeone behind him-as the leader of the Lazio team. The number one playmaker, the Argentine wizard is obviously preparing to fight a protracted battle with Fiorentina in this game.

The reason why Veron chose this way is, on the one hand, because the head coach Eriksson arranged it for them before the game started.After all, the powerful power of Shevchenko and Inzaghi is more reflected in the counterattack, and their ability to break dense defenses is far inferior to Vieri.Without the containment and ball handling of the Italian center, Sheva and Pipo would have to spend several times more effort than usual to get the space to shoot!

Therefore, after learning that Vieri, the big killer of positional warfare, was not included in the starting list, the Swedes immediately changed their original combat strategy, and gave the players the order to secure their defense first and then wait for an opportunity to counterattack. Order!Veron, who has a high golf quotient, naturally understood this instruction from the head coach, and carried it out well after the game started!

As for another reason for Veron's choice, it is mainly because of the restrictions on the configuration of Lazio's starting lineup for this game.Although Nedved and Stankovic have the signs of full-backs and their strengths are considered top-notch, their offensive power is more reflected in their tireless running and powerful long-range shots.Compared with Consicao's pure wingers who can forcibly break through opponents with their speed, they are not only inferior in speed, but also their dribbling skills are only average. It is difficult to rely on personal ability to break through Zambrotta And Karadze's defense, thus tearing a hole in Florence's defense.

Therefore, due to the general lack of breakthrough ability of teammates in the frontcourt and the tactical arrangement of the head coach, it is naturally impossible for Veron to choose to attack Fiorentina's defense line.In this way, Lazio can get more opportunities for quick counterattacks-Veron's pass is notoriously accurate, and the Argentine wizard's wide passing vision ensures that he can send a scalpel-like pass in the first time while Nedved and Stankovic's speed is mediocre, but their off-ball running awareness and physical confrontation ability are first-class, so although they are not suitable for any forced breakthrough, if they pass and cut If you cooperate, it is still a good hand.

Therefore, after receiving the pass from Veron, the Lazio players began to keep their feet in the backcourt, attracting the Fiorentina players to continue pressing up and pressing, while patiently looking for opportunities to counterattack.Fiorentina, on the other hand, advanced steadily under the leadership of Pirlo and Deco. While launching a press, they also carefully guarded against the opponent's counterattack.

In the face of the Fiorentina players' active frontcourt pressing, the Lazio players had to speed up the transfer of the ball to avoid the situation where the opponent successfully steals the ball in the backcourt and directly hits the goal. If this is the case, then the Lazio players may not even have a chance to foul. I can only pray that Marchegiani and his own goal are strong enough.

Having said that, even if they want to stop Fiorentina's offensive and disrupt Viola's offensive rhythm by fouling, the Lazio players have to weigh more in their hearts.You must know that Pirlo and Deco are both good at taking free kicks. If the Lazio players did not choose a good place when they fouled, these guys can take free kicks as penalties when they are in good condition. of……

Under the pressure of the Fiorentina players, the Lazio players who accelerated the speed of the backcourt finally made a pass error. After all, they did not have a technical player like Redondo or Deco in the midfielder position. Special intensive training in this area has been carried out, so mistakes are naturally inevitable.

Maybe someone will, obviously Lazio has a whole week of preparation time before the game, why didn't Eriksson strengthen the players during this time?

So, only 4 minutes after the start of the game, Shevchenko and Pirlo, who suddenly jumped in, teamed up to steal the ball at Almeida's feet, and then the latter sent a through ball before the Lazio players could react!

Although it was only a weak year, Pirlo's pass was very well controlled. The ball he passed passed between Grandoni and Mikhailovich, and it was shot from a diagonal stab. After receiving Pirlo's through ball that directly penetrated the entire Lazio defense line, Inzaghi broke into the penalty area and kicked and shot the far corner of the goal before Marchegiani attacked!

Faced with Inzaghi's push, Marchegiani, who was unable to react in time, could only watch the ball fly into the goal!

One to zero!Fiorentina, who played at home, scored the first goal!

After seeing the referee's signal that the goal was valid, Inzaghi clenched his fists and roared, then frantically ran down to the stands to receive cheers from the Fiorentina fans.Pippo's scoring luck this season is really not very good. At this stage of the league, the former Serie A Golden Boot and Serie A single-season scoring record holder has only scored 36 league goals so far. goal.This data is not only far from Inzaghi's peak single-season [-] goals, but also far from the same period last year!

You must know that when the league ended last season, Inzaghi still scored 23 goals in the league. Now it is good. So far, Pipo has just surpassed half of the league goals last season.Such a status quo naturally makes this striker who regards scoring goals as his top priority feel very uncomfortable.

Inzaghi's league scoring data this season will experience such a serious decline. The occurrence of this phenomenon is obviously inseparable from the joining of Shevchenko.Before the Ukrainian nuclear warhead came to Fiorentina, Pipo had never fallen out of the top three in the Fiorentina striker's ranking, and the coach's positioning for him was to look for opportunities to score goals to complete the fatal blow.Under this arrangement, Inzaghi, who is good at seizing opportunities, will naturally score no worse goals.

After Shevchenko joined, the Ukrainian's successive goals in the season allowed Heynckes to increase his playing time, and Inzaghi's playing order was naturally moved to fourth place. Factors such as being out of tune with Shevchenko and bad luck have led to a sharp decline in the scoring data of this opportunistic shooter this season!

It is precisely because of this that Inzaghi, who has been depressed for most of the season, is so excited after scoring this goal, although he has always acted crazy after scoring...



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