The Era of Emerald

Chapter 897 Real Madrid

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Since the outcome of this first-round duel is of great importance, the players of Fiorentina and Real Madrid all chose a strategy based on stability in the game.Although there is nothing wrong with the players' choice, the cautious play of the two teams has made many fans feel very boring.

After all, most fans are not professionals. Their views on the game are more based on whether the scene is good-looking, whether the game is fierce, and whether there are enough goals.As for the tactical level and those things at a deeper level, fans are generally not interested in paying attention.

Therefore, when both sides of the game began to be conservative and the rhythm became extremely slow, the fans naturally felt a sense of great disappointment.

"Ha..." Seemingly infected by the slow pace of the game, Zhuang Mingge, who was sitting in the VIP box, yawned, "This game was played really conservatively, let's not say that our side is playing away. No one will say much about defensive counterattacks. But the coach Bosque is really brave. He dared to let Real Madrid play so conservatively at the Bernabéu. After the end, settle accounts after autumn!"

"Donnie, don't forget. Know that when this season started, Del Bosque was only the head coach of Real Madrid b team. If it weren't for Mr. John Toshack (Liverpool legend, who once led Real Madrid won the La Liga championship and set a record of 89 goals in a single season) leading the team was too bad to be dismissed early, he has no chance to sit in this position." Karin carefully reminded from the side, " Moreover, Del Bosque is only a temporary head coach now, and has not signed a formal work contract with Real Madrid. I think his fate should remain the same as before, returning to serve as the head coach of the b team. "

"Haha, what you said is indeed very reasonable." Zhuang Minge knew that Karin's speculation was not without purpose, because as early as 1994 and 1996, Bosque was ordered to lead the team as a temporary head coach twice. After the end, he will immediately resign from this position and return to the position of coach of team b.

Therefore, many people believe that Bosque, who has such a "criminal record", is still the life of a temporary worker this time.Only Zhuang Mingge, a traveler, knows that in the original history, this unassuming Spanish coach led the turbulent Real Madrid to beat their strong opponents, and finally won the eighth championship trophy in the history of the club. Then he secured the position of Real Madrid head coach with one championship trophy a year, until Florentino fired him in the summer of 03 for the nonsensical reason of "not conforming to the image of Real Madrid".

However, in this world, Real Madrid lacks Redondo, an offensive and defensive midfield superstar, and Fiorentina is far stronger than Valencia and Bayern Munich. I am afraid that Bosque wants to use a heavyweight trophy The difficulty of getting rid of his fate as a "firefighter" is far more difficult than in history.

It's not that Zhuang Minge didn't think about recruiting Bosque into Florence's command, but he finally gave up on this rather attractive idea.The reason is very simple, that is because Bosque is a Real Madrid man through and through, he cannot accept to play for any team that has the opportunity to hinder Real Madrid!

This point, from the fact that after Bosque was fired by Real Madrid, he rejected the invitations of many giants, and finally went to distant Turkey to coach Besiktas, it can be seen how much he loves Real Madrid.

It is precisely because of Bosque's various performances in the previous world that Zhuang Mingge really does not think that he has the ability to successfully poach this Spanish coach.Otherwise, Bosque, who is good at adjusting the atmosphere in the locker room, especially the relationship between big-name players, is honest and easy-going without much ambition, is definitely a very good addition to the Fiorentina coaching staff!

Unfortunately, as a pure Real Madrid man, Bosque will never join and has many entanglements with Real Madrid.And it will also cause a huge hindrance to Florence.

"Tu du..." Just when Zhuang Mingge was thinking that he couldn't get Bosque, there was a clear and clear knock on the door of the box.

Zhuang Minge looked at the door suspiciously, and then looked back at Karin. Although he didn't speak, the meaning in his eyes was quite obvious: Why is there someone knocking on the door at this time?

Karin was also a little puzzled by the sudden knock on the door, but since the guards outside did not warn them that they were in danger, she took the initiative to walk towards the door and observed the situation outside the door, and after confirming that there was no problem Then the door was opened.

Not long after, a middle-aged man about 50 years old with a kind smile walked into the box where Zhuang Minge was, led by Karin.

Zhuang Mingge was a little dissatisfied seeing this uninvited guest who broke into his private room without notification.Because before the start of the game, he greeted Real Madrid. Without his prior consent, no one is allowed to come and disturb him to watch the game.

However, looking at the unexpected visitor in front of him, Zhuang Minge knew that the Real Madrid club obviously did not keep their promise this time.

Tsk, don't these damn Real Madrid people know the importance of keeping promises?No wonder he did those treacherous and disgusting things afterwards, Zhuang Mingge thought angrily in his heart.

However, after traveling to this world for so many years, and interacting with mostly people in the upper class, Zhuang Mingge's superficial skills have improved a lot.At least he didn't show dissatisfaction on the surface, but smiled and nodded to the person who came, signaling that the other person had something to say quickly.

"I'm sorry, Chairman Corleone, for visiting without notification, please don't take offense."

The middle-aged man in front of him seemed to see that Zhuang Mingge was dissatisfied with him, so after closing the door of the box, he immediately bowed his head to apologize to Zhuang Mingge, and at the same time introduced himself in a respectful tone, "My name is Fu Lorentino Perez, who is now the chairman of the Spanish ACS Group, is also one of the candidates for the chairmanship of Real Madrid."

What?This guy is Florentino Perez!Zhuang Mingge was very surprised, he never expected to meet this guy at this time!

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