The Era of Emerald

Chapter 900 Florentino

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It's no wonder that Florentino felt frustrated. After all, this was the first time he was involved in transfer affairs. As a result, he was rejected by the other party at the beginning. Such emotions are naturally inevitable.

You know, in recent years, in the commercial field, Florentino can be regarded as proud. The acs group led by him has successively merged with cobra, auxini, ginesnavarro and other groups and companies, and has almost monopolized the entire Spanish traditional architecture. Industry.At the same time, Florentino also started to get involved in the energy and communication industries, and this year successfully became one of the only four operators in Spain with a 3G mobile phone license.

It is precisely because of the success in his career that Florentino at this time is inevitably a little carried away. He forgot the painful experience of being defeated by Mendoza in the election five years ago, and came to participate in the second presidential election with confidence!But now, seeing that the proposal to acquire Redondo was directly rejected by Zhuang Mingge, Florentino, who had rarely encountered failures in the past few years, suddenly had a feeling that he might die before his success.

Therefore, the frustrated Florentino decided to leave here and find a place to calm down again: "Since Chairman Corleone has made up his mind, I have nothing good to say, so I will leave here."

"Chairman Perez, please wait a moment." Zhuang Mingge, who saw Florentino intending to leave, suddenly flashed a thought in his mind and said, "Today is Real Madrid's home game. As a Real Madrid fan, you should Don't you think it's a pity to leave like this?"

Just now, Zhuang Mingge suddenly realized that the VIP box he was in had been ordered directly through the Real Madrid club, so only someone inside Real Madrid could have the chance to know the box number.And Florentino, as an outsider who cannot intervene in Real Madrid's internal affairs, how did he know his box number?

An outsider can actually know everything about the internal affairs of the club... Hehe, it seems that the water here is very deep.From this point of view, Sanz, who was considered to have a great advantage in his previous life, unexpectedly lost to Florentino in the final vote. He is really far from the latter in terms of intelligence collection and accumulation of contacts. .

According to this inference, even if Florentino does not resort to Figo's big move, Sens, whose performance during his tenure is far inferior to that of the same period in history, is likely to lose to Florentino again!Therefore, Zhuang Minge felt that it would be better to take this opportunity to appease the other party, so that after he took office, Florence would have another enemy in European football.

If there is one less thing like an enemy, Florence does not need so many enemies who are malicious towards it.Otherwise, it is very easy to have an ending like Juventus's "normally not accumulating virtue, and everyone pushes the wall down".

"So, Chairman Corleone, what do you mean?" Florentino, who was about to get up and leave, couldn't help asking when he heard Zhuang Mingge's words.As a successful business tycoon, he also realized that this is an opportunity for him-even if Redondo cannot be hired, is it possible that Fiorentina plans to sell other players this summer?If you can take advantage of this opportunity to build a good relationship with the other party and get a few high-quality resources for sale, that would be a great thing!

After all, these members of Fiorentina's first team are all first-class high-quality assets in the eyes of other clubs. The specific level may be slightly different, but any player without exception is enough to make any head coach drool The presence!

"I think you came here in a hurry, so maybe you didn't buy a ticket for this game?" Zhuang Mingge asked with a smile, and after getting a positive answer from the other party, he said, "Honestly, there are only two VIP rooms in this room." It’s too wasteful for personal use. Why don’t you just stay here and watch the game with us, and let football undo the shackles caused by the unsuccessful transaction between us just now. I don’t know Mr. Perez, you how about?"

"I didn't expect to be spotted by Chairman Corleone. It seems that I am really not calm enough this time." Hearing Zhuang Mingge's words, Florentino's expression also changed from cloudy to sunny, after all, the other party gave him this. To save face, I should stop pretending to be a wolf with a big tail. It is better to accept the other party's invitation honestly, "Then, I'd rather be respectful than obedient and bother you here for a while."

Just when Florentino agreed to Zhuang Mingge's invitation, the Champions League semi-final had already lasted for more than 30 minutes. Fiorentina, who are currently playing away, relied on Vieri's goal in the No. 20 minute of the game. Grab a point and lead the home team Real Madrid by one goal.

At this time, Fiorentina, which is in the lead, has basically achieved the goal of turning away from the goal. With the technical advantages brought by the two midfield superstars Effenberg and Redondo, the players firmly grasp the initiative on the court.Real Madrid, who are blindly seeking stability, seemed a little out of breath under the huge pressure of Fiorentina. The offense was basically completed by crosses after breakthroughs from wide players.However, under the marking of Stam and Nesta, it has become an extremely difficult task for Morientes and Raul, who are in charge of grabbing points in the middle, to successfully receive the pass from their teammates !

Zhuang Mingge himself was naturally very excited that Fiorentina could take the initiative in the game, but Florentino, who was watching the game with Zhuang Mingge in the box, obviously didn't think so.The candidate for the Real Madrid presidency has been very dissatisfied with the performance of Real Madrid players on the pitch.If it weren't for the "outsider" Zhuang Mingge sitting in front of him, Florentino would have been a little bit scrupulous and kept his superficial demeanor as much as possible. Otherwise, the construction giant would have faced the team directly in the box. The cowardly performance yelled!

However, when he saw that under Seedorf's command, Real Madrid slowed down the pace of the game. Even when they took the initiative to attack, these white knights were extremely cautious, facing the Fiorentina players. When he dared to act rashly, Perez's expression was almost gnashing his teeth.

"Mr. Perez, are you okay?" Noticing Florentino's expression, Zhuang Minge really felt that football is indeed a sport that can show people's true temperament.It would be absolutely impossible for Florentino to show such an expression on any other occasion, "It seems that you are very dissatisfied with the current Real Madrid team."



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