The Era of Emerald

Chapter 925 Decisive Battle in Valencia

ps1: This is the first update today, and the 26 recommended additions will be posted later in the evening. Well, that's it. ←,

ps2: The person who asked for a recommendation ticket here said that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets?We are here thank you~

ps3: Since the elders in the family are hospitalized, the addition may be later than normal. I hope everyone can understand.

Although Lazio fans were very dissatisfied with the team's [-]-[-] aggregate loss to Fiorentina in the final of the Coppa Italia, fortunately, as the Blue Eagles only lost to Fiorentina by one goal in the second round of their home game, there was no such thing as The loss in the first round was too miserable, so the Lazio fans maintained a considerable degree of calm after the game, and there was no riot on the scene, which could easily have a negative impact on Italian football.

At the subsequent celebration ceremony, Fiorentina players were very excited.However, most of them are not because they won the championship trophy, but because they finally avenged the league championship stolen by Lazio!After all, for them whose honor book is full of championship titles, the Coppa Italia is actually just a tasteless one, and Berti, the few newcomers who joined last summer, are really happy to win the championship.

After defeating Lazio and successfully winning the Coppa Italia trophy, on the morning of May 5, the Fiorentina team arrived in Paris, France by plane to prepare for the Champions League final two days later.Another team participating in the final, Valencia, arrived at Charles de Gaulle International Airport later in the day.

Although in the first few days of the final, the head coaches of both sides issued a gag order to the players for the purpose of tactical secrecy and decompression for the players, but such a move is obviously not a trouble in the eyes of the major sports media .Faced with such a situation, they didn't have much integrity, and they gave full play to their unrestrained imagination and creativity as journalists, and used a series of unwarranted guesses and reports to build momentum for the Champions League final, and at the same time, for the better. Attract fans' attention and sell more newspapers.

"Hehe, these media really dare to write anything. Yesterday they said that Shevchenko might miss the final due to injury, and today they claimed that Caboni had a one-month truce due to a sprained ankle on the training ground." Hein Max casually threw the stack of newspapers he had just delivered on the desk, and said to Mourinho with some dumbfounding, "Obviously Valencia, like us, prohibits spectators from entering the stadium during training, really. I don’t know how they got this information, could it be all made up?”

"So I said, Joseph, you don't need to care about these meaningless things at all." Mourinho persuaded from the side, "Now our top priority is to let the players adapt to the final venue as soon as possible, and formulate a way to deal with Vanessa. Rencia's tactics are not as good as playing tricks with the media."

"Haha, that's right, there is really no time for this." Heynckes said, taking out the tactical board, "Then, let's take this opportunity to discuss tactics for a while..."

In this way, the two-day pre-match preparations passed quickly, and the time finally came to 28:1999 pm on the 00th. The Fiorentina players arrived at the Stade de France by bus to welcome Fiorentina's last official game of the season, the [-]-[-] season European Champions Cup final!

Let's first introduce the starting lineups of the two teams.For Valencia, the goalkeeper is Canizares, who was transferred from Real Madrid last season. Since the Spanish national team returned home in the group stage of the World Cup in France, the goalkeeper who is in his prime will be Became the first choice of the Matador Legion; on the defense line, Valencia is a scene of veterans fighting the world, the Frenchman Angloma is on the right, the Italian Caboni is on the left, and the Yugoslavian international Miro, who is about the same age as them Slav Djukic served as the starting central defender, and his partner was Mauricio Pellegrino. This Argentine iron guard (29 years old) is also the only player younger than 30-year-old defender.

It can be said that if Pellegrino did not lower the average age of Valencia's defense, and the Spanish media has always paid little attention to building momentum for local clubs other than Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​then the Bat Corps is very likely to Created a defense that is not inferior to Arsenal's five veterans.

On the forward line, although the offensive line composed of the Argentine worm Claudio Lopez and the offensive all-rounder Miguel Angulo is insufficient, their excellent assault ability and speed are important for Valencia to play high-quality counterattacks ensure.The most important thing is that these two can also help Cooper on the defensive end that Cooper values ​​most. The main reason for placing on the bench.

As for the midfield, it is the most well-known and most powerful part of the Valencia team.Farinos, Gerald, Kiley Gonzalez and Mendieta are four players in the midfield, both offensive and defensive, with skilled cooperation. Everyone's technical and physical fitness are excellent, and their running ability is also excellent. extremely strong.When they started together, they not only complemented each other miraculously in terms of personal characteristics, but also enabled the Bat Corps to gain the upper hand in the game when the number of midfielders was equal, and they could launch a quick counterattack more calmly, and then Win the game!

Farinos, Herald, Kyle Gonzalez, Mendieta... When this golden midfielder who was once famous in European football appeared in front of Zhuang Mingge, it immediately aroused the latter's interest A burst of emotion.After all, for all European football fans who have been in contact with the European football around the new century, Valencia has an extraordinary status in their hearts.

At the turn of the century, he was able to compete with Real Madrid, known as the Galactic Battleship, and Barcelona, ​​​​the traditional giants of Catalonia, for several years. Until Soler took office, the strength of this Valencia team in front of him is naturally beyond doubt. .

It wasn't until Orti resigned and Soler was successfully elected as the new chairman that Valencia began to turn from prosperity to decline, but even so, the Bat Corps did not completely lose its ability to compete with La Liga until Koman became the coach after 06. The strength of contending for the front.It can be seen from this that Valencia at that time had such a strong background!

Although he is very kind to the familiar bat team in front of him, Zhuang Mingge feels a little regretful that it is not Florence's old acquaintance "Tinker" Ranieri who is sitting on the Valencia coaching bench at this time, but It's Hector Cooper, who is known as the "Second of Ten Thousand Years"!

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