The Era of Emerald

Chapter 927 Decisive Battle in Valencia

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"It's strange, didn't you say that Mendieta is the core of this Valencia team? Why do I think Herald and Farinos spend much more time in possession of the ball than him?" Looking at Valencia Little Groz yawned involuntarily, feeling bored because he stayed in the backcourt and didn't take the initiative to attack. Then he asked Zhuang Mingge a question. ↖, she has been looking forward to the amazing performance of Mendieta, who has been praised by the outside world, in this game, but the reality makes her feel a little disappointed.

"Rebecca, Mendieta is indeed the core of this Valencia team, but unlike the core of many teams, although he enjoys a high degree of offensive freedom in Valencia, most of the team's offense is also free. It was planned by him alone, but his role in Valencia is only the spiritual leader and offensive organizer of the team, and it is someone else who is responsible for sorting out the midfield and controlling the rhythm of the game.” Regarding the depression of Groz Jr. , Zhuang Mingge expressed an understanding attitude. After all, the vast majority of fans like to fight fierce and sparkling games. Such dull defensive battles are really meaningless to them.

"Could it be that, Tony, Valencia, like our Fiorentina, has adopted the tactics of putting the core behind?" Karin immediately reacted after hearing Zhuang Mingge's words, and said in surprise, "Mendieta only It's just a cover, but the person who actually controls the overall situation is Herald behind him?"

"Uh, it's not all like that." Zhuang Mingge scratched his head in some trouble, and said, "It seems that the reason why Valencia did this is not because they realized the superiority of this tactic, but because they realized the superiority of this tactic. Because of the personal characteristics of the players. Herald and Farinos both have good organizational skills and a good overall view, so although they are defensive midfielders in name, what they do on the court is that Fernando (Redondo) The job we did in Florence. However, due to lack of personal ability, we had to let the two of them share the job. So to be precise, Mendieta is not a cover, but because of Herald and Farino They shared his organizational work, allowing him to devote more energy to the offensive end, instead of having to allocate energy to sorting out the team."

Looking at Gerard and Farinos who can still control the ball steadily under the harassment of Vieri and Shevchenko, Zhuang Minge's mind is full of thoughts.Who would have thought that this season would be the best year in the entire career of these two young midfielders who are famous in European football?And who would have thought that Valencia, which performed so well, will usher in the first division of the European powers this summer, and the golden four midfielders will fall apart after only one season?

Herald, who was born in La Masia's youth training, returned to Camp Nou with a sky-high price of 2400 million US dollars. Since then, he has exhausted his talents on the bench, and has never been able to reproduce the bravery he had in Valencia. Everyone; Farinos, who is worth US$1800 million, was completely lost in the star-studded Inter Milan. He bid farewell to the top league stage before he was 30 years old, and spent his days in La Liga; Mendieta's history of sinking is not to mention By the way, almost everyone felt sorry for Mendieta's unexpected fall in Lazio, and this incident also made Serie A the most avoidable existence for Spanish players in one fell swoop!

Among Valencia's four midfielders, only Kyle Gonzalez ended up well. After the Bats won the league championship and two Champions League silver medals, the Argentine winger responded to Cooper's call and joined Inter Milan. .However, at an advanced age, he returned to Argentina to play football after earning some pension as a substitute for the Nerazzurri for several years, and finally announced his retirement decently in Rosario Central.

While Zhuang Mingge was communicating with Karin and the others, the Valencia players who had been huddled in their own half for a long time finally moved!

Originally, after the attack failed, the Valencia players planned to use the set they used in Spain, deliberately showing weakness to the opponent by shrinking the defense, in order to attract the opponent to press the attack, and then use Mendieta's precise attack The pass was counterattacked, with the speedy Claudio Lopez and Angulo finishing the final blow.

I have to say that Valencia's small calculation is really good, and it can indeed receive very good results against those La Liga teams that regard offense as their life.It's just that Cooper and his Valencia players obviously forgot a very important point, that is, their opponent this time is Florence from Italy, a country that created a chain defense system!

For the Fiorentina players who have experienced countless major competitions, what kind of storms and waves have they not seen?Therefore, the Fiorentina players have no intention of being fooled at all, let alone intentionally being fooled and playing off.Therefore, in the face of these tricks used by Valencia, the Fiorentina players also played a defensive counterattack very rascally after the game started!

When Fiorentina also put on a defensive counterattack posture, everyone including the Valencia players were dumbfounded. They did not expect that Effenberg's integrity would be so lacking, and they dared to fight against the highly anticipated champion. Played a war of attrition with them in the cup final!

This is different from the agreed upon script!Doesn't it mean that if the defensive tactics are adopted, the opponent will definitely press the offense, and then the chance of scoring goals will come?how florence

Valencia players who have little contact with teams outside of Spain will obviously not know. From the perspective of the top Serie A giants like Fiorentina, as long as they can win, then there is no tactic that cannot be used. The face fell into the trap of the opponent.

I believe that anyone who has watched a football game knows how boring the game will be when both teams on the field start to fight back!Especially when the first shot of the game appeared after a full 5 minutes from the opening whistle, and it was a non-threatening long-range shot by Mendieta from outside the penalty area, the audience at the scene was as short as There was a yawn in the stands.

Although the audience felt very bored, the Valencia players did not dare to let their guard down.After all, these Fiorentina players all have the ability to decide the game in an instant. If one is accidentally missed, the situation in Valencia will be dangerous!

In this case, Valencia, who did not want to waste energy in this defensive battle with Florence, had to choose to take the initiative.Because with Valencia's current situation, they simply can't afford this kind of war of attrition!

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