The Era of Emerald

Chapter 929 Decisive Battle in Valencia

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Nesta's clearance was so powerful that the ball flew over the center line and landed in Valencia's half!

Seeing the ball flying towards his own half, Farinos rejoiced in his heart that he did not follow the big team to press up and attack, while running towards the ball's landing position, preparing to intercept Nesta's shot Clear the ball with one foot, and then, together with Herald and Mendieta, reorganized a wave of offense. ∏∈, however, just before the Spanish midfielder was about to get the ball, a purple figure suddenly appeared in front of his eyes and intercepted the ball first!

It's Andrey Shevchenko!The new Serie A Golden Boot caught Nesta's clearance before Farinos!

"Oops!" Realizing that the ball had been preempted by Shevchenko, Farinos stretched out his arm subconsciously, trying to destroy Florence's counterattack with a tactical foul before the opponent accelerated to get rid of him.

However, Farinos obviously underestimated Shevchenko's speed. He grabbed the empty palm with his outstretched palm, and the effect of inertia made the Spaniard almost fall on the court and let the stands. Fiorentina fans bent over laughing.

In Valencia's midfield system, Farinos plays a very important role.Especially when Mendieta takes on more offensive tasks, Kyle Gonzalez is limited by his position on the field and cannot provide more help to the center, and Herald is good at organizing but weak in confrontation. Farinos, who has the strongest running ability and is not afraid of physical confrontation, naturally provides help to the team on the defensive end that is unmatched by the other three!

It is precisely because of this that after Farinos' defense was successfully broken by Shevchenko, it meant that Valencia's midfield defense was torn to pieces by the Ukrainian nuclear warhead in an instant!

Shevchenko got the ball and immediately moved forward. He first made a clever spike to evade Pellegrino's block, and then left the Argentine central defender behind with his outstanding speed. !

Seeing that Shevchenko broke through the defenses of Farinos and Pellegrino in a row, Angloma immediately stepped over to make up for his teammates.Although the Frenchman is already 35 years old at this time, he is old and strong, but he firmly occupies the position of Valencia's main right back by virtue of his excellent performance on both ends of the offense and defense!

I saw Angloma closely following Shevchenko. Although his speed could not be compared with the Ukrainian nuclear warhead, he was very experienced in the game. He was very smart not to compete with Sheva, but relied on his rich Defensive experience, whenever the latter wants to speed up and get rid of himself, he uses some concealed actions to disrupt Sheva's dribbling rhythm, thus forcing the opponent to slow down and submit to his control.

Even if he is not as good as those young players in terms of physical function, he can still make up for this disadvantage in other aspects. This is the power of the evergreen football player Angloma!

At the same time, Shevchenko, who was driven to death by Anglomar's actions, finally figured out a way to deal with the latter's endless harassment.I saw that the Ukrainian suddenly made an accelerated stop under Angloma's pressure, and at the same time completed the turn with his excellent body flexibility.Although Anglomar made the same movement, due to the decline of his physical function and his passive position as the defender himself, the French veteran's movement was a bit slower, and the movement of emergency stop and turn was not as good as that of Shev Chenko was so smooth and fast, so he rushed over his head naturally, and was thrown away by a body distance by the faster Ukrainian nuclear warhead!

Shevchenko, who finally got rid of Angloma's entanglement, naturally couldn't miss this opportunity, and immediately passed the ball along the gap to Vieri's feet!

With his back to the goal, Vieri used his body to catch Djukic, who was trying to steal behind him, and got a pass from Shevchenko, then he shouldered and his buttocks slammed back!

Djukic, who was caught off guard, was almost overwhelmed by Vieri's extremely powerful style of play. After all, the 34-year-old Yugoslavs are no longer young, and he is more in the game. Rely on your own experience and predictions to defend, instead of going head-to-head with a powerful and outrageous pervert like Vieri.

You know, even Stam, who is taller and heavier than Vieri, suffered a lot when defending the former in the team training game, let alone the one who is only 1.7 meters tall and weighs only 75 kilograms Djukic.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Djukic was defeated by Vieri's strong impact without holding on for long.After all, in today's international football, it is really rare to be able to resist Vieri's defenders head-on in one-on-one.And after squeezing away Jukic, Vieri turned around without the slightest hesitation, and connected to the penalty area line with a strong volley with his left foot!

However, Djukic, who was squeezed out of the defensive position, did not do nothing. Although he failed to prevent Vieri from turning around and completing the attack, he successfully interfered with Vieri's movements, making the latter shoot the goal. Not fully developed the strength.Therefore, the ball shot by Vieri was caught by Canizares who was guarding in front of the goal. The Spanish goalkeeper pressed the ball firmly on the turf beyond the goal line with both hands!

Although Fiorentina's counterattack failed to score a goal, Vieri's shot still made the Valencia players break out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, Djukic interfered for a while, otherwise, the consequences would be real. Unbelievable.After all, the opponent scored a goal in just over ten minutes of the game, which would definitely be a blow to Valencia's morale.

Although the active offensive strategy was unsuccessful and was almost succeeded by the opponent's counterattack, Valencia did not pick up the defensive counterattack because of this.In the next game, they got the ball and then attacked Fiorentina's goal!

Although Cooper is not good at coaching the team's offense, but fortunately, most of the Argentine's players have their own offensive talents, and they can play a very gorgeous offensive game without him making any arrangements. !

This can also be regarded as Cooper's luck. There are players born in Spain, an offensive country, such as Herald and Mendieta.Otherwise, even if he wants the team to take the initiative to attack in the game, it may not be an easy task.

Facing Valencia's offensive, the Fiorentina players were not to be outdone. Every time they successfully intercepted the opponent's attack, Zihe would launch a quick counterattack under the organization of Redondo and Effenberg in response, threatening the opponent's goal. At the same time, it can also effectively relieve the defensive pressure of one's own defense line.

Just like that, the two teams that had just come out of the defensive battle began to fight another conflicting battle!

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