The Era of Emerald

Chapter 936 The Call of the Netherlands

ps1: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here say that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets?We are here thank you~

ps2: Here I would like to thank the book friend "zzllss" for the reward. @,

ps3: The day after adding the night shift, I really can't get excited, but fortunately the update has caught up...

Since Fiorentina's team lineup has not changed much in the past two years, and they have won many heavyweight championships at the same time, so who will receive a ticket to the Netherlands and Belgium at the end of the season, most of them actually I knew it already.For example, top central defenders like Stam and Nesta who can instantly improve the defense to a higher level, when they are not affected by injuries or other emergencies, Rijkaard (time The head coach of the Dutch national team) and the old Maldini will turn them away when their brains are flooded.

In addition, Ljungberg and Chivu (note: loaned to Ajax, the player himself is owned by Fiorentina) will not have too many problems being selected for the Swedish and Romanian national teams respectively.After all, in the past two years, Sweden and Romania have shown some signs of failure. It is not easy for new potential stars like Ljungberg and Chivu to emerge. Those baby coaches are too late, so how can they care about the state of observation?

If they are not recruited into the big list, then these head coaches will be the ones who will be blamed in the end; and recruiting them into the national team, on the contrary, can allow those veterans who are preparing to represent the national team to play in the big game for the last time. People, passing on their accumulated game experience to these newcomers, maybe they can get better results.

In fact, what is really dangerous is that Makelele and Toldo are very strong, but because the national team has many players at the same level as their level or higher than them, they are in the same position. A player whose status in the national team is not secure.Therefore, if these people want to get on the last train to participate in the European Cup, they must try their best to prove to the head coach of the national team that they have something better than other competitors, or they can give them a certain advantage in a certain way. The national team provides help and supplements that others cannot provide.Only in this way can they hope to be selected by the head coach to squeeze out other competitors to participate in the upcoming European Cup.

Toldo may be better. As a member of the French World Cup champion team, coupled with his good performance in Florence in the past two years, even if he cannot win the main goalkeeper position from the strong rise of Buffon, but When Pagliuca and Marchegiani are starting to age, the new generation of Abbiati is still young and inexperienced, and Peruzzi, who is in his prime, has the same advantages and disadvantages as him, the old Maldini will It is not a problem for him to be brought to the European Cup as a substitute goalkeeper.

In contrast, Makelele and Gattuso, who has grown rapidly in the past two years, are much more unfortunate.The former needs to challenge the three midfielders of Didier Deschamps, Petit and Vieira in the French team, and Le Maire, who succeeded Jacquet as the coach of the French team after the World Cup, is notoriously not fond of newcomers. It seems that whether Makelele can replace Kalumbu, who is in decline, is still unknown, let alone compete with the first three people; and Gattuso also needs to overcome Antonio Conte and Diby in the Italian national team. A series of big mountains such as Yagio and Ambrosini were able to get the opportunity to enter the old Maldini's eyes.

This is also something that can’t be helped. Who made Makelele and Gattuso so unlucky, just in time for France and Italy to be the worst defensive midfielders for a period of time?

As for the first captain of Florence, the famous "Tiger" Effenberg, due to the influence of the middle finger incident that happened in the World Cup in the United States that year, and the relationship with Vogts and his successor Riebeck was not harmonious. As a result, Effenberg still did not receive a call from the national team this time.

By the way, after the Champions League final, when Zhuang Mingge mentioned to Effenberg privately about his return to the national team, the German Tigers had a very clear attitude at the time and resolutely rejected Zhuang Mingge's proposal. This proposal!

"The current German national team is a nursing home team composed of a group of veterans who have achieved fame and have no fighting spirit. Even if I go back, it will not play any role." When talking about the German team led by Ribeck, Erik Feinberg's expression looked very dismissive, "Now it's a fire pit where people choose to eat, whoever jumps will die, I won't touch that bad luck."

"Uh, it shouldn't be so serious?" Zhuang Mingge, who has little memory of German football during this period, asked doubtfully, "Didn't it mean that the German team has always been united? So I think the German team is now The outside world is so pessimistic, just because the team lacks an organizer and the main players are aging seriously."

"Boss, why do you still believe the bunch of rags advertised by the media? No matter what kind of team it is, no matter how strong its cohesion is, it will be divided into gangs." After hearing Zhuang Mingge, an outsider's opinion, Effenberg First he curled his lips helplessly, and then explained, "Even in the peak era when the troika led us to win the World Cup, the relationship between the two leading figures, Klinsmann and Matthaus, was quite poor. If it weren't for Mr. Beckenbauer's pressure from above, the team would have been in trouble long ago, and how could there be any subsequent glory?"

"Uh..." After hearing Effenberg's remarks, Zhuang Mingge couldn't help being silent. He still trusts Tiger, a former German football insider, very much.To be honest, without Effenberg's explanation, Zhuang Minge always thought that the German team was the German chariot that was extremely united and strong-willed.Now it seems that the actual situation is far more complicated than he imagined!

"Besides, in the current German team, the old man Matthaus really has the right to speak. With Hassler, Thomas Link, Jeremys and the others helping out, Riebeck is It’s just a decoration. So, even if I go back, I won’t be able to control the team like I did in Florence, how can I lead Germany out of the current predicament?” Effenberg spread his hands and shrugged, indicating his response Also helpless.

After hearing Effenberg's explanation, Zhuang Minge could see that even if Riebeck decided to recruit Effenberg, the tiger who made up his mind not to jump into this fire pit would definitely not buy him.

Alas, it seems that the German team in this world is destined to be the same as in history. After experiencing a complete failure, they will make up their minds to overthrow and rebuild, clear out some of the forces that cannot be lost in the team, and usher in a new life.

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