The Era of Emerald

Chapter 938 23 things before the unveiling

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While the old Maldini led the national team to prepare for the European Cup intensely, the major clubs in Italy did not stop their actions because the European Cup was approaching. ∈,

For example, facing Inter Milan and Juventus, which are all empty-handed this season, Boss Mo and Moji Fox are all suffocating, preparing to show their talents in the upcoming summer transfer market and upgrade and update the team lineup.

For Inter Milan, the departure of Roberto Baggio is inevitable, and the only question is who will be his next home; Every time Javier Farinos is the target that Mo's boss is going to attack.

However, before that, Moratti must first consider the number of non-European foreign players in Inter Milan's first team, so as to avoid the situation that the players introduced with a lot of money cannot represent the Nerazzurri because they exceed the upper limit stipulated by the Italian Football Association.If this is the case, then Inter Milan and Moratti must become the laughing stock of the whole of Europe.

For Juventus, after Ancelotti's resignation, Moggi first needs to find a head coach who can lead the Bianconeri to move forward, and then clean up some unusable or high-paid and low-energy players in the team , such as Thierry Henry, such as Kovacevich, etc...

Although the cleaning action has already taken shape, but on the issue of signings, Mo Laohu is somewhat at a loss.It's no wonder that he, who has always lived within his means, often feels that many targets are not worth the price when facing today's increasingly crazy transfer market. Give it a head start.

Although many favorite players were intercepted by other teams, for the shrewd and capable Moggi, this setback was nothing.No, while Moratti was watching Farinos and Mutu drooling, Mo Laohu focused his attention on Bilindley, who had almost sat on the bench in the Nerazzurri this season. Find a qualified substitute for Torricelli, who has reached his thirties.

As for the other team in the top three in the north, as Berlusconi once again lost in the contest with Prodi, the former Italian prime minister reinvested his energy in the construction of the AC Milan club. Galliani issued instructions that he must bring back at least one big-name star to the team during this transfer period in order to appease the emotions of the fans.

For Lao Bei's request, Jiabald couldn't help but slander, thinking that you really think that buying a football star is like going to the supermarket to shop, as long as you have money, you can get it?After all, the current AC Milan is no longer the team of kings, and being eliminated in the Champions League group stage this season has made the Rossoneri's appeal to stars to an unprecedented level!

In this case, how many stars will take the initiative to run to the fire pit of AC Milan is really unknown.

However, for the long-sleeved Galliani, these problems are obviously still within his reach, especially when Berlusconi is willing to open his wallet, and the bald man can use banknotes directly as he did more than ten years ago. Just knock the other party out.

I introduced the current actions of the top three in the north before, and let's take a look at the ongoing actions of Florence.

Although due to the European Cup, many of Fiorentina's transfer work has come to a standstill before the official start.After all, many of these goals will go to the European Cup with the team, so the team they play for uses this as an excuse to delay time, hoping that the players in their hands can perform well in the European Cup. Let them ask Florence for a higher price in subsequent negotiations!

However, the impact of the European Cup is obviously not enough to stop all Fiorentina's signings, especially for Zhuang Mingge who has just arrived in Parma. Fiorentina's real big move this summer will officially start now!

That's right, the many transfer operations that Fiorentina is conducting at this time are all initiated under his instruction, but the purpose of these actions is not to strengthen the team through signings, but to prepare for a heavyweight deal. Cover, in case other people get the news and get out to get in, thus adding unnecessary trouble to themselves.

"Long time no see, Antonio, Rebecca, Karin." Having been notified in advance, Francesca Tanzi, who had been waiting at the gate of Palma's headquarters early, immediately smiled when she saw Zhuang Mingge and his group get out of the car He went up to meet him, and complained in his mouth, "Really, I didn't expect being the chairman of a club to be so troublesome. I'm so busy that I haven't had a proper gathering with you for a long time."

"It's nothing. The burden on your shoulders, Francesca, is indeed too heavy. It's normal that you don't have time to come to us." Looking at Francesca, who was much thinner than before, Zhuang Mingge felt a little emotional. Said, "Why don't we talk in another place, this is not a good place to talk about things."

"No problem, come to my office." Francesca smiled and returned, and then brought Zhuang Mingge and the three to her office.

However, after closing the door, Francesca put away her smile and said awkwardly: "I said, Antonio, didn't you come here this time just to buy Buffon from our team? Is it necessary to be so secretive?"

Obviously, although the decision to sell Buffon has been made verbally before, Francesca is still reluctant to sell the most outstanding representative of Parma's youth training achievements when it comes to the real thing, so she will Talk to Zhuang Mingge in such a tangled tone.

"That's not what you said, Francesca." Zhuang Mingge quickly responded to Francesca's question, "Anyway, Buffon is one of the new generation of Italian goalkeepers." He is also the most promising player to occupy the position of the national team's first goalkeeper in the next ten years. There are not a few teams that are interested in him. So, if I don't pay attention to confidentiality, then I'm afraid you won't be here long ago. Peaceful? Besides, Parmalat’s current financial situation is no secret in circles at our level, and sooner or later someone will use this to poach Parma.”

"Tch, you just have to be right." Francesca knew that she couldn't talk to Zhuang Mingge, so she didn't continue to entangle with Zhuang Mingge on this issue, and said straight to the point, "Say, how much money do you plan to pay for Buffon?" I declare in advance that although our relationship is indeed good, I will never betray Parma's interests just because of this!"

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