The Era of Emerald

Chapter 947 Summer of the Netherlands

ps1: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here say that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets?We are here thank you~

ps2: Let me talk about the book friend group here, the group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine, and the verified answer is ntr knight, um, that's it. ,

ps3: Here I would like to thank the book friend "{Tongtianjiaozhu is a good man}" for the reward.

While Italy defeated Sweden and advanced to the quarter-finals of the European Cup as the top of the group, the Belgians tasted the bitter fruit of accidentally losing Jingzhou in another group match at the King Baudouin Stadium: In a group match against Turkey, the hosts lost to the Xingyue Legion with only a tie to qualify. With three games, one win, two losses and three points, the Turks came from behind at the last moment and lost Qualifications coming soon!

Facing Belgium, which can only be regarded as a second-rate defense in Europe, Hakan Suker, who was sluggish in the first two games, showed his super ability to abuse food.In this game, the legendary Turkish center kicked two goals in a row and led Turkey to victory in this crucial battle with a score of [-]-[-]!

Thanks to the victory of this life-and-death battle, Turkey, which had only one point in the first two games, had a draw and a loss. They turned around in an instant and overwhelmed the Belgian team, which is one of the hosts of this European Cup, to become the group with a slight advantage of one point. Second, got another qualifying spot behind Italy!

"The Belgians are so careless!" Lineker said angrily in the live broadcast room, "Obviously only need to get a draw to qualify for the qualifying, but Viseger (the head coach of the Belgian team) ) He chose to attack with all his strength! Belgium’s wrong tactical play gave the Turks too many scoring opportunities, which led to the host’s tragic reversal when the situation was very good, and lost the right to qualify for the group at the last minute! "

"Gary (Lineker), I think, maybe it's because Sweden's goal difference advantage put extra pressure on the Belgians." The commentator stepped forward at this time and expressed his guess, " You know, even if Belgium and Turkey are tied, if Italy deliberately loses to Sweden in the final round, then maybe Belgium will be eliminated because of the disadvantage of goal difference.”

"No, you are wrong on this point." Lineker shook his head and corrected the other party's statement, "The European Cup is different from the Champions Cup. When two teams have the same points in the group stage, the first comparison What matters is not the goal difference of these two teams, but the record of the two teams against each other! That is to say, as long as Belgium can draw with Turkey in this game, then even if the Swedes score Italy's goal The sieve will not help! It is a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world, and Belgium is doomed to pay a heavy price for their underestimation of the enemy!"

"Uh, it seems to be true." Hearing this, the commentator hurriedly flipped through the relevant information on the table and found that it was indeed the case. The first ever host team to go out at the group stage.

"..." At this time, Groz Jr. and Karin, who were sitting in the VIP box at the Philips Stadium and watching the Italian players who were celebrating their group qualifying, after hearing Lineker's commentary, They all looked at Zhuang Mingge speechlessly, staring at the latter so that they felt uncomfortable.

"Hey, you two, don't look at me so disdainfully, okay?" Zhuang Mingge, who was stressed out by the gaze of the two, had no choice but to defend himself, "I just forgot that the ranking rules of the European Cup and the Champions Cup are not the same. It's just the same, don't look at me like that!"

"You still have the nerve to say it!" Little Groz glanced at the dancing Zhuang Mingge, and suppressed a smile and said, "If you hadn't just said that Italy might fall to the second place in the group after losing this game, Kaka and I Lin won't be here worrying for 10 minutes in vain!"

"However, in this way, Italy's opponent in the quarter-finals is doomed not to be Portugal, which has already defeated Romania and England." Karin gave her own analysis while getting up to pack her bags, saying, "Right now, the final round of Group A will be Germany vs. Portugal, and England vs. Romania. From this point of view, Italy's opponent in the quarter-finals is likely to be England."

"Oh my god! Why don't we meet Portugal!" Groz Jr., who was distracted by Karin's analysis, lamented and said, "In any case, Portugal without a striker is better than three lines. It's easier to deal with England with strong players, I don't think that young striker named Nuno Gomez has the ability to shoot through our goal in Italy."

Zhuang Mingge did not choose to intervene at this time, and managed to divert little Groz's attention away from himself. He didn't want the other party to remember the oolong he had made before.

As Italy qualified as the number one in Group B, in the next two days, the final rounds of the other three groups also ended one after another.

Let's take a look at Group A where England and Germany are.This group is a veritable group of death in this European Cup, because in addition to the two veteran teams of England and Germany, Portugal with the golden generation as the core and Romania with the veteran Haji as the core are equally strong. As usual, if you are not careful, everyone may be out.

And the facts also prove this very well. Facing Portugal, which has already qualified for qualifying, Germany, which had a draw and a loss in the first two games, did not show the momentum of a last-ditch fight in the last game, but was sent as a substitute. Portugal was firmly suppressed and became a stepping stone on Sergio Consicao's road to fame. In the end, he ended in a [-]-[-] disastrous defeat and said goodbye to the quarter-finals of the European Cup!

Consicao, who performed a hat-trick in this game and performed almost perfectly, became famous in this battle. Almost all top clubs focused their attention on this Lazio winger, and played the idea of ​​​​this Portuguese!

By the way, Francesca originally wanted to join in the fun. She was negotiating with Lazio on Crespo's transfer fee, and she planned to add Consicao to the deal. This continues to maintain Parma's influence and popularity in European football.

However, under the pressure of reality and Zhuang Mingge's strong suggestion, Francesca quickly dismissed this idea, wisely chose to let go, and concentrated on continuing to argue with Lazio about the transfer of Crespo, preparing to transfer from the Blue Eagles. Dig out a piece of meat from his body to ease his financial burden.

After all, for Parma, which is affected by the financial crisis of its parent company Parmalat, it is not in their current interests to spend high salaries to support those famous players. The best choice to help the Milk Corps get out of the current predicament as soon as possible!

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