The Era of Emerald

Chapter 950 Summer of the Netherlands

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After talking about Italy's lineup, let us now take a look at Romania's starting 11 players.

Unlike Italy, which is full of talent, there is not much room for speculation in Romania's starting list.Goalkeeper Stella, the four defenders from left to right are Chivu, Felipescu, Garca and Theo Bottariou, and the midfield four is Monteanu, Patras, Bellord Dicky and "Midfield Conspirator" Haji, and the forward line is a combination of Adrian Mutu and Moldovan.

Although there are still famous players such as Petrescu and Ilier sitting on the bench of Romania, the role they can play now after their state has declined seriously in the past season is only with the famous players they once broke through. It's just a scare to scare people.If they really want to go into battle with the real Italians, then the result may only be a disastrous defeat.

In recent years, as Haji, Petrescu and others have gradually aged, among the new generation of players, only a few such as Chivu and Mutu can take on the big job, and there is no one else who can compete with the top European teams. counterbalance the strength.And this also means that Romanian football, which was once brilliant in the [-]s, has now become a thing of the past and is destined to be removed from the list of European football powers.

Like Yugoslav football, which was once known as the "European Brazil team", the decline of Romanian football is inevitable.After all, the drastic changes in Eastern Europe in the late 80s and early 90s destroyed not only the ideology of Eastern European countries over the past few decades, but also the economic systems and various mechanisms that had been formed in each country along the way.

There is a saying that the economic base determines the superstructure.Now these European countries, which are in the process of system transformation, can't even do the basic economic construction. They can only rely on the sale of state-owned assets at a low price and international aid to survive. How about running a money-burning industry like football?

However, at this time, Haji and other stars cultivated under the national system are still there, and the Romanian national team, which has added fresh blood such as Mutu and Chivu, is still quite effective.Otherwise, the Three Lions led by Keegan would have lost too much.

It has to be said that England's unexpected loss to Romania in the group match played a very good vigilance role for the Italians. It made these Italian players who had been somewhat contemptuous of this opponent correct their attitudes and seriously prepared for the game.

At the same time, it is precisely because of the importance attached to Romania that after the start of the game, Italy did not rashly launch an offensive relying on its superiority over its opponents.Under the command of Albertini, the players pressed the entire formation towards the Romanian half with extreme caution!

Seeing that the opponent was so cautious, Haji, who was well aware of the gap in strength between the two sides, couldn't help but secretly worried in his heart.Because he knows that the current Romania is no longer the top team that could compete with these Western European powers six years ago. Can't compare to the peak period.

Therefore, for Romania now, like an assassin, finding the opponent's flaws and giving a fatal blow is the most suitable style of play for them.Wanting to wrestle with the opponent throughout the match like before, and decide the winner in an upright manner, will only waste the insufficient physical strength of these veterans headed by Ha Ji, and increase the opponent's chips for victory.

However, although he was very anxious about the situation on the field, Haji did not make any uncalmly actions because of this. Facing the steady and steady Italy, the midfielder led his teammates to lay down heavy defenses to stop the opponent's offensive. At the same time, he is looking for an opportunity to give his opponent a fatal blow.

The Italian players were not fooled when they saw their opponents actively shrinking their defensive line to lure them to attack. Knowing the Romanians' strategic intentions, they became more careful in their subsequent attacks, lest they be counterattacked by their opponents and cause the city gate to fall.

If Italy, a top defensive counterattack master, is successfully stolen by Romania and eventually dies under their own signature skill, then Italy will become the talk of the fans for many years to come?

"Remember the match between Italy and Romania in the European Cup in 2000? That's right, it was the match where Italy was beaten to death by Romania with their best defensive counterattack!" So to comment on the game and the Italian national team...

Perhaps by the grace of God, Romania seized the opportunity of Italy's attacking defeat in the first half and played a wonderful quick counterattack - a precise long pass from Chivu who cut off the ball from Fiore's feet. Kicking the ball forward, Haji, who got rid of Antonio Conte's mark, unloaded the flying ball with his left foot without slowing down. Drive the ball into the penalty area!

Nesta, who was on the other side of the penalty area, did not expect that this aging Haji would still have the combat power to break through the defense of two teammates in a row at this age. Mutu and Moldovan, Nesta still hesitated after all.If he rushed over so rashly, then Haji would definitely choose to pass the ball. At that time, no matter who gets the ball between Mutu and Moldovan, they will get a chance to hit an empty goal.

While Nesta was hesitating, Toldo had already left the door and swooped in Haji's direction!Knowing Nesta's embarrassing situation at this time, he didn't pin his hopes on this club teammate at all, but chose to take the initiative to attack, and used this method to reduce Haji's movement space and shooting route, thereby increasing the success of his saves Rate!

However, Toldo's tricks were of no use to the well-informed Haji. Facing Toldo who was rushing forward with his teeth and claws, Haji directly shot an imaginative lob with his right foot!

The ball passed Toldo's stretched arm, drew a beautiful arc and flew towards the goal behind him, but it's a pity...

"Oh! What a pity!" Lineker yelled regretfully in the live broadcast room, "Hagui broke through the Italian defense, and his lob shot successfully passed Toldo's defense, but eventually lost to Lucky! The ball just hit the far post and bounced off the baseline! The Romanians will be punished for squandering one of their best chances of the game!"

Lineker said it well, Haji's lob shot was the closest Romania scored in the whole game!

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