The Era of Emerald

Chapter 953 Summer of the Netherlands

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The day after Italy's promotion, the other two European Cup quarter-final matches also came to an end.

The first was the duel between the Netherlands and Yugoslavia. However, judging from the scene of the game and the final result, this quarter-final was not so much a strong dialogue between the two teams as the Oranje A unilateral massacre is more appropriate.

Six to one!Facing Yugoslavia's old defense line, the energetic hosts showed their powerful impact to the fullest in this game, and the tide-like offensive directly smashed Yugoslavia's defense line completely!

In the Netherlands, the main center Kluivert scored a hat-trick in the game, raising the number of goals in this European Cup to five in one breath, keeping pace with Inzaghi; It also staged a good show of scoring twice, and its super breakthrough ability on the wing amazed the fans, and made countless giants who lack wing assaulters salivate.

On the other hand, the performance of Yugoslavia was much worse. The Dutch scored one after another goals after the opening completely stunned them who were full of confidence before the game. With an own goal, he helped the host to further widen the gap between the two teams, and at the same time made Yugoslavia's already sluggish morale even more sluggish!

It wasn't until the game entered stoppage time that Milosevic scored a face-saving goal for Yugoslavia under the pressure of the Dutch, who had already achieved a huge advantage of [-]-[-]. It found a pretty good fig leaf for their fiasco.With this goal, Milosevic was able to tie for the top scorer list with Kluivert and Inzaghi when he bid farewell to the European Cup with Yugoslavia!

Although Yugoslavia was slaughtered by the Netherlands in the quarter-finals, the ability of its leading striker Milosevic has been affirmed by most professionals and fans.It is conceivable that with Milosevic scoring five goals in four games in this European Cup, the top scorer of Zaragoza is destined not to stay in this club without The ambitious La Liga club is here, and a strong team or a wealthy club with higher pursuits will be the next stop of his career.

By the way, after the news of the six-to-one victory over Yugoslavia came out, the Netherlands, which created the largest point difference in this European Cup, surpassed Italy, which was originally ranked first, in terms of winning odds overnight. Become the biggest favorite to win the championship!

After all, in the eyes of most people, facing the Netherlands, which has the advantage of home court and a strong army, even Italy's world-famous reinforced concrete defense line, it is difficult to withstand the fierce offensive of the Oranje!After all, in a game, the offensive side often has more initiative than the defensive side, and the Netherlands, which occupies a favorable location, is not inferior to Italy in terms of overall strength, and even wins in some aspects!

Therefore, there are naturally more fans who are optimistic about the Netherlands winning the Delaunay Cup at home than those who think that Italy will become the second consecutive World Cup and European Cup champion. (Note: The first team to accomplish this great feat was the former West German national team. They won the European Cup and World Cup in 1972 and 1974.)

For these opinions from the outside world, the Italian players did not respond immediately, but trained harder under the constraints of the old Maldini, preparing to use practical actions to correct people's misconceptions!

You know, Italy's opponent in the semi-finals is the Dutch team, which is currently the most popular team to win the championship!

In another quarter-final match between Spain and France that took place a little later, it seemed that in the last group match against Yugoslavia, they finally found a tactical play that suited them. With oppressive defense, the Spanish players still maintained a good offensive fluency and created many scoring opportunities in the game.

However, as Zhuang Mingge said before, the main theme of this European Cup is still the stars of each team.And in this game, it was precisely the midfielder Zidane of the French team that determined the trend of the game!

In the 301st minute of the game, Alan Zabal brought down Djorkaeff in defense. Collina awarded the French team a free kick in the front court. Zidane, who was in charge of the penalty, directly kicked the ball into Canisa The goal behind Reis opened the scoring for the French team!

Although under the influence of Camacho, Spain, whose mentality has been greatly improved, equalized after 6 minutes through a penalty created by Munitis, but towards the end of the first half, the French team in Spain The heavily guarded center opened a breakthrough: Vieira dribbled the ball straight in the center. When Guardiola and Elguera finally got back in place, Vieira had already given the ball to Djorkaf who was on the right. The latter volleyed, and the ball flew directly into the net from the near corner of the goal, two to one!

Although Spain tried to launch a counterattack in the ensuing time, Camacho's move to replace Mendieta and the tight defense of the French team made the Spaniard's move futile.Without Mendieta's support and support, Guardiola is alone in the midfield. It is difficult to pass the ball to the three strikers who stay in the frontcourt. Gerard and Echeberia can't replace Mendie. The role of the tower!

Faced with such an extremely unfavorable situation, it is very difficult for Spain to make a decent offensive, let alone a goal that has no shadow.

Until the No.809 minute of the game, maybe it was God's favor, and he wanted to give the Spanish players who still did not give up the game another chance.Echeberia's aimless pass drifted into the French team's penalty area strangely. The ball was headed by Urces to Abelardo who was attacking forward, but Barthez made a foul at this time. He made a mistake, and he who chose to attack failed to stop Ursais's pass!

In desperation, Barthez, who was trying to make up for it, stretched out his arm and pulled Abelardo, who was protecting the ball and was about to shoot, and the latter fell to the ground!

Corina, who rushed to the scene of the crime, did not hesitate at all, and pointed directly at twelve yards, a penalty!

It wasn't until this time that Barthez realized what kind of mistake he had just made...

However, when Raúl, who was in charge of taking the penalty kick, kicked the penalty kick created by Abelardo into the sky under the expectant gaze of nearly [-] Spanish fans at the scene, he was always uneasy. Barthez can't wait to rush over and kiss him!At the same time, all Spanish supporters also realized that the Matador had lost the last chance to equalize!

In the end, the French team, which dominated the whole game, defeated Spain [-]-[-] and won the last ticket to the semi-finals!

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