The Era of Emerald

Chapter 957 The Second Coming of St. Toldo

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Although the strategies adopted by the two teams in this game can be seen from the starting lineups of the two sides, after the start of the game, the performance of the Italian players has once again refreshed people's perception of Italian football!

"Oh, mygod!" This is the most frequent sentence said by the commentator of Sky TV within 5 minutes after the start of the game, "It seems that we still don't know enough about the morals and lower limits of the Italians. Coach Tini will play a defensive counterattack in this game. Judging from the current situation, this semi-final may turn into a half-time offensive and defensive drill between the Netherlands and Italy! "

That's right, although people's consistent impression of Italian football is the steel-and-concrete defense and the fast counterattacks that are hard to defend against, but no one thought that the old Maldini would actually put the so-called so-called in this highly anticipated semi-final. Regardless of the face of the giants, all players were forced to retreat across the board from the beginning of the game, and put up an iron bucket formation in their own half, as if they were going to defend with all their strength!

Facing Italy's defensive defense, the Dutch players who have the advantage of home court also feel a little tricky, because although they are good at attacking, their advantages lie in speed and impact, and their ability to seize opportunities and break dense defenses is quite average.And Italy's iron barrel formation based on the two theories of chain defense and zone defense, if the opponent is a team like Barcelona that focuses on passing and cutting, it may cause them enough trouble. The kind of opponent who mainly focuses on breakthroughs.

Although with the skills and offensive talents of these Dutch players, it is not a problem to play a smooth offensive football, but they have a lot of excellent wingers such as Overmars, Zenden, Ronald de Boer and so on. After this link, Bergkamp and others in the middle are more responsible for the tasks of dividing the ball, grabbing points and making the last pass.

Therefore, after the start of the game, although from the scene, Italy was suppressed by the hosts and could only defend in a panic within the scope of their own half, but in fact, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Dutch team's offensive was just a lot of thunder and rain.In most cases, before the Oranje's offense advanced to the Italian penalty area, the players felt a little helpless.

This is also unavoidable. After all, no matter which team is attacking, it will feel a little powerless when it finds that its three or four offensive players are at least facing the systematic pursuit and interception of more than eight opponents.

Although Zhuang Mingge has been emphasizing the importance of running and total defense after taking charge of Florence, and Viola's domination of European football has also greatly promoted the development of European football in this regard, but most of this era The running distance of players is generally not as terrifying as ten years later, and there are still very few players who can run more than [-] meters in a game.

And the Netherlands is one of these teams that has not yet realized the importance of running!

Therefore, under such circumstances, the Dutch players had no choice but to pin their hopes of scoring goals on Kluivert, and kept passing the ball to him, hoping that he could rely on his personal ability to penetrate the Italian defensive system, thus breaking the current situation. This embarrassing situation of gaining power and not scoring.

At this time, Kluivert yelled at his teammates for this kind of behavior in his heart. Although he can pull outside the penalty area to attack, he is very confident in his ability, but this does not mean that he can [-]v[-]!Even if there is a Bergkamp around to help, then he has to face the attack of two Italian defenders!

Therefore, under the marking of Nesta, Cannavaro and others, it was difficult for Kluivert to comfortably receive the pass from his teammates, let alone complete the shot.

Seeing that the offense was hitting a wall again and again, and realizing that it was too difficult to break through the Italian defense from the front, the flexible Dutch players couldn't help but start to use their brains. No. In 203 minutes, Cannavaro fouled Bergkamp while defending, and Merck awarded the Dutch team a set kick.

However, while the Italian players and Merck were arguing about Cannavaro's foul, Bergkamp kicked the ball out without waiting for the referee's whistle, and Zenden, who was inserted, quickly advanced along the left sideline after receiving the ball , while Cannavaro, Albertini, and Zambrotta were still gathered around the referee, they were caught off guard and had no time to return to defense!Zenden, who was unguarded, dribbled the ball into the penalty area. Nesta, who came from the middle to defend, made a tackle but didn't touch anything!

I don't know if it was because of his too flexible mind, but when the situation was good, Cenden played tricks, pretending to be shoveled by Nesta, and he fell to the ground in order to cheat a penalty.However, Merck saw through Zenden's small calculation, decisively whistled Zenden for diving, and showed him a yellow card.

In this way, due to Zenden's deadly behavior, Italy escaped by luck!

The old Maldini, who was almost scared of a heart attack by the Dutchman's sneak attack, was furious on the sidelines and yelled at his son Maldini Jr., who is also the captain of the team, telling him not to entangle the referee with the penalty issue : "Paul! Let me focus on defense! Don't let me remind you a second time!"

However, what many people didn't expect was that the old Maldini's reminder didn't seem to have much effect, because it didn't take long for the Italian player to make a second mistake in the game!

In the No.309 minute of the first half, Nesta, who has always shown his steady image, made a major mistake!When he was defending in the penalty area and was about to catch Kluivert, he accidentally stretched out his hand and pulled the opponent to the ground without touching the ball!

Seeing the solid evidence, Merck decisively awarded a penalty kick to the Dutch team, and showed a yellow card to Toldo, who expressed strong dissatisfaction with the penalty and yelled at him!

"Oh! The Netherlands won a penalty kick!" The commentator who watched the offensive and defensive drills of the two sides for 10 minutes couldn't help getting excited, and shouted excitedly into the microphone, "This is the best chance for the host to break the deadlock on the field. If If they can rely on this penalty to score, then the situation facing Italy will become quite troublesome!"

Indeed, although Italy, which focuses on defensive counterattacks, is a headache for many teams, if they can score first in the game, then Italy's tactics will be useless-after all, defensive counterattacks require When the two sides are on the same starting line or their own side is leading, if the opponent has an advantage, who would choose to defend and counterattack stupidly?

The captain of the Netherlands, Frank De Boer, was responsible for taking the penalty kick. I saw the central defender who played for Barcelona make a run-up, and then kicked and shot the lower right corner of the goal!

At this time, Toldo showed his superhuman reflex speed and goalkeeping skills in front of fans all over the world.The moment De Boer shot the ball, Toldo, who had already been ready to go, immediately rushed to his left side, blocked De Boer's inevitable shot, and saved the flying ball bottom line!

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