The Era of Emerald

Chapter 960 The Second Coming of St. Toldo

ps1: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here say that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets, right?We are here thank you~

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"Damn it, what the hell is this!" Seeing that the free kick in his mind turned into a penalty, Materazzi was dumbfounded and gestured to Merck, "Hey! Dude! Look clearly! I fouled from outside the box! You shouldn't have given them a penalty, it was a free kick!"

"There is no need to explain, my penalty is fine." Listening to the pale Materazzi's incoherent explanation, Merk raised his eyebrows and said, "Look up and watch the slow-motion replay on the big screen, kid I have to say, you are really unlucky, if it was a little bit earlier, I would have awarded the Netherlands a free kick on the penalty area line."

Hearing this, Materazzi quickly looked up at the big screen, and found that the black-bellied stadium director was playing the scene of him tripping Davis over and over again from all angles on the big screen-needless to say, this must be a senseless Doubtful penalty!

If there is doubt, the Dutch dare not play like this on this occasion.In case the referee discovers something wrong and cancels the penalty due to extreme joy and sorrow, then they will be the ones who will be dumbfounded.

But then again, as Merk said, Materazzi was really unlucky. When he brought down Davis with a tackle, the toe of the Dutch boar's foot just stepped across the penalty area. Wire!In this way, Materazzi's expected free kick on the front line of a large penalty area turned into a penalty!

After watching the replay of the game, Materazzi, who had nothing to say, had no choice but to accept the penalty from Merck, and followed captain Maldini and the others out of the penalty area in dejection.At the same time, Materazzi secretly prayed in his heart that Toldo, his teammate when he played for Fiorentina, must give it another go this time and save the Dutch penalty!

"Hey, Francisco!" Since he had a good personal relationship with Toldo when he played in Fiorentina, Materazzi, who felt that he didn't need to worry about anything, shouted outside the penalty area, "If you can save this penalty If you don’t, I’ll invite you to the red light district of Amsterdam!”

Hearing Materazzi's shout, Toldo tilted his body and almost fell directly on the turf, cursing in his heart why he made such a bad friend, isn't this asking for trouble for me?

You know, during a major competition like the European Cup, in order to ensure a good competitive state, each team strictly restricts the private life of the players, not to mention going to the red light district, even ordinary nightclubs. Not allowed.Therefore, if Materazzi really wants to put this promise into action, then the first one to deal with him will definitely be the old Maldini!

Just when Toldo was dumbfounded by Materazzi's big mouth, the Netherlands finally decided who would take the penalty kick.Due to Bergkamp's psychological shadow after missing a key penalty kick, he is no longer in charge of taking penalty kicks, and team captain Frank de Boer also missed a penalty kick in the first half. , so this time the player launched by the Netherlands to take the penalty kick is Kluivert, who is currently tied for the top scorer with Inzaghi and Milosevic!

Although he was a little afraid of Toldo's heroic save of his own captain's penalty, Kluivert still had confidence in himself.And, most importantly, once Kluivert finally helps the Netherlands eliminate Italy with this penalty, then if nothing else happens, he will have the exclusive Golden Boot after scoring six goals in this European Cup. People share this honor!

Therefore, both public and private, Kluivert is the best candidate to take this penalty!

Seeing Kluivert coming forward with the ball in his arms, Toldo, who was standing in front of the goal, clapped his hands and tried to calm down. Then he put on a posture and yelled at the Dutchman twice, trying to give The opponent will add more psychological pressure, so as to increase the success rate of his own saves.

Kluivert with a pensive face ignored Toldo's roar, and saw him put the ball on the penalty spot, quietly retreated a certain distance, took a deep breath, and then ran up , Accelerate, kick and shoot!

The ball flew to the left side of the goal quickly, and although Toldo did not take Kluivert's fake action this time with his rich experience and intuition, he accurately judged the opponent's shooting line, but he was in the speed of action. It's too late for the Dutchman to take a shot!

Seeing that the flying speed of the ball exceeded his expectations, Toldo, who had already exerted all his strength and was unable to speed up again, suddenly felt cold, thinking that it was over, the team was in danger, and the Dutch would take the lead this time.

Some psychologically fragile Italian fans also covered their eyes with their hands at this time. They were afraid to witness the team's gate fall; while the Dutch supporters began to inhale and accumulate energy, preparing for the upcoming battle. Goal cheers!

However, just when Italy was on the verge of despair and the Dutch fans were about to cheer and celebrate, an unexpected thing happened: the ball shot by Kluivert passed the ten fingers of Toldo who fell to the ground and saved all the way. OK, then hit the goal post with exceptional precision, and bounced back into the penalty area!

Toldo, who was closest to the ball, fell down on the turf and couldn't get up, while Kluivert, who was the second closest, seemed stunned by this weird luck and didn't follow up to make up for it in the first place.As a result, the ball was cleared by Maldini, who ran into the penalty area first, thus completely resolving Italy's crisis in front of the goal this time!

"It's hard...unbelievable! The Dutch team actually missed their second penalty kick in this game!" At this moment, the voice of the game commentator was a little trembling, and he was severely hit by this dramatic reality At this time, he was showing signs of a nervous breakdown, "Missed two penalty kicks in 10 minutes of regular time, and it was a crucial occasion like the European Cup semi-finals... I have a hunch that the Dutch will lose because of them. This kind of wanton waste of scoring opportunities will be punished!"

The fans in the stands were also in an uproar at this time. Although they all heard about the poor penalty kick level of the Dutch team, no one thought that it would be so unreliable-missing two consecutive penalty kicks in one game. For the penalty kick, the Dutchman has set an embarrassing enough record!

Pele, who also ran to the scene to watch the game, also had an incredible expression on his face at the moment. The Brazilian football king stretched out two fingers and gestured with his entourage continuously. The exaggerated expression showed what he meant: These idiots in the Netherlands actually missed two penalties in one game, two!

Such an opportunity, even if it was replaced by me, a 60-year-old old man, I wouldn't waste two in a row!Facing an opponent of Italy's level, you dare to kick two penalty kicks in a row. Do you know that you guys are trying to die!

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