The Era of Emerald

Chapter 974 Platini's plan

ps1: Due to going out to climb mountains during the holidays, there is not enough time for coding, so the update that was originally supposed to be posted tonight should be delayed a lot compared to usual, probably around ten o'clock in the evening, of course, it may not be posted until tomorrow, I hope Everyone can understand.

ps2: The person who asked for a recommendation ticket here said that free books do not require you to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets, right?We are here thank you~

ps3: Let me talk about the book friend group here, the group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine, and the verified answer is ntr knight, um, that's it.

In the live broadcast room, Robert Baggio and others who commented on the two teams can be said to be too addicted this time. How many French fans will angrily smash the TV in front of them when the configuration is not as good as that of Italy...

"What nonsense!" At this moment, in a high-end villa in Paris, France, a rather handsome middle-aged man in his 40s, after listening to Baggio's analysis, and most French fans, "Our French football not only pays equal attention to technology and strength, neither pays too much attention to physical confrontation like England and Germany, nor like Spain and Portugal, but also pays attention to the offensive and defensive balance. Dull, not as aggressive as the Netherlands...the Italian way of playing is extremely conservative and has no aesthetics at all, it is not an exaggeration to say that it kills football!"

After Beckenbauer defeated a vote of competitors to become UEFA President, Platini, who knew that his influence could not be compared with the football emperor, very wisely chose to place France within UEFA. He gave up his seat on the executive committee to other people in the Football Association, and he retired behind the scenes and became the emperor, quietly waiting for the opportunity to overthrow Beckenbauer's rule.

Obviously, before Platini found a chance to strike, the Frenchman who had been reclusive behind the scenes for many years was stimulated by Baggio's comments.The former king of France, who has his own set of views on football, naturally can't see that Italian football, which is incompatible with his football thinking, is so popular in European football.

Therefore, when Platini saw that France, which he supported, and Barcelona, ​​which was most in line with his ideas, were repeatedly deflated in front of the Italians, the feeling in his heart was naturally indescribable.

"Tsk, isn't it because they have Serie A, the world's number one league, and the Germans backing them, that's why they dare to ignore us so arrogantly? If I have such a powerful ally, then I can handle it Beckenbauer is not a matter of every minute!" Platini thought bitterly in his heart, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, "Yes, allies! I can go to those who have a crush on Beckenbauer's dominance. Those who are dissatisfied, draw them together to form a force! In this way, when the UEFA presidential election is held two years later, the chances of ousting Beckenbauer will be greatly increased!"

Just when Platini was thinking about which football associations he should win over, so that he could compete with Germany and Italy, which are currently gaining more and more voice in UEFA, so as to win himself a chance to be in the top position, on the field The final of the European Cup has also entered a white-hot stage with the passage of time!

"Bah!" Spitting fiercely on the turf, Djorkaeff said to Di Biagio, who had just knocked him down with a fierce steal, "I said Luigi (Diby) Yagio), although there was no foul just now, but your kicks are too ruthless, right? After all, we have been teammates in Fiorentina and Inter Milan, so there is no need to work so hard, right? I have old arms and legs. I'm sorry that you, a big and thick guy, are so tossing around..."

"Hey, Yuri (Djorkaeff), you have to touch your conscience when you say this." Di Biagio first glanced at the ball far away in the half of the French team and found nothing unusual. Only then did he respond to Djorkaeff's complaint, "I was merciless when I was defending you just now. You should be very clear about this. Think about it for me, if I just made a steal Do you think you can still play on the pitch now with a kick on your ankle followed by a kick?"

" are such a jerk." Hearing Di Biagio's reply, Djorkaeff's mouth twitched, then he shook his head and said this resignedly.

While Djorkaeff and Di Biagio were having a brief exchange, Vieri, who received a pass from Fiore in the frontcourt, tried to forcefully break through the defense of Blanc and Desailly, but couldn't Vieira, who was defended back in time, broke the ball with one kick. Italy's counterattack opportunity had just started because of Vieira's steal.

"Although Vieri seemed to be a bit independent when handling the ball this time, judging from the picture just now, he does have the capital and confidence to do so." "Vieri's physical fitness can be said to be the top in today's football. You must know that under normal circumstances, the three of Blanc, Desailly and Vieira are capable of defending the vast majority alone. Most of the players. However, when they faced Vieri, they had to play with three people, which successfully broke the ball controlled by Vieri. Therefore, Vieri just chose to dribble the ball and force a breakthrough It’s really a good idea, of course, it would be even better if he can distribute the ball to Inzaghi who ran out of space after attracting double-teams.”

At this time, the French team, which successfully intercepted the counterattack, launched another offensive.Thuram dribbled the ball across the center line and immediately passed the ball to Didier Deschamps, who came over to respond, and the latter then transferred the ball to Zidane who had just retreated from the front. The French team's attack!

Facing the menacing Albertini, Zidane used a clean Marseille maneuver to break through the opponent's defense, then took advantage of Di Biagio's opportunity to be pinned down by Djorkaeff and pushed forward, and Alberti Before Ni returned to the defense, he passed the ball to Dugarry's feet!

As the starting center under Le Maire, although Dugarry has been criticized in terms of scoring efficiency, but being able to put Trezeguet on the bench means that he also has two brushes.I saw Dugarry leaning against Materazzi with his back and controlling the ball, then turned to the right and a half, and passed the ball to Thierry Henry who was quietly inserted from this side!

Seeing Henry rushing towards his defense zone with the ball, Nesta did not rashly choose to go up to defend the opponent.Because he has judged that with his speed, he absolutely cannot keep up with the footsteps of Henry, who has already raised his speed to the highest gear.Therefore, Nesta can only rely on his own game experience and prediction to try to judge the opponent's breakthrough route, and use this method to complete the defense against Henry!

"Tsk, come here if you have the guts!" Nesta said to Henry while staring at the opponent's every move, "I would like to see what kind of abilities you, a parallel forward, have!"

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