The Era of Emerald

Chapter 981 Rotterdam Night

ps1: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here say that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets, right?We are here thank you~

ps2: Let me talk about the book friend group here, the group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine, and the verified answer is ntr knight, um, that's it.

ps3: Colleagues are getting married today, we have to go there early in the morning to help, so the addition of updates will be postponed for one day, I hope everyone can understand.

ps4: Here I would like to thank the book friend "zzllss" for the reward.

"Damn it!" Materazzi looked at Zidane who was raising his right hand to celebrate the goal, clenched his fists and growled unwillingly.For Materazzi, Zidane can be said to be one of the players he hates and wants to beat the most. Now that he has scored a goal, Materazzi will naturally feel very upset.

Of course, what made Materazzi even more angry was that Zidane deliberately waved his fist in his direction when celebrating the goal. The meaning of the demonstration can be said to be clear at a glance!

"Marco, if you want to blame me, you can blame me." Di Biagio walked to Materazzi and said with some self-blame, "If I can concentrate more, when that guy advances To be able to hang on to him rather than be thrown off by him, then I am afraid he will never get such a good shot, let alone score."

Seeing that Di Biagio blamed himself so much, Materazzi waved his hand, indicating that he doesn't need to care about this matter: "It can't blame you, Luigi. The main responsibility for this conceded goal is on me. If we had bypassed Trezeguet, who was in the way, and blocked Zidane's shot, then this goal would not have happened."

Materazzi is also a person who eats soft but not hard. If Di Biagio wanted to shirk responsibility just now, then Materazzi would definitely argue with him relentlessly; and now, since Di Biagio Biagio has already bowed his head to admit his mistake first, so Materazzi will naturally show corresponding generosity.

At the same time, after a short celebration, the French players retreated to their own half, waiting for the restart of the game.They clearly know that although Zidane's goal helped the team successfully regain one point, the French team is still the one behind.Under these circumstances, it would be unwise to waste too much time celebrating.

After the game restarted, the Italian players further strengthened their defense. Even Vieri and Inzaghi on the front line also retreated to their own half to participate in the defense. The three defensive midfielders led by Albertini even worked together to build a Great Wall of Steel, blocking all the offensives launched by the French team from the goal!

As time passed, the time left for the Gallic Roosters to equalize the score was less and less, and the pressure on the French players naturally increased as time passed-after all, football matches are still judged by success or failure. Yes, if the final result of this evening's European Cup final is that France loses, then no matter how many goals the French players score in the game, they will be a loser and become the talk of the fans and the media after dinner, as well as Italy A stepping stone to the top!

Just like the Dutch team in the World Cup in 78, how many people still remember that he led the Oranje team without Cruyff to the final by himself, only five centimeters away from becoming a superstar? Sunbrink?When it comes to that World Cup, what people mention the most is probably the Argentine team who stepped on the corpse of the Dutchman to win the championship trophy, and Kempes, who won the god in the final battle.

Although the defensive system organized by the Italians can be described as impenetrable, it has to be said that the French are still very lucky tonight. No.809 minutes, Vieira, who intercepted Di Biagio's clearance ball, sent a long pass in the middle circle. Pires, who inserted at high speed along the left, took advantage of his speed to throw Zambrotta away. Position, and then pass directly without waiting for the ball to hit the ground!

The ball flew over the heads of Materazzi and Trezeguet, who were trying to fight for the cross, and fell back. Wiltord, who once again cleverly stuck Maldini behind him, hit the ball with a volley. volley!

Wiltord's shot was powerful and heavy, and the shot was too close to the Italian goal, so Toldo only had time to wave his arm, and then he heard the sound of the ball rubbing against the net!

Two to two!At the moment before the game was about to enter stoppage time, France miraculously regained the disadvantage of two goals with Wiltord's volley, and stood on the same starting line with Italy again!

The Italian fans in the stands were silent. They were still excitedly waiting for the team to lift the Delaunay Cup when the final whistle sounded. At this moment, they were all dumbfounded and stared dumbfounded at Verto who was celebrating crazily on the sidelines. Germany and other French players.

"Paul (Maldini) is still old..." The person who expressed this emotion was naturally Robert Baggio who was sitting in the live broadcast room watching the game, "although with the growth of age and the accumulation of game experience, Maldini He has become more and more proficient in defensive skills, but in contrast, his physical fitness and physical fitness can no longer be compared with when he was young. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Wiltord to get such a good performance just now. There was a chance... because Maldini had cleared the ball out of the box before he could hit it."

"Yeah, the years are really not forgiving. In a blink of an eye, those stars who were in their prime are now all old, and young talents like Vieri and Nesta have now become the team's leader. Pillar." Infected by Baggio, the commentator was also feeling the passage of time, and said, "Robert, what you said is absolutely right. Indeed, if it were replaced by the Maldini two years ago, Wiltord It’s impossible to get an opportunity like this.”

"Tsk, these smug French guys really don't know the heights of heaven and earth." Looking at the French players who looked happy, as if the championship was already in their pocket, Inzaghi spat in disdain, turned his head and said to Vieri , "Christian, we must find a way to give these Frenchmen a little color. Otherwise, I'm afraid they will really think that we Italy are soft persimmons that they can handle."

"Well, Philip, what you said is very reasonable, but what should we do?" Vieri, who was quite self-aware, decisively threw the question back to Inzaghi. Enough.

"Well..." Inzaghi was also in a bit of trouble at this time. After all, neither of them is a breakthrough master, so it is really difficult to handle the entire opposing team by themselves. "Let me think about it again." Think, there is always a way."

"That... I have an idea here." At this time, Totti, who was eavesdropping on the side, intervened in the conversation between the two, and said his thoughts together, "So so... I don't know what the two of you think. how?"

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