The Era of Emerald

Chapter 983 Rotterdam Night

ps1: The 28 recommendation will be updated and added. I don’t have internet at my relative’s house today, so it’s late.

ps2: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here say that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets, right?We are here thank you~

ps3: Let me talk about the book friend group here, the group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine, and the verified answer is ntr knight, um, that's it.

Since Wiltord's equalizing goal occurred in the No.809 minute of the game, the over-excited French players wasted a lot of time celebrating, so when Vieri and the others re-kicked off in the middle circle, The game has actually entered the stoppage time stage.

And when Inzaghi broke through Barthez's ten fingers and helped Italy re-establish the lead, the 3-minute stoppage time was running out, at best it was only enough for the French to complete an attack.If there is any obstacle or something goes wrong in the middle, I am afraid that the French will not even touch the Italian goal frame, and the game will be over.

In other words, if there is no accident, Inzaghi's goal in stoppage time will become the lore goal that determines the final ownership of this European Cup champion!

For this situation, the French side naturally showed strong dissatisfaction. Deschamps and Blanc approached Frisk immediately and asked the referee to extend the stoppage time.And their request was naturally flatly rejected by Frisk—what are you kidding, you were the ones who were just celebrating on the sidelines before, and refused to return to the court after dawdling, but now the score is behind and you think about the time precious?How can there be such a good thing in the world, everything has to follow your wishes?

Frisk is not such a rigid referee, and he often gives some accommodation to both sides of the game according to the actual situation, but the French player's previous performance of deliberately delaying time really fell into his eyes, which led to him The attitude of refusal was so firm.

If you don't die, you won't die. The French have proved the correctness of this sentence with their actual actions and personal experience.

"Hmph, it seems that the French are now going to pay a heavy price for their previous actions of delaying the game time." Although the behavior of the French players is understandable according to the rules, as an Italian supporter, Roberto Baggio Naturally, I was very upset about this in my heart.Therefore, after Inzaghi scored a goal that can almost be said to be a lore opponent, Baggio naturally gloated, "If they had returned to their own half as soon as possible to prepare for the game, then at least they could have survived." There are a few minutes to prepare for the counterattack. And now, in the remaining few tens of seconds, if they can complete an attack, it will be considered as the referee's mercy."

Le Maire on the sidelines can be said to be crying at this time. After all, he instructed the French players to delay the game time before everyone can see it, so now he has no position to stop the Italian players from celebrating. Activity.

However, it seemed that Inzaghi was deliberately mocking the Frenchman's failed calculation. Inzaghi, who scored the lore goal, did not run to the sidelines for any celebration ceremony. Running to the Italian half with Vieri and the others-although he was very excited, Inzaghi was not negligent. He clearly remembered that the referee hadn't blown the final whistle, and it was far from the time to relax.

Seeing Inzaghi's behavior, Deschamps and others couldn't help feeling ashamed and angry.The embarrassment is that the other party has no intention of delaying time at all, which makes them worry in vain, who treat the belly of a gentleman with a villain's heart; what is angry is that if this is the case, doesn't it seem that their previous act of delaying time is quite shameless?

It would be okay if there was no such comparison, but the time interval between the goals of Wiltord and Inzaghi was less than 3 minutes, especially the completely different actions of the two sides after scoring, which directly formed a sharp contrast in the eyes of the fans. contrast!

In this way, if France wins, it’s okay to say that no one will care about these little tricks they played in the game; but if they lose in the final, then their previous actions are destined to be criticized by the fans and the media. They laughed at them for years!

Therefore, for the sake of their own reputation and the championship trophy within easy reach, the French players had no choice but to fight with their backs. After the game restarted, they launched a final wave of offensive towards the goal guarded by Toldo!

In the end, when Zidane's volley from outside the penalty area flew high above the goal crossbar, Frisk finally blew two short whistles and one long whistle under the expectant eyes of thousands of Italian fans, ending the game. The much-anticipated European Cup final!

With Inzaghi's brace and Vieri's goal, Italy defeated the French team [-]-[-] in the final and won the second European Cup championship in its football history!

At the moment when the final whistle sounded, the Italian players sitting on the bench could no longer hold back their excitement, and rushed towards their teammates on the field... They were fighting fiercely against powerful enemies from all over Europe After nearly a month, they finally became the final victors and were able to enjoy the sweetest fruits of victory under the envious gazes of others!

Even veteran players like Maldini and Di Livio are no longer as reserved and calm as they used to be at this time. They are bouncing and jumping on the court together-you know, although Italy is a four-time World Cup winner, But their record in the European Cup is lackluster. A gold medal more than 30 years ago is their best achievement. In the last two sessions, they didn't even qualify for the group stage, let alone compete for the championship trophy. !

The one who showed the most excitement was Paolo Maldini. As the captain, he has successively won the World Cup and European Cup championship trophies. In terms of the achievements of the national team, he has finally competed with the legendary Italian Dino Zoff Qualifications!

In contrast, the French players cried bitterly on the court, and the fact that they were killed by the Italian at the last minute caused a lot of blow to their psychology.At this moment, Zidane can only sadly accept the fact that they lost to the Italians in two consecutive international competitions, go home and lick their wounds, waiting for the opportunity of revenge.

But at this time, except for those diehard French fans, obviously no one will pay attention to the expressions of these losers.After a tense work by the on-site staff, Maldini and his son took over the championship trophy from UEFA President Franz Beckenbauer and held it high amidst the cheers of countless Italian fans. Had the highest orgasm!

Successively won the World Cup and the European Cup, not only allowed the Italian national team to finally stand on the top of Europe again after 32 years of struggle, but also marked that Italy became the first team in history to win the World Cup and then take it away. Team of the Delaunay Cup!

Such an achievement is enough for all members, including the head coach Maldini, to leave their own mark in the history of Italian football!

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