ps1: This is the recommended update for 28, and the next update will be recommended for 29. I hope you will support me a lot...

ps2: The person who asked for a recommendation ticket here said that free books do not require you to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets, right?We are here thank you~

ps3: Let me talk about the book friend group here, the group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine, and the verified answer is ntr knight, um, that's it.

First, Fiorentina sold their main goalkeeper Toldo to Inter Milan, and five hours later, Inter Milan sent their own goalkeeper Peruzzi to Lazio... What the hell is going on?This is the first thought that popped into the minds of most fans after Inter Milan announced the sale of Peruzzi to Lazio.

Of course, not everyone is confused about this.Many fans and experts who are good at brain analysis have discovered a clue.

"Although we are all aware of President Moratti's love for well-known stars, and the fact that Marchegiani (Lazio's main goalkeeper last season) is getting old and his status cannot be guaranteed, but if these two transfers are in just five It happened within an hour, so it can’t be a coincidence.” This is the comment made by Maldini Sr. in an interview with a TV station after the transfers of Toldo and Peruzzi broke out one after another. After the cup final, he announced his resignation from the position of coach of the national team, and now he plans to take a year off. A consensus was reached on the transfer issue. They should be out of some other considerations. These transfers have not been made public together until now. I believe that later today or tomorrow, there should be even more explosive The news has been announced!"

"Tsk, sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy," Zhuang Mingge said with a smile after reading the old Maldini's analysis.

That's right, this "door-changing" operation was indeed discussed in advance by Zhuang Mingge and the people in charge of these clubs. The purpose was to minimize the impact of Real Madrid's introduction of Figo from Barcelona at a world-record price as much as possible.After all, no matter how fierce the competition in the league is, they are both Serie A clubs and have common interests.If Real Madrid steals the limelight and attention, then correspondingly, fans and the media will pay less attention to Serie A, which will have an adverse impact on the teams' income from TV broadcasting and sponsorship fees.

Taking people's money is like killing their parents. Although this sentence is a bit vulgar, it is in line with the views and evaluations of these Serie A bosses on what Real Madrid has done.

Some people may ask, as a traveler, Zhuang Mingge knows that Figo will choose to join Real Madrid, which is normal, but obviously this kind of thing cannot be told to others.That being the case, why do the people in charge of other clubs think that the news of Figo's transfer is true, and are willing to follow Zhuang Mingge's suggestion and promise him to delay the transfer news until this time before announcing it together?

The reason is very simple, because Figo's agent, Vega, was already a senior agent under the GM company four years ago, so the private tricks between Figo and Real Madrid have long been compiled into a book by Zhuang Mingge , and distributed it to Moratti and others, just treat it as a joke.

Although Boss Mo and Craniotti both expressed a certain interest in Figo, the two who spend money like water are at most talking verbally, and they absolutely have no intention of cutting off Real Madrid in their hearts—nothing else. Say, think about Figo's liquidated damages of up to 100 billion pesetas, and the huge sum of US$3000 million he owes Florentino, so these teams want to introduce the Portuguese, they have to spend at least 8600 pesetas. Ten thousand dollars in cash, and it had to be paid in one lump sum.

Paying more than 8000 million US dollars for a player who doesn't know whether he can adapt to Serie A, even Moratti and Craniotti had to retreat.

Under Zhuang Minge's careful arrangement, the successive transfers of Toldo and Peruzzi, the two great goalkeepers, largely distracted the fans' attention from Figo.Although the Portuguese has a gorgeous style of play and led Portugal to the semi-finals in the European Cup, compared to Toldo, who played a god in the semi-finals and has countless championship honors, Figo Obviously, his reputation is still not as good as the former Florence goalkeeper.

Of course, the transfer of Toldo and Figo is just an appetizer for this "door change" operation.Soon, another piece of news reached the fans through the media: Lazio, who had acquired Peruzzi, announced that it would sell the team's main goalkeeper Marchegiani, who won the league title last season, to Vicenza. The 34-year-old veteran was exchanged for the older Barotta!

Although the time when the transfer was announced was manipulative, people also know that Lazio with Peruzzi will definitely sell the unconvinced Marchegiani; The main goalkeeper in the past few seasons, but without many honors in his career, he is willing to go to Lazio as a substitute for the championship trophy.Therefore, from the current point of view, this player swap transaction should be said to be a win-win transfer.The Blue Eagles snuffed out the signs that might affect the atmosphere in the dressing room in time, and found a qualified substitute for Peruzzi; Vicenza has an experienced and capable veteran at the goalkeeper position, and the results of the new season There will be no landslides.

If the influence of Marchegiani and Barlotta's transfer can only be limited to Italy due to the limitation of the player's reputation, then the next scene at 27 pm on the 8th is enough to attract people's attention. From La Liga to Serie A again!

At eight o'clock in the evening, at the headquarters of the Fiorentina Club, a rather grand press conference was held here on time.

"Fans and friends sitting in front of the TV, what you are watching now is the press conference of Fiorentina. As you may all know, earlier today, our former goalkeeper, Francisco Toldo, has gone to the The city of Milan has become a member of the Nerazzurri..." The host specially hired by Kenyon talked endlessly in front of the camera, while trying to stir up the atmosphere at the press conference, "Now, please invite Janka General manager Lo Antonioni announced the most important signing of Fiorentina this summer! I believe that fans and friends who support Fiorentina will never worry about the team's goalkeeper position after hearing this news Can't sleep anymore!"

"Ahem..." Antonioni cleared his throat and said slowly, "I am very happy to announce to you that Fiorentina have successfully signed Parma goalkeeper Gianluigi. Buffon, this young talented goalkeeper, will officially become a member of our Fiorentina starting today!"

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