"Your Majesty, I don't know what His Majesty is talking about, my servants, please learn from me!" All the palace people knelt down and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

"What are you afraid of? I didn't say what to do to you." The emperor drank the wine in his glass with a smile, "I have been waiting for this day. He has been pretending to be a mediocre and incompetent person. I ignore his existence, but I know that he will come sooner or later. Because this country should belong to him. This cup of bitter wine is my own food, and I will not escape."

All the palace people knelt on the ground and looked at each other, not understanding what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.At this moment, I suddenly saw a large group of people running towards here with lanterns and torches in the distance, and at the same time, I could only hear the noise of the group of people in the distance: "Pull the tyrant!" "Pull the tyrant!"

The sound is very clear in the quiet night, as if in front of you.In the darkness, those approaching lamps and candles were as bright as a group of stars.

"Here is the tyrant!" The eunuch closest to the emperor suddenly yelled, and the other eunuchs also understood, and immediately jumped up from the ground, shouting in unison and rushing forward to arrest the emperor.

The candlelight was flickering, and the figures were chaotic, casting a chaotic ink painting on the blank floor.

"A group of slaves who don't know how to live or die! They want to die!" The emperor was furious, and he grabbed the eunuch who was holding his arm, and with his hands together, the eunuch was torn into two by his brute force. Blood splashed, and the bloody intestines were thrown on the ground.Then he roared angrily, kicked a eunuch flying, and instantly drew out the sword from his waist, one sword at a time, like chopping melons and vegetables, he killed all the palace people upstairs in an instant.

"Hahaha!" The emperor laughed wildly covered in blood, and pushed down the lanterns and candlesticks on the side, so the flames spread quickly across the entire Moon Observation Tower like a wild horse that had run loose, covering the entire Moon Observation Building in a short while. Lu was set on fire.

At this time, Qin Zheng and others had already arrived in front of the Moon Watching Tower led by the people in the palace, but they could not go up. Bright.

"Brother Qin Zheng, you're here after all! This is the day I've been waiting for." The emperor stood on the burning fire tower and looked down at Qin Zheng and others. His whole body was glowing red under the raging fire, as if he was about to It's like burning, "I will return all your things to you. I am tired and want to take a rest. However, I did not lose to you, but to myself!"

"Big brother!" Chaoyan mingled among the soldiers, seeing that the man was the one who borrowed water for her to drink during the day, she couldn't help but yelled, causing Qin Zheng and others to look back in surprise.

Qin Zheng frowned involuntarily: How did Chao Yan get in here?What do those servants think!

"Little sister Chaoyan?" The one-eyed emperor stood on the fire tower, saw Chaoyan walking out of the crowd, but grinned: "You're here too? It's just in time."

As he spoke, he took out the jade bead from his pocket, threw it to her and said, "Go on! Sister, this bead should be what you're looking for! Originally, if you didn't come, I planned to burn it together... Take it back and give it to your grandmother, if she thinks you haven't found everything, you can just throw it in her face and tell her to find it herself!"

"Big brother!" Chaoyan caught the jade beads he threw down, tears welling in her eyes, "Why do you have to die?"

"Because, there is nothing left to miss in this world!" The emperor laughed loudly, and a burning beam fell down, engulfing him in an instant.The entire building collapsed, sparks flew, and the rumbling sound of the collapse was deafening.

"Get out of the way!"

Seeing this, Qin Zheng hurriedly pulled Chaoyan over, and quickly jumped aside with the others, avoiding the fallen volcano.

The moment the fire tower fell, a golden light rose from the raging fire, turned into a shining golden pig, and flew to the northern sky.

"What is that?" Everyone was shocked when they saw it, and they all pointed to the place where the golden pig flew to and shouted.

"Officer Shi Martian...it turns out that he is the Martian officer from the Northern Xuanwu Seven Stars!" Chaoyan watched the golden pig disappear into the sky and turned into a gold star, and she couldn't help crying.

"Officer Martian?" Qin Zheng listened, and was about to ask something more. At this moment, people around him said: "My lord, now that the tyrant is dead, the country cannot be without a king for a day. Please get on the great treasure as soon as possible, Determine the universe!"

"This..." Qin Zheng had no choice but to put Chaoyan's words aside, looked around at the people kneeling on the ground begging himself to be emperor, but declined: "Although you all love the lonely king so much, but how can the lonely king be so good? Dare to trample on this great treasure?"

"Qiantui, now that the tyrant is dead, Qiantui is kind and generous, and he is a royal family orthodox, so he should be the emperor. Besides, in the whole world, whether it is merit or blood, the prince is a well-deserved candidate. I only respect you, the prince. Please don't Decline, otherwise I will not accept him if it is someone else."

Wu Han knelt on the ground and said firmly.Other people around echoed: "My lord, please don't refuse, climb up to the great treasure early, and decide the universe!"

"If that's the case, that's fine." Qin Zheng refused again when he felt bad, Fang nodded and said: "Since all the officers and soldiers love the lonely king so much, then the lonely king will boldly ascend the throne, and if there is a virtuous master in the future, he will go Give it up."

"We pay homage to Your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live long live!"

When everyone saw that he agreed, someone took out the dragon robe that had been prepared and put it on him, and knelt down and worshiped Shanhu together.

At this time, the sky in the east is twilight, and the sky is about to dawn.Standing aside, Chaoyan looked at the joyful crowd and Qin Zheng who smiled complicatedly, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart.But I can't tell what it feels like.She looked at the jade bead in her hand, it had lost its brilliance in the fading dawn, and it was gradually changing from blood red at night to light green.

This bead is the only one among the nine orbs that can bring the dead back to life. The emperor threw it down, probably because he didn't intend to live.Is he really loveless?

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