A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 2: Stalking with you

"I have no home... because I am a poor man..."

Seeing that a few people had spoken out, Chao Yan could only look into his eyes pitifully, as if begging him.

"This...Miss Chaoyan, I see that you are wearing a neat high-waisted skirt, brightly dressed, don't you look like a poor girl?" Qin Zheng didn't seem to believe it, and politely declined: "Besides, I'm just out for fun, no It’s convenient to carry female relatives. You are alone in this wilderness, do you have any other unspeakable secrets?”

"Of course I do!" Seeing him rejecting her, Chaoyan stood up eagerly and pointed to her face and explained, "Look at my unlucky face, how does it look like a girl from a poor family? I'm really a A poor girl who can't get along. Just because I accidentally broke my mistress's beloved bracelet, she was kicked out of the house in a rage. This dress was also given to me before my master's house. I made it when I was young. His maidservant knows nothing else. Now I am helpless and have nowhere to go. Big brother, since I met you, it is fate. Please take me in kindly, big brother! I won’t Let you take me in for nothing, and I will repay you in the future!"


Qin Zheng seemed to be hesitant, he took a step back, looked at the pitiful Chaoyan in embarrassment, and thought to himself: The girl looks generous and behaves like a girl from a small family, but she doesn't look like a lady from a big family. Lai should really be a maid who was kicked out, right?Forget it, it's not safe for her to be alone outside as a girl, so let's promise her first.

In the end, I had no choice but to nod my head and say, "Okay, I don't want to repay you. From now on, we'll just be brothers and sisters."

"Ah! Big brother! I knew you were a good person!" Chaoyan threw herself into his arms gratefully before he could finish speaking, expressing her gratitude excitedly.

She was originally a female fairy who grew up in the fairy world, and she rarely had any contact with men, and she didn't understand the taboo of giving and receiving intimacy between men and women in the world, so she thought that she could get along with the female fairies in the heavenly world without any scruples.

Qin Zheng paused first, but then he just smiled, pushed her away gently, and said softly, "Little girl, please be more stable."

"Hey? What do you mean?" Chao Yan tilted her head and looked at Qin Zheng strangely, but the other party just patted her on the head lightly as if comforting, "It's getting late, let's go together."

"Brother, you said you came out to play? Then where are we going to play?"

Along the way, Chaoyan chirped like a little sparrow, asking curiously, "Do all the people who don't need to serve others live so leisurely all day, playing everywhere?"

"Chaoyan, have you been raised in your master's mansion and never left the house?" Qin Zheng gave her a strange look, "You seem to know nothing about the outside world. After all, playing is only occasionally. Only those who have time to spare will do it. I can’t just travel around all the time! Now my travels are over and I’m going back home.”

"Ah, I have never been out of the house, and I was brought up by my mistress. So please forgive me if I don't understand a lot of things." Knowing that she made a slip of the tongue, Zhao Yan stuck out her tongue and said apologetically, "Are you going home? ? Is it because I am burdened?"

"No, don't think too much." Qin Zheng saw that she seemed to feel a little guilty, so he comforted him: "Even if I haven't met you, I should go back after being away for too long. Here, look at the river ahead, take a boat One night's journey upstream is the Imperial Capital. My home is in the Imperial Capital. Come with me."

Qin Zheng took her and approached the endless river in front of him, only to see that there was no one by the river at this time, only the cicadas on the trees kept chirping in the silent and hot afternoon, and not far away, a black-covered boat Standing alone by the river, a hunchbacked boatman squatted on the bank with a bamboo hat on his head, so he couldn't see his face clearly.

"Are the two guest officers going to take a boat?"

The hunchbacked boatman was keen, and when he heard footsteps approaching, he stood up.He raised his head and looked back and forth carefully at Qin Zheng and Chaoyan with those slick mouse eyes, and asked with a polite smile on his face.

"Yes, we are going to the Imperial Capital." Qin Zheng also looked at the other party carefully, and replied with a smile.

"A consistent copper coin." Hearing this, the man immediately stretched out a hand and said simply.

Qin Zheng didn't say much, he took out a piece of silver from his purse, threw it over and said bluntly, "Then, don't look for any extras."

"Hey! Okay! The guest officer is really generous!" The hunchback took the silver, bit it with his teeth first, and when he knew it was true, he turned around and shouted into the cabin: "Lady! Come out to meet the guest officer, go to the imperial capital." !"

"Come on~!"

I could only hear a woman's coquettish voice in the cabin, dragging the long tone of nine turns and eighteen turns, and then I saw a middle-aged woman in a red skirt and a purple cloak twisting her water snake waist, shaking Walked out with a white round fan.

"Hey! What a handsome official!" When the woman saw Qin Zheng standing under the boat, she was like a fly seeing blood. Her eyes lit up first, and then she stepped off the board, winking and saying with a smile: "Are the officials going to the Imperial Capital? Come, come, please on the fast boat."

As soon as she came out, there was a strong fragrance, so thick and disgusting.

"The lady from the boat house is polite." Qin Zheng smiled, and calmly avoided the hand she stretched out to pull him, and instead patted Chaoyan, who was looking dumbfounded, "Little sister, get on the boat. "

"Oh? Okay..." Chao Yan hid on the other side of Qin Zheng, clutching his sleeves tightly as if avoiding the plague, and asked in a low voice, "Brother, can we change a ship?"

"Hey, such a cute little girl is the guest official's sister? No wonder she was born so standard!" Who knew that before Qin Zheng could answer, the woman seemed to have heard it, and walked around Qin Zheng with a smile and bent over to face the court. Yan said: "Little girl, don't think about other boat owners. This generation is often haunted by boat bandits, so no one has dared to do business on the river. That is, my husband and I, relying on our own courage and good luck. For a living, I had no choice but to come here to do a small business. It is your luck to meet us. If you don’t believe me, you can go around and ask if there is another company on this river that dares to do business on this river!"

"Scared?" Chao Yan was startled by her awkward smile, and felt that the woman was smiling without smiling, and when she stared at her eyes, the small black eyes and the white eyes looked very scary.

She opened her mouth, but was speechless for a moment.

Qin Zheng on the side pulled Chaoyan, stood in front of him, separated the woman, and said with a smile: "The little girl is not sensible, why should the lady of the store be so fussy about my little sister?"

"Oh! This official is joking, how can I care about such a trivial matter. It's just a joke. Come, come, please on board!"

As soon as the woman saw Qin Zheng, she smiled happily and enthusiastically let them board the boat.

"Brother..." Sitting at the wooden table in the cabin, after the woman went out to sail with the boatman, Chao Yan lowered her voice and said to Qin Zheng who was sitting opposite her: "I always feel that these couples don't look like each other. Good guys, we, like, shouldn't be in their boat."

"Oh?" Qin Zheng was holding the hot tea brought by the woman just now, lowering his head and blowing casually. He was not surprised at Chao Yan's words, but asked casually, "Why do you see that?"

"The hunchback just now had a pair of eyes that were glinting, and his eyes were erratic, staring straight at your purse like a hook, and it made me very uncomfortable." Zhao Yan looked outside, the woman and the hunchback They are busy with sailing and packing things, so they won't come in for a while, "There is also that woman with a superficial smile, high cheekbones and four white eyes, she is definitely not a good person face, so I'm afraid..."

"Little sister, don't be afraid, brother knows it well." Qin Zheng put down his teacup, patted her shoulder lightly in relief, and said in a gentle voice, "Besides, don't judge people by their appearance. Don't worry, there will be so many bad people. It's because you think too much..."

"No, big brother, I think those two people are..." Before Chao Yan finished speaking, Qin Zheng took out a cake from his bag and stuffed it into her mouth, while smiling, "Eat something, you idiot, don't mess around." I said it. You! Since you are so sensitive, why don't you doubt me who has never met?"

"It's different!" Chao Yan took a bite of the pancake and held the rest in her hand, "Brother, you are different from these people!"

"Oh? What's the difference?" Qin Zheng's eyes widened in surprise, and he frowned suspiciously.

"Brother, you have bright eyes, giving people a very upright feeling, and you are very sincere when you look at people, so I know you must be a good person at a glance. How can those two wretched-looking people compare with you."

Chaoyan pouted her lips unhappily, and excitedly stated her reasons.

"You little fool..."

Qin Zheng was taken aback for a moment when he heard this, then patted her on the head lightly, leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Then don't eat the food they give you, just pour it out secretly, you're hungry Eat the bread I give you."

"Well, that's what it is." Chaoyan understood that Qin Zheng knew it, so Fang smiled happily.But she soon became worried: "Now that the ship has sailed, what shall we do?"

"Don't worry, little fool, if you come, you will be safe. Don't say anything, there is a big brother here!"

Qin Zheng calmly smiled at her mysteriously, signaling her to be calm.

The awning boat went upstream in the river until evening.

The woman made a stewed carp, fried two side dishes, and a pot of wine, and brought them over for dinner.Chaoyan smelled the pungent fishy smell that filled the cabin, and really lost her appetite.In addition, Qin Zheng had explained in advance, so after taking two symbolic bites, he didn't hide his nausea, and ran to the bow to vomit.When he came back, he lay down on the small bed he pointed to and fell asleep.

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