A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 22: The Black Belly Adult

"Oops, Brother Wu Cheng, you'd better run away and leave me alone, or you'll die with me..." Zhao Yan looked at the archers who surrounded them from the heights in fear, and drew their bows under the torch one by one. Nocking the arrow, suddenly the arrows rained down.And Wu Cheng brandished the soft sword in his hand, desperately helping her resist those command arrows, and was already hit by an arrow in the leg.

"Princess, don't talk, just hide behind me, and run away as soon as you find a chance!" Wu Cheng said without looking back at her, while quickly knocking down every sharp arrow that came over.After all, it is hard for a good man to resist four punches, not to mention so many archers, he also felt desperate: Maybe he can't last long...

"Stop it all!"

At this extremely critical moment, suddenly, there was only a roar of anger like a thunderbolt, and then the archers above all stopped shooting arrows; they looked unexpectedly at the big knife that was suddenly placed on their necks.

"Ah? It's sir?" Chaoyan looked up, and saw a row of officers and soldiers appearing behind Xue Qiang's men at some point, each of them holding a steel knife, and pressed against the necks of those archers. .A young scholar-like man wearing a beige crane cloak and a light blue robe came out from the opposite hillside unhurriedly, followed by a large number of officers and soldiers holding high torches.

That person was Jia Fu, the coward Jia Fu that Chaoyan thought he was.

"Uncle Guo, please stay safe. Jia Fu is being polite!"

In the light of the fire, Jia Fu held a feather fan and cupped his hands at Xue Qiang, who was captured by the soldiers, as a salute.

"Jia Fu! You are bold! You are presumptuous!"

Xue Qiang, who was pressed down by the soldiers, struggled and yelled at Jia Fu who was facing him: "Do you know who I am? If you dare to touch a finger of mine, the Empress Dowager Zheng Ci will not spare you!" !"

"Hey!" At this moment, suddenly a stick of Xue Qiang broke free from the soldier holding him down, and quickly ran into the vast night.

"Hurry up, go to the imperial capital to find the queen mother!" Seeing Xue Qiang, he hurriedly yelled at the figure who had run away.

"Do you think I will wait until the queen mother comes to save you?"

Jia Fu smiled, as if he didn't mind the escaped informant, but suddenly his eyes fixed, and he shouted sharply: "Come here! Cut down Xue Qiang, who is corrupt and perverts the law, and bullying men and women, and he will be executed on the spot." !"

"What?" This sentence surprised everyone, and a soldier asked Jia Fu worriedly: "My lord, is this not good? Should I ask His Majesty for instructions first? After all, he is the uncle of the country!"

"If I say chop it up, I'll chop it up. If His Majesty knows, it won't be done. As ministers, we should be considerate in sharing your Majesty's worries. What happens, Jia Fu will be responsible for it!" Jia Fu waved his hand vigorously. , resolutely ordered: "Cut!"

"Jia Fu! How dare you! You are so daring!" Xue Qiang was in a hurry, stomping his feet and cursing in anger.However, the soldiers at the side carried out obediently, held Xue Qiang tightly, raised their swords high, and suddenly, Xue Qiang's fat head fell to the ground.

wow wow...

Seeing that Xue Qiang was cut down, those under him had no choice but to throw away the weapons in their hands and accept their fate obediently.

"It surprised the princess." After Jia Fu saw what was going on, Fang walked down the slope calmly, and smiled at her with a smile.

Chaoyan looked at him, and after a long pause, she said, "Sir, I thought you were really frightened...why aren't you afraid of him anymore?"

"Hehe, princess!" Jia Fu laughed loudly, and he had already walked up to Chaoyan, "Because there was Xue Qiang's eyeliner hidden in the mansion at that time, so I had to pretend to be frightened to trick them Hey. If you hadn't simply ran out to attract their attention, a certain person wouldn't be able to spare time to collect that Xue Qiang's evidence! Don't you think so, Wu Cheng?"

"My lord, I'm guilty." Wu Cheng heard this, with a shame on his face, he knelt in front of him and said helplessly, "I admit that it was me who threatened you that night and stayed in your house to watch secretly. Wu Cheng If you fulfill your vows, let your lord let you down."

"Wu Cheng, get up quickly, you are just being used by him, and there is no serious crime." Jia Fu hurriedly bent down to help him up, his eyes were warm and sincere: "You have a good kung fu, if you don't dislike it, why don't you follow someone?" How about being a guard by your side?"

"Ah? Your Excellency is serious? But, I'm still a sinner!" Wu Cheng seemed surprised when he heard this, and asked in disbelief.

"Of course, people like you are needed!" Jia Fu nodded, "Didn't you sacrifice your life to save the princess just now, so you can pay off your merits. From now on, you will be one of the guards next to someone, how about ?”

"Wu Cheng, thank you for your promotion!" Wu Cheng knelt down gratefully and said, he never dreamed that instead of blaming himself for the crime of blackmailing the imperial court, this Lord Chengyang ordered him to be a bodyguard and give himself a safe haven.Really grateful from the heart.But he quickly thought of something, and said eagerly: "Sir, someone escaped just now, and he will definitely report to the Empress Dowager Zhengci. Sir, it is not good for the Empress Dowager to find out. Please lend me a fast horse, sir. Wu Cheng is willing to recover this person!"

"No need, no need." Jia Fu shook his feather fan lightly, smiling lightly, "I just want him to have someone to report to the Queen Mother, otherwise, we will kill Uncle Guo quietly like this. Your Majesty can't explain anything!"

"What does your lord mean?" Wu Cheng didn't understand, and Chaoyan couldn't figure it out either: If the Queen Mother knows about it, why not?Why does he have to know the Queen Mother?

"Uncle Guo is not an ordinary person. The Queen Mother will know sooner or later. So it's better to let her know in advance." Jia Fu saw their doubts and simply said in detail: "Although I have collected enough evidence of Xue Qiang's crime, but The Empress Dowager will definitely not agree to sentence him to death. We have to give His Majesty a chance to pardon the uncle!"

After hearing this, Chaoyan thought to herself: So I was wrong to blame Mr. Jia, he deliberately pretended to be timid and fearful, and gave Xue Qiang a sloppy look.Did he let go of a reporter on purpose in order to let his elder brother pardon the uncle of the country, and then face the upcoming wrath of the Queen Mother Zhengci by himself?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but asked worriedly: "But sir, if this is the case, then what can the Empress Dowager Zhengci do to anger you and punish you?"

"Hehe, the princess doesn't have to worry about XX. There is someone on the queen mother's side to make adjustments for XX." Jia Fu Chengcheng laughed out loud.



Qin Zheng, who was thousands of miles away in the palace, suddenly sneezed inexplicably. He put down the memorial that he had not finished reviewing, and looked up at the dark sky outside the door. It was already late at night.

"Your Majesty, it's getting cold in the middle of the night, please go back to the palace to rest your Majesty." The eunuch at the side saw it and asked for instructions in a low voice.

"No, I still want to handle some more official business." Qin Zheng shook his hand, the former tyrant cousin left a lot of mess, he needs to work harder, otherwise these memorials will become more and more.Talent, the current Cangdong Kingdom is in urgent need of a large number of talents...

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