A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 25: The Strange Little Red House

"Ah, it's Eunuch Zhao!" Chaoyan stopped in his tracks and asked him, "Is my elder brother in there now?"

"Your Majesty is right here..." Zhao Xuan nodded, seeing that Chaoyan was about to run inside again, he hurriedly pulled her back and said, "Hey, Princess, please stay and listen to the old slave."

"What?" Chao Yan looked at him, wondering why he stopped her.

"Does the princess want to go to His Majesty?"

"Yes, Mr. Jia said that my brother took the blame for him, so I was very worried and wanted to see what was going on." Chao Yan nodded, and saw that the other party had a look that I had guessed a long time ago.

"Then the princess should not go, listen to what the old slave told you."

Zhao Xuan pulled her into the shadow under the golden unicorn beside him, and said in a low voice: "Actually, Your Majesty is fine, but the Empress Dowager was annoyed that Jia Fu beheaded the uncle of the country, and took her anger out on Your Majesty; Your Majesty has already done this kind of thing." He said it was what he meant, so he was kneeling in front of the empress dowager's bedroom to confess. Although they are not the biological mother and child, they have a deep relationship, so the empress dowager has been annoyed by him for a while and it has passed. Princess, the old slave said If the sentence is not pleasant, the princess is an outsider after all, and this small conflict between relatives can be resolved by himself. Once outsiders intervene, it will only make the chaos worse. Please go back to the palace to rest. The old slave thinks that your majesty will wait can come out."

"This..." Chaoyan thought for a while, and said in her heart: That's right, I'm an outsider after all, my brother is an emperor anyway, what can the empress dowager do to him?Don't worry about this kind of housework.

So she had no choice but to nod, bid farewell to Zhao Xuan and went back to her bedroom to rest.

In the evening, Qin Zheng came to Chaoyan's Mingxia Palace. When Chaoyan ran out to meet him, he found that the emperor was walking with a limp.It looks very funny.

"Ah, big brother, what's wrong?" Chao Yan was taken aback, and hurriedly stepped forward to support him and asked.

"Little sister, don't worry, I just kneeled numb." Qin Zheng waved his hand, indicating that she doesn't need to help, then looked up and down carefully and said: "Ha, not bad! Little sister, it seems that Chengyang The water is very nourishing, I haven't seen you for more than a month, and you seem to have gained weight."

"Brother, you... I really can't be happy when you boast like this." Chao Yan withdrew her hand with a tangled expression, thinking gloomily: Could it be that she is really fat?

"What's the silly girl worrying about? It's better not to be too skinny, girl. Chubby ones are the cutest." Qin Zheng saw through her thoughts at a glance, reached out and sighed softly on her forehead, "Don't just stand around stupidly, go with me to the posthouse to see Mr. Jia! He just came back, and I haven't had time to clean him up yet!"

"Hey? By the way, big brother, how did you persuade the empress dowager?" Hearing what he said, Chao Yan remembered Jia Fu beheading the uncle, and asked worriedly, "The empress dowager really doesn't vent her anger with Jia. Sir?"

"Don't worry, you think I knelt all afternoon for nothing?" Qin Zheng replied with some complacency as he signaled the palace servants to bring the chariot.

"Hey? Don't tell me, big brother, you only need to kneel for an afternoon, and the empress dowager can no longer pursue this matter?" Chaoyan was incredulous: Then Xue Qiang is the brother of the empress dowager Zhengci, isn't he?How could it be possible for the emperor not to vent his anger on the perpetrator just because the emperor knelt all afternoon?

"That's not true. Fortunately, the Empress Dowager loves me more than the uncle of the country, so she relented when she saw me pass out in the end. She promised to never pursue this matter again." Qin Zheng smiled slyly, and his usual mature expression was full of mischief Childlike, looks like a naughty child.

"Ah? Big brother, are you passed out?" Chaoyan was shocked when she heard that, and hurriedly asked, "Brother, do you have any discomfort? How do you feel now?"

"Shh... don't worry, little sister."

At this time, the palace people brought up the chariot, and Qin Zheng got on the chariot neatly, then beckoned her to sit up too, and whispered in her ear: "If I don't faint, do you think the queen mother will forgive me so soon?" Me and Mr. Jia?"

"Ah, brother, so you are so cunning..." Chaoyan suddenly realized when she heard this, pointed at him and opened her mouth wide.

"Don't talk nonsense, I am a very upright person." Qin Zheng quickly waved his hand to signal her to shut up, and then ordered the palace people carrying the chariot: "Get up!"

It was already evening at this time, when Chao Yan and Qin Zheng walked out of the palace gate in Weifu, the sky was already full of sunset in the west.The earth glowing red with the glowing fire and burning clouds gave me a very warm feeling.

The pedestrians on the street did not become less and less because of the weather, but more and more.

Candles have long been lit in the stone lanterns on both sides of the road, and together with the red lanterns hanging high on the storefronts along the road, the stone-paved street is brightly illuminated.

The smoke from the kitchens of thousands of households rises slowly, blending into the darker and darker night, and the fragrance of various rice and coriander floats all over the street.

In the restaurant and teahouse, as well as in the restaurant and karaoke building, there were endless laughter and laughter, announcing the arrival of night.

"Hey! Brother, take a look! It's so lively over there! What is it for? Let's go and have a look later?"

Chao Yan suddenly pointed to a small red building full of beautiful flowers, plants and trees in front of her. There were various colored lanterns hanging on the upper floor, and there were men and women coming and going downstairs, all of them were dressed Bright; from time to time, the sound of qin music and songs came out, which looked very festive.

"It's not a good place over there, children don't want to see it."

Qin Zheng just glanced at it, talked perfunctorily with disapproval, and then changed the subject; "Little sister, are you going out of the palace with Mr. Jia, are you having fun?"

"It's not very happy, but Mr. Jia is so deceitful, he deceived me!"

Seeing him ask, Chaoyan talked incessantly, describing in detail how she misunderstood Jia Fu, fell into someone else's tricks, and fortunately was rescued by Jia Fu. I had long forgotten about that strange little red building.

"Oh, it's really thanks to Mr. Jia."

Qin Zheng laughed out loud after hearing this, and while he was talking, he saw that he had already reached the post house. Jia Fu had already brought a hulking black-clothed bodyguard waiting in front of the post house, and there were many guards beside him.

So he put down the conversation first, stepped forward and said: "Sir, have you been waiting for a long time?"

"It doesn't matter if you wait for this moment, it's just that your Majesty's acting minister has suffered!" Jia Fu knelt down and bowed first when he saw Qin Zheng, and then he opened his mouth and said with a smile.

"Suffering? How can I suffer?" Qin Zheng asked strangely while helping him up.

At this point his leg has recovered and he no longer walks with a limp.

"Since Your Majesty has supported the vat for the minister, I'm afraid the Empress Dowager will kneel before her?" Jia Fu supported Qin Zheng, narrowing his phoenix eyes and smiling very slyly.

Chaoyan at the side couldn't help admiring inwardly: Mr. Jia expected this?Amazing!As expected of Di Saturn official...

"I really can't hide anything from my husband!" Qin Zheng laughed loudly after hearing this, but he lowered his eyelids and sighed: "It's just that I'm sorry for my mother, after all, that uncle is her only one." dear..."

"Your Majesty, don't blame yourself for this. After all, the law is merciless." Jia Fu held the feather fan and calmly comforted him from the side: "The uncle of the country has committed many evils. It is already not enough to kill the people..."

"I know, sir, you don't need to say any more." Qin Zhenglue raised his hand and looked up at the loft of the post house in front of him, but he didn't intend to go in, instead he smiled at Jia Fu and said, "It's such a shameful place. Sir. I have already ordered someone to repair the Prime Minister's Mansion, and I have been waiting for my husband's return. Since you are back today, please follow me to see your new residence."

"Your Majesty, Kechen is still just a small Chengyang order." Jia Fu bowed his hands and declined.

"What's the difficulty?" Qin Zheng looked at him firmly, smiled, and said seriously, "Jia Fu listens to the order!"

"Minister Jia Fu listens to the order!" Jia Fu was not ambiguous, he knelt on the ground in a tacit understanding.

"From today onwards, you will be the prime minister of our Cangdong Kingdom, and you will live in the prime minister's mansion. Chengyang Ling will be replaced by someone else, so you don't have to go back to Chengyang again. This is it." Because it was a verbal order, Qin Zheng readily said To put it simply, Jia Fu bowed three times and praised: "Minister Jia Fu, take the order to thank you!"

"Sir, please get up quickly." Qin Zheng raised Jia Fu with both hands, and said kindly in a soliciting tone: "This place is not far from the Prime Minister's Mansion, and you can enjoy the night view along the way; why don't you and I walk there?"

"Then respect is worse than obedience." Jia Fu also smiled, and stretched out his hand to hold Qin Zheng's hand. The two talked and laughed together, and left the gate of the post house as if no one else was there, heading for a stone road with an arch bridge in front of it. go.

The attendants on the side followed silently, keeping a distance to escort them.

"What, when my brother sees Mr. Jia, he can no longer see other people..." Zhao Yan, who was inadvertently left aside, stood there and watched the two of them being intimate, chatting and laughing as they gradually moved away. Looking back, she crossed her hips and pouted in disappointment, but she didn't know what to complain about.

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