A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 28: The Moonlight Is Alluring

"Chaoyan...Yan'er, why did you come here?"

Then Qin Zheng finally ran to the front, jumped off his horse and glanced at the Taoist priests who had gone away, and asked with concern, "Are you okay? What did the Taoist priests do just now? Did they bully you?" ?”


Chaoyan looked away reluctantly, and smirked at him a little foolishly and said, "Brother, let's go back. Hehe..."

After Chaoyan followed Qin Zheng, the Taoist stopped behind a rockery not far away, stared at their retreating backs, and remained silent.

"Master, that little girl is just a fairy who was demoted to the mortal world, and she is not one of us, what are you doing for her?"

A little Taoist said dissatisfied.

"What do you know, she is no ordinary exile."

The Taoist priest narrowed his charming and elegant slender eyes slightly, folded his hands on his chest and said, "She came down to earth to find the lost spirit beads at the behest of the Queen Mother of the West. As long as you follow her, you will be able to gather the nine kings in no time." mother's pearl."

"Master really thinks highly of this little girl."

Another Taoist interjected from the side: "The things from the heavens are not as useful as those from the demon world! Besides, she is no different from ordinary people now. Are the disciples not as good as a fairy with no magic power! If the master likes the spirit Beads, disciples can also look for them, so why use her to look for them!"

"Everything has its owner."

The Taoist priest known as Master waved his hands, looked up at the dark sky and said: "She is the fairy in charge of these spirit beads in the heaven, so she doesn't need to go out of her way to find the spirit beads, and the spirit beads will automatically come to her." In hand. Why should we waste our efforts! When she collects all nine spirit beads, I will snatch them together and use the spirit beads to hit the sky. The gates of the heavens still need to be opened with the treasures of the heavens. Those of us Cutting off the teaching of the devil is ultimately an unrighteous way, without the Lingzhu, we will never be able to open the heavenly gate that cuts off the devil!"

"I see……"

The little Taoist priests couldn't help but nodded in admiration for their master.

But I heard the master say: "By the way, I haven't seen your elder sister since just now, where did she go?"

"Return to Master."

A little Taoist priest leaned back and replied: "Senior sister said just now, it's really hateful for those gate gods in the palace to keep the gates from letting us in and out, so she took the opportunity to attach herself to the fairy just now, and wanted to use her body to get in and out." Go into the palace and have a look."

"What is she doing in the palace?"

"She said that the most precious thing in a person is energy, and the man who is destined to be the emperor is more precious because he descended from the stars in the sky. Therefore, she wants to use the body of the fairy to confuse and steal the emperor's energy and cultivate it into Panacea, as a gift to Master."


Their master turned angry when he heard this, and sighed: "Yuan Luo, this girl is so daring! Then Qin Zheng is the Sirius King from the sky who came down to earth. Although he is already a mortal body, he is not an ordinary person. I'm afraid that her little trick won't work at all, and she'll just bring herself to humiliate herself!"


The night soon fell, Qin Zheng said goodbye to Jia Fu, and went back to his bedroom.

It's just because he drank too much wine, so he only felt hot all over, and he couldn't sleep no matter what he lay on the dragon bed.

Looking at the silver moonlight shining in from the window, he simply put on his clothes and sat up again.

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