A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 33: Princess Zhiying

Qin Zheng left Mingxia Palace and went back to Dingqian Palace where he was in charge of government affairs to continue reviewing the memorials, but saw a young eunuch walking in with a fly in his hand, knelt on the ground and said, "Your Majesty, the Great General Ren Guang is ordered to conquer The West Desolate Kingdom has returned in triumph, and is now kneeling outside the Meridian Gate to await an order."

"Oh? Announce him in."

After hearing this, Qin Zheng hurriedly put down the brush in his hand and ordered.


The eunuch took the order, got up and walked to the entrance of the main hall, flicked the white whisk as if to repel flies, stood against the entrance of the main hall, and shouted with a long male duck voice like singing: "Biography—General Zhengxi , let Guang go to the palace——!"

"Biography—General Zhengxi, Ren Guang goes to the palace—!"

So his voice was repeated layer by layer by the eunuchs at the bottom of the steps. After a while, he saw an official wearing a vermilion official uniform and a black gauze hat inlaid with jasper striding into the hall, knelt down and faced Qin Qin. Zhengsan knelt and kowtowed nine times and shouted loudly: "Chen, Ren Guang, kowtow to Your Majesty! Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Be flat."

Qin Zheng looked down at the official below with a smile, and said gratifiedly: "Ai Qing, it's really hard work for you this time. When you took the role of General, you never missed any omissions. You really deserve to be my Wei Qing, Huo Qubing! With you as General Here, I can really rest easy at the border!"

"Your Majesty has praised you, and I'm just doing my humble duty."

Ren Guanglue adjusted his official uniform, took out blue booklets from his sleeves, and presented them with both hands: "Your Majesty, Ye Qi, the king of Xihuang Kingdom, wrote a letter to implore His Majesty, willing to bow his head and pay tribute to the court. At the age of coming to the court, it will always be a subsidiary state of our country. There are also [-] boxes of jewelry, animal skins and musk, and [-] horse-drawn carriages each. Your Majesty sweeps away, and I wish to have a good relationship with Qin and Jin Dynasties forever."

So a little eunuch went down, took the blue booklet and walked up to the jade platform, raised his hands above his head and bowed to Qin Zheng for a look.


Qin Zheng took it and only glanced at it roughly, then threw it on the dragon table and replied: "You can order the messenger to escort the princess back to the country, leaving only the tribute. Tell the king of Xihuang , I accept his kindness, but I don't want any concubine."

"Your Majesty, it is not easy for the princess of Xihuang to come here with her ministers all the way."

Ren Guang seemed a little regretful about Qin Zheng's refusal, and hurried forward to add: "What's more, since ancient times, how can there be a princess who has returned? Since she has entered our country, she was rejected by your Majesty for no reason. If this spreads, it will be a pity for her." The girl's family is not good-looking. What's more, although this princess was born in a barbarian family, she was born with a beautiful country, even if she serves His Majesty, she will definitely not insult His Majesty's reputation."


After hearing this, Qin Zheng felt that it made sense: not to mention that the princess was born ugly and handsome, it would be very rude to reject a princess for no reason.But if that princess doesn't want to get married, maybe it's easy to say.

He couldn't help frowning, and finally had to say, "Send her in."

The one on the side listened too much, so he hurriedly announced that the princess of Xihuang Kingdom had entered the palace as before.

After a while, I saw four guards escorting a beautiful woman in pink walking in the middle, stepping up to the hall.

"Princess Ye Chiying of the Western Wilderness Kingdom, pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Country! Long live your Majesty!"

The four guards retreated, and the beautiful woman in the pink dress knelt on the red carpet in the center of the hall, talking softly.

"Be flat."

Seeing her graceful figure and cute voice, Qin Zheng couldn't help sighing in his heart: She is indeed the princess who was chosen for marriage, just listening to her voice makes her bones sore.No wonder General Ren said she was beautiful, but he didn't know if she was willing to get married?If you don't want to, I can just refuse her.

So he said: "You look up, I have something to ask you."

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