A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 65: Heroine, you are finished!

As soon as Chunmei took the order and ran out, the spider spewed out silver threads all over the new house. These silver threads were like spring rain, sticking to all the fireflies in the bridal chamber at once.

"Fortunately, I run fast"

The fireflies that had changed their faces followed Chunmei and fled to the corridor outside the cave. Looking back at those silver threads, they thought with lingering fear.

At this time, the black spider seemed to know that she had run out, so it stretched out its four legs and chased her out

"Uncle! Master! It's not good! There is a daring slave who stole my lady's Lingzhu and turned into a firefly to escape, uncle! Come and help my lady!"

As soon as Chunmei ran out of the bridal chamber, she yelled shrilly in the big hole that was used as the living room.

"What! Which blind dog slave dares to be so rude? My lady! I'm here to help you!"

A man in a red auspicious suit is probably the bridegroom official. Hearing Chunmei's words, he stood up from one of the guests at one of the tables, and the surrounding guests also stood up and shouted: "Is there such a thing? No way!" Well-behaved slave! Master, don’t worry, wait for me to set up a net and close the cave door tightly, so it’s hard for her to fly even with wings!”

As he said that, the guests who were still eating meat and drinking just now also stood up, and some of them went to block the cave door, shouting at the same time: "The bull soldiers outside quickly close the cave door! Don't let even a fly escape." Already!"

"It's up to you where you run this time!"

The spider that the bride turned into chased after her at this time, and Chao Yan, among the fireflies, saw that huge cave door was suddenly blocked by a boulder falling down, and her heart sank as if a boulder had been dropped: Oops!I can't get out!

"If you measure her, even a thing that will only turn into a firefly can't escape, everyone, be careful! Grab all the fireflies and check!"

As the groom said, he took out a big white cloth bag and threw it into the air. The cloth bag seemed to have grown wings and flew around, trapping many fireflies.

Under his leadership, all the goblins took out wine glasses, purses, etc., and threw all the utensils capable of catching insects into the air, covering countless fireflies and turning into bright stars flying around in the air. go

"Sister-in-law, you all get out of the way! It's really useless, look at me!"

The big black spider sneered, and then spit out a ball of silver thread, covering the entire hole above the sky, and all the fireflies were stuck to the silver thread by her, hanging in the air, unable to move, flashing and flashing. Glitter, like innumerable beautiful masonry ornaments


Chaoyan was not spared from death, and was stuck to the whole body

She struggled hard, but found that she couldn't move at all. Those silver threads were like mucus, and there was a huge snot sticking to her body, so wet that she couldn't break free. She was entangled in her whole body. deeper

"Now let's see where you go!"

As the black spider spoke, he shook his head, as if he had chanted some spell, so Chaoyan felt his body tremble suddenly, and suddenly returned to its original state

This time, she was completely exposed to the eyes of all the goblins, tightly bound by spider silk, and hung on the top of a high stone cave

"Master, take good care of your bitch!"

Seeing that Chaoyan had shown her original shape, the huge spider also shook her body and turned back into a graceful bride. She stretched out her hand and tore off the silver thread from her mouth, and handed it to the groom who rushed over, coquettishly explain

"It frightened the lady, Xiaosheng is really ashamed to allow Xiaosheng to apologize to the lady later"

The bridegroom borrowed her silver thread, looked up at Chaoyan carefully, and saw that Chaoyan was also staring at them without fear

"Miss, it's strange, this woman is not from our family"

The groom looked carefully and shook his head and said to the bride

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