A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 67: Poach her heart and drink!

"What? Master Master is here?"

"Go and meet!"

"I didn't expect Master Master to come to this small wedding banquet. I really can't underestimate Father Hu's house!"

All the goblins in the cave shouted in unison when they heard this, their faces were full of surprises, even the groom holding the long sword and the bride who looked coldly at the side turned their anger into joy, and they didn't care about the face , rushed to the entrance of the cave, respectfully kneeling on the ground to welcome the so-called Heavenly Venerable

Chao Yan, who temporarily saved his life, also opened his eyes that were closed because of fear just now, staring at the hole and thinking nervously:

With a group of goblins, it is impossible for me to escape, and if there is another master of them, what can I do?The Nine Nether Supreme Saints?Why haven't I heard of such a god in the heavens?Isn't Jiuyou the world of monsters?I heard that the most respected leader of the evil spirits who don't practice Dao seems to be called Zun, could it be this person?

It's over, if they find out that I have two spirit beads hidden in my sleeve and on my wrist, won't they all be snatched away?

But she immediately laughed at herself: Chao Yan, you idiot, when did you still miss the Lingzhu?I can't even save my life!

well!It seems that I am doomed today. I wonder if Brother Qin Zheng will not find me tomorrow, will he be anxious, will he be worried? ...It doesn't matter anymore, he is worried that he won't be able to find me for a while, so he will forget about me. After all, the princess Chiying who he likes in the sea is just his princess!

Thinking of this, she felt hopeless again, she might as well just be eaten by goblins

"We welcome Master!"

The goblins knelt at the mouth of the cave, shouting in unison

Under the bright moonlight outside the cave, two groups of men wearing Taoist priest's tunic robes and golden crowns came in neatly, each with a sword on their waist, and stood in front of the goblins kneeling on the ground with solemn expressions. form a human wall

Then two fairy boys held white dust whisks, combed double buns, and wore bright Taoist robes; they strode in vigorously, and Chaoyan saw the two clearly by the surrounding candlelight and fireflies. The empress dao boy opened her mouth wide in shock: these two dao boys are the two boys, awe-inspiring and Haoran, who are beside Shangguande!

They didn't look sideways, as if they didn't see Zhao Yan who was tied up, they walked to the two sides of the human wall and stood face to face, waiting for a big man behind

I saw a slender and tall figure getting closer and closer, the dark and muscular figure strode in, the dim light in the cave illuminated his appearance, he was wearing a blue-black gossip robe, and a golden lotus crown on his head , with a fairy demeanor, a face like a full moon, and a cynical mockery and arrogance in his slender eyes


Why is Brother Shangguan here?Could it be that he is that Heavenly Venerable?My God, if he is Tianzun, wouldn't he be pretending that he didn't understand Lingzhu when he saw me?Was he lying to me from the beginning?Since he is the Heavenly Venerable, how could he not understand spells?So... when he was in his house, he was pretending to be a mortal to tease me?

Chaoyan stared blankly at Shangguande who was close at hand, feeling both surprised and happy for a moment, and was about to open his mouth to ask him for help, but saw Shangguande stopped three meters away from her, with his arms folded around his chest , casually spoke first:

"Where is Hu Si?"

"Here! Master, little Hu Si is here!"

The groom parted from the crowd happily just now, nodded and bowed, ran to Shangguande and knelt on the ground, raised his head and stretched his neck, like a funny tortoise, flatteringly asked: "Master, I didn't expect you to Visiting the small humble house really makes the small humble house flourish!"

"Ah, I just passed by here because I was a little thirsty. I saw the happy words posted in front of your cave, so you don't mind coming here to ask you a glass of wedding wine?"

Shangguan De leaned over and asked

"No, no! Master is willing to come here to show your face, the little one is too late to be grateful, so I will carry the wine for you, the old man, and the young one happens to have a jar of thousand-year-old wine here."

The groom, Hu Si, was about to get up, but Shangguan De straightened his body, saw Chao Yan who was tied to the ground and couldn't move, and asked suspiciously, "Hu Si, who is that?"

"Ah, Master, that is a thief who sneaked in to steal things!"

Hu Si glanced at Chaoyan, and said a little angrily, "I don't know where the wild girl sneaked in, but she pretended to be a little servant girl, and tricked the little one into getting an engagement gift with the lady. The little one looks like she is a human being, Master." , the living heart and liver are the most delicious, you always sit down for a while, and after a while, dig out her heart and liver and offer it to the master to drink."

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