After Chao Yan took a bath and changed clothes in Prince Ning's Mansion, she sat in the living room and slowly sipped the refreshments brought by the maids, waiting boredly for Qin Zheng to return to the mansion.

She waited less than half a cup of tea when she heard someone outside singing loudly: "My lord is here!"

After Chao Yan heard this, she hurriedly swallowed half of the unfinished dim sum, and wanted to go out to greet her; but the pea yellow was too big, she choked and rolled her eyes.Fortunately, the maids around were very well-behaved and sullen, none of them dared to laugh at her.

"I kept you waiting, little sister." Qin Zheng strode into the door and said loudly.

"Brother? Is this... is it really you?"

Chaoyan was stunned when she saw him, and saw that Qin Zheng had already changed from the unremarkable commoner clothes she had seen before into a brown-red silk uniform.

He wears a purple gold crown on his head, a jasper belt around his waist, a pulley and a sword, a jade seal with a purple ribbon hanging on his belt, and a pair of upturned shoes on his feet. He looks heroic and mighty; Compared with him, he has a little more aura of calmness and prestige.

"Silly girl, who else could it be if it's not the lonely king?" Qin Zheng seemed a little funny when he saw her staring at him in a daze. The high-waisted skirt with sleeves is very suitable for you, it looks like a little princess."

Chao Yan felt a little shy when she heard that, she lowered her head and giggled twice.

"Are you hungry, little sister? Come, go have dinner with the lonely king."

Qin Zheng turned around and ordered the servants to set up a banquet and invite her to the table.Although Chao Yan ate some snacks, she was already very hungry because she hadn't eaten. Seeing the table full of delicacies, she started eating without regard for her image.She has never eaten so much delicious food since she came down to the mortal world.

Qin Zheng just drank wine and didn't eat much.It seems that I have no appetite.

"Huh? The water in this jug smells really good." Zhaoyan smelled the fragrance of the jug of wine beside him, so she asked, "Brother, I want to taste it too."

"This is wine, it has a lot of stamina, it's best not to drink it at a girl's house."

Qin Zheng dissuaded him kindly.

"Brother, can I just have a sip? It smells really good." Chaoyan greedy came up, begging to drink that good-smelling wine.Qin Zheng was so entangled by her that he had no choice but to let her drink.

Chaoyan took a glass of wine, tasted the first sip, and felt that it was fragrant and sweet, not as spicy as white wine, so she simply let go of the amount, poured another glass after drinking, and let go of the amount like drinking water .Qin Zheng, who was at the side, saw her and hurriedly got up to stop her, saying, "Little sister drinks too much, you will get drunk."

"Drunk? How could it be?" Chao Yan drank a few glasses of wine, her face was slightly pink, she smiled happily and grabbed the wine glass that Qin Zheng took back, "Brother, this is sweet at all. Fruit juice, haha, you lied to want to drink it by yourself, right? Hahaha!!..."

She staggered and laughed, then suddenly tilted and fell to the ground with a plop.

"Little sister!" Qin Zheng was so startled that he hurriedly got up to help him, only to find that Chao Yan was already lying on the ground and soundly asleep.

"You silly girl..." Qin Zheng heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that she was just drunk; then he bent down and gently picked her up, and walked into the bedroom...

Qin Zheng put Chaoyan on the bed, carefully looked at Chaoyan who was sleeping soundly with fiery eyes, and saw that the girl was sleeping peacefully and relaxed, with a sweet smile on her round face; as if in a dream Also saw something good.His unpretentious demeanor is very endearing.

Qin Zheng liked it more and more, so he reached out and unbuttoned her collar, and leaned down to kiss her.But he stopped soon; he recalled what Zhaoyan said back then: Brother, you have bright eyes, giving people a very upright feeling, and you are very sincere when you look at people, so I know you must be a good person at a glance ...

"You really trust me without reservation..."

Qin Zheng withdrew his hand, but smiled.Trusting this kind of thing is like a piece of clean white paper, once kneaded, it can never be restored to its original state.This girl is a clean piece of paper, she should be cherished and treated carefully.

So he called the maidservants to stay and wait on him, but he went out by himself.

After Zhaoyan fell asleep, she fell asleep until midnight. She opened her eyes in a daze, and saw herself lying in a bedroom with only her underwear on. She was startled and sat up quickly.The maid who was keeping watch on the floor next to the bed opened her eyes when she heard the movement, and asked in a low voice, "Miss, are you awake? Do you want some tea to hangover?"

"Where is this? What's wrong with me?"

"Miss, you drank too much drunken wine, so you got drunk and passed out. This is your bedroom arranged by the prince, and I am the night-watch maid who waits on the lady." The maid stood up and said to her, barely watching in the faint candlelight Qing is a little girl in her teens, wearing a bun with double rings, and her voice is soft and sweet: "If you have any orders, miss, just say it."

"No, what time is it now? Why is it so dark?"

Chao Yan asked.

"Go back to Miss, it's late at night."

"It's late at night?" Chao Yan heard this, got out of bed in a hurry, and ran outside without her shoes on.

"What's the matter, miss?" The maid hurriedly followed.

But Chaoyan didn't answer her, she just went to the middle of the yard and looked around with her face up; it was late at night, and she should be able to see the spiritual light from Yuzhu.As long as you can see the direction clearly, you can deduce where Yuzhu is.

I saw that the sky was full of stars at this time, and a slanting moon hung in the west.It was dark and silent.It's really silent, and the universe is quiet.

"If you can't see a single aura, it means that Yuzhu is not around here..."

Chaoyan looked around nervously, and finally saw a light red brilliance rising in the sky in the north; clouds were floating in the night sky in the north.


Chaoyan clapped her hands happily and laughed, the brilliance was unmistakable, it was definitely the light from one of the jade beads.It should not be far from this distance, it is nearby.

"Miss, what are you looking at?" The maid following behind asked puzzled.

"No, I didn't see anything." Chao Yan asked, "Do you know who lives in the north of here?"

"Miss, did you ask about the north side of the Imperial City?" The maid thought for a while and answered, "That's too much, we are also part of the northern side of the Imperial City, and further north there are many residences of princes and ministers, including the imperial palace! "

"Is that so? Thank you, let's go back to sleep." Chaoyan was a little disappointed when she saw that she didn't find anything useful.She yawned, forget it, don't think about it, go to sleep first, and think of a solution tomorrow!

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