A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 70: Fish on sticky board

"You, are you going to eat me?"

Chaoyan looked at the mysterious man with a smile in front of her in fear, and now she only felt that she was afraid that something bad was going on.

Shangguan De didn't answer, the corners of his thin mouth curved into a graceful arc, then he casually pulled out the sword from the waist of one of the boys, and swung it at Chaoyan!


Chaoyan yelled in fright, but found that she was unharmed and looked down, only to see that those disgusting spider threads that were constantly hacked by knives and couldn't be torn apart by hands were all cut off in a neat and smooth way by magic.

"Chao Yanna, were you frightened just now?"

Shangguan De casually inserted the long sword into the boy's waist, impartially, the sword body and the scabbard fit together perfectly, brushing the ground, making a crisp metal friction sound

It seems that he is a veteran of swordsmanship. This seemingly inadvertent thrust has a high accuracy rate, but there is nothing he can't do with decades of skill.

Chao Yan held her sore wrist and looked at him dumbfoundedly.

The cool night wind blows thick or light clouds and mist head-on. At this time, the carriage has risen very high, and almost completely flew into the clouds.

Finally, she plucked up the courage to ask, "You, who are you?"

"The virtue of a poor official"

Shangguan De still had a cynical expression on his face, but he had to admit that he was naturally elegant, and that handsome face, which looked like a fairy in a painting, looked even more charming under the bright moonlight

"I know you are also the Demon Lord of Jiuyou, right?"

Chaoyan looked at him with a pale face, and couldn't help but took a step back: "You, you pretended to be a mortal who knows nothing. I didn't see it at the beginning... Why are you approaching me? Now, you want to eat Did you kill me?"

"What if I say yes?"

Shangguan De jokingly asked back with a look of a cat playing with a mouse

"Then I'll run!"

As Chao Yan said, she silently recited the incantation of the blue spirit bead in her hand, and wanted to take off, but Shangguan De had sharp eyesight and quick hands, reached out to grab her wrist, and forcibly pulled the wooden board that had just left the corridor almost Chao Yan who flew away was dragged down alive

With a smooth stroke, the two spirit beads on Chaoyan's wrist were taken into his hand

"You, you... Forget it, I can't escape, I just ask you to have a good time, don't kill people with blunt knives and make me suffer!"

Chao Yan panicked and pointed at him and held back for a long time, feeling that she was a piece of fish on a sticky board and had nowhere to escape, so she fell down on the ground in desperation and announced in frustration


Shangguande suddenly laughed loudly when he heard this, he knelt down, keeping his eyes on Chaoyan, folded his hands and asked: "Little girl, you are really scared, don't be afraid, although I come from the way of magic, I practice the way of intercepting teachings , but I haven't eaten human flesh for 1000 years"

"Huh? So you won't kill me?"

Chao Yan looked up at him in astonishment, as if seeing the only sunshine in the dark clouds

"What am I going to kill you for?"

Shangguan De stretched out a hand, as if to pull her up


Chaoyan hesitated for a moment, and finally took Shangguande's outstretched hand boldly. He narrowed his eyes slightly, then stood up and pulled her up

The moon is as bright as water, and the breeze is blowing

Chaoyan shivered involuntarily in the hallway of the silver carriage, the autumn night was very cold, and it was even colder in the sky

"Is it cold? Or follow me in and talk"

Shangguande saw how she was trembling, so he turned around and walked to the front of the carriage door. The two Taoist boys immediately walked over and pulled left and right, and the carriage door, which was like a sliding paper door, opened silently.

Shangguande said to Chaoyan: "Come in and have a cup of tea"

Then he went in by himself first, Chaoyan looked at the door of the carriage, and there was nothing he could do after thinking about it, so he had to bite the bullet and walk in

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