A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 75: Mid-Autumn Festival Appreciation of the Moon

The green hills of the imperial capital city were all put on new golden clothes. The autumn is crisp and refreshing, and even the sky looks more vast and blue.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is here. This is a festival where golden chrysanthemums are in full bloom and people enjoy the moon and drink wine.

Naturally, the Son of Heaven wants to have fun with the people, so that night, Qin Zheng took all the concubines and concubines of the Harem to enjoy the moon and drink wine together in the Jiayue Hall of the Harem.

The Jiayue Hall is used for family banquets in the harem. The foundation is very high, and you need to walk on a high platform to reach the main hall

In the main hall, carved beams and painted columns are made of sandalwood, and the floor is made of marble. The floor is spacious and bright, as big as a square.

To the east of here is a huge artificial lake full of hibiscus. Through the corridor surrounded by white jade railings, you can see people looking at the hibiscus pool outside while watching the moon and drinking, which is very pleasing to the eye.

On the west wall are the true or false fairy tales of the heavenly maiden scattering flowers and the founding of the great ancestor carefully drawn by the court painters, each of which is lifelike, the fairy saws are elegant, and the samurai glared and stretched his bow.

On the tall red rhinoceros in the north, there are two carved golden chairs inlaid with jewels and tassels, which are the thrones of the emperor and empress.

In front of the throne is a dragon table covered with a yellow tablecloth and two blue tassels hanging down. It has already been filled with sumptuous delicacies, even richer than the small tables in front of all the concubines below.

And to the south are five tall vermilion carved palace gates.

The concubines of the harem sat in two rows on the east and west sides. In front of each of them was a small square table with low legs, and they did not use stools. They all knelt on the yellow bed.

Chaoyan, as the princess, has a special status, so she sits on the top east side, and the first one facing her is Ye Chiying who sits on the west side

The bright candles in the hall dazzled people, except for that Ye Chiying who was calm and composed, the other concubines sat solemnly one by one, as if they were not here for a banquet, but rather like candidates for an exam

"The emperor is here! The queen is here!"

A eunuch with a cock-duck voice sounded a long summons from outside the door, and all the concubines got up quickly and said in unison: "Long live my emperor! Long live the queen!"

Then we all knelt down together

Chaoyan also knelt down and looked up at Qin Zheng, who was slowly walking into the hall with the queen, surrounded by maids and eunuchs.

I saw that he didn't wear the crown suit today, but changed into a simple black dragon robe and a purple gold crown; it was a little less serious, and more elegant and easy-going. The kind and easy-going big brother I met when I was sheltering from the rain in the ruined temple

The queen is wearing a phoenix crown and Xiapei, a scarlet gauze skirt, and a golden phoenix with red gold dots stuck in a high bun; she follows Qin Zheng defiantly, stepping up to the high throne, bypassing the dragon case, stretched his wide sleeves for a while, swung the long dress generously behind him, and sat down neatly

The candles on the surrounding red halls vaguely reflected her calm face, adding a touch of indescribable mystery and calm to her.

Although the maintenance in the palace made her look still a beautiful woman, but from her eyes that have been through the vicissitudes of life, there is clearly a calm and sophisticated ability to see through the world.

Qin Zheng also sat down, and said in a flat tone: "Every concubine is flat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

All the concubines said in unison, and they all got up and knelt down in front of their small tables again.

At this moment, Chaoyan suddenly had a vague illusion: as if she had been a concubine of Qin Zheng for a long time, otherwise, why did Qin Zheng say that all the concubines love you, not everyone loves you? What about Concubine and Yan'er?

But she soon came to her senses: only she is special here, so why can't she just add "He Yan'er" to it?It sounds too awkward, why don't you concubines say it smoothly, as long as you know what you mean in your heart, isn't it all right?

So she was relieved, sat at the table, looked up at Qin Zheng

I saw Qin Zheng looking around the hall, and didn't pay special attention to her eyes, but said: "My dear concubines, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, we don't have to stick to the usual etiquette tonight, just enjoy the moon and drink, don't worry. If you don’t come back drunk, I will offer you a glass of concubine.”

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Everyone raised their glasses with him and drank it all in one gulp

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