A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 80: The fairy is...

In the high corridor of Jiayue Hall, everyone was looking for Princess Chaoyan, when suddenly someone pointed to the pond below and exclaimed: "Your Majesty! Look! What is that!"

After hearing this, Qin Zheng and the others hurriedly leaned on the white jade railing and looked down, only to see a golden red dragon flying around a woman in a blue dress and a plain skirt by the rippling lotus pond. The brilliance is like a fairy in the world

The lotus leaves are elegant, the waves are rippling, and from time to time there are firefly-like lights flying up and down around her, like a dream

"My God, could it be that the fairy lady has descended to earth?"

Some concubines couldn't help exclaiming, this is the first time they have seen such a miraculous thing

Qin Zheng was not surprised, he recognized the familiar figure from a distance by the moonlight, and without further ado, he separated from the crowd and rushed out of the palace, and the concubines behind him hurriedly followed after seeing him, thinking that He's going to meet that amazing woman

But Qin Zheng didn't slow down because of this. He took three steps and two steps, hurried down the high steps of the main hall, and rushed to the pond.

"Yan'er, is that you?"

He eagerly approached the lotus pond, but saw the girl standing against the wind under the bright moonlight, raising her right hand high, three bright and colorful beads on her white wrist were shining brightly under the moonlight, the little dragon unexpectedly It's a group of goldfish swimming briskly in the air!

I saw countless big and small goldfish wagging their translucent red tails, swimming lightly in the colorful moonlight.

The slow-flying fireflies are also mixed in the period, dotted in the night, landed on the swaying lotus, scattered in the swimming fish; like stars

These inconceivable little animals sometimes nimbly pass through the caves of the rockery, and sometimes touch the gently swaying golden steps on Chaoyan Jinghong's bun, swim past her slender and graceful waist, and kiss her flowing sleeves and The slightly raised golden lotus embroidered shoes on the feet

"Yan'er, what, what's going on here? Is it really you?"

Qin Zheng was stunned, it was the first time he saw such a spectacle

"Ah! Brother Qin Zheng?"

When Chaoyan heard his call, her hands trembled involuntarily, and the mysterious brilliance of the three spirit beads was shocked, and the school of fish that lost the light of the spirit all fell to the ground and fell into the water with a splash make a sound like rain

Some did not have time to fall into the water, but landed on the rockery and in the surrounding grass, and a few small goldfish landed on Chaoyan's shoulders and jumped, and finally fell into the grass

"If you see through it, these little goldfish won't be able to go home"

Chaoyan carefully picked off a small goldfish from her shoulder, put it back into the pool, smiled foolishly, and didn't answer his question, just squatted down to pick up the leftover goldfish one by one, and threw them into the pool.

"Oh! That fairy is the sister of the princess?"

The concubines who followed behind gathered around, looking around in surprise and surprise, but now except for a few fish that hadn't had time to be picked up by Chaoyan, Guanghua had long since disappeared, only a faint moonlight quietly sprinkled on the ground

"Sister princess, what method did you use just now, that red dragon is so beautiful, can you show us again?"

"Sister princess..."

They gathered around chatteringly, and the strong scent of powder made Chao Yan feel sick to her stomach; she had to stop picking up the goldfish, and stood up with water stains all over her body, saying, "You all got it wrong just now, how do I know what red dragon and green dragon are?" don't ask me"

After she finished speaking, she didn't explain much, separated the concubines who surrounded her, and ran away without looking back

"Hey! Yan'er? Yan'er!!"

Qin Zheng called a few times from behind, but she didn't answer, and now even she herself didn't know what was wrong with her

The good mood under the moonlight just now collapsed the moment she saw Qin Zheng. She just felt that she didn't want to see Qin Zheng and his women, although she knew in her heart that she was making trouble for no reason.

However, she was too lazy to care about so much, she just wanted to escape to her bedroom and shut out everything she didn't want to see

After all, a woman's sour heart cannot tolerate the existence of reason

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