A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 83: Tears are the urine of the soul

"No more"

Chaoyan put down the moon cake in her hand in disappointment, and replied with sad eyes: "Although I am not reconciled, there is nothing wrong with those concubines. They were the concubines of Brother Qin Zheng before me. How can I turn against others and harm others? Robbing their husbands! However, even though I know this in my heart, I still don’t want to see them surrounding my brother together...I can only cry a lot!”

Speaking of this, she couldn't help shedding tears again.

"Hey! Don't cry, girl!"

Shangguande didn't expect a joke to make her cry again, so he took out a white handkerchief from his sleeve, got up and leaned forward halfway to wipe her tears, "You silly girl, I just said it casually, You cry, it won’t be so uncomfortable after crying, tears are the urine of the soul, if you don’t cry, you will be suffocated to death”


When Chaoyan heard the second half of his high-sounding statement, she couldn't help it anymore, and burst out laughing

She raised her head to look at this serious and handsome man, with tears still on her face and laughed, "I never thought that a person as refined and noble as you, Brother Shangguan, would say such vulgar words, hahaha, I am dying of laughter!"

"Hey—Miss Chaoyan, don't laugh, your words are rough and the reason is not rough."

Shangguan De also showed a childlike mischievous humor and vivaciousness on his face, and said solemnly: "This man is full of emotions and desires. If he doesn't vent his emotions in time, he will be suffocated. Even the Nine Heavens God is no exception!"

"What you said is wrong, no!"

Chao Yan shook her head like a rattle, "I am a demoted stupid immortal, that's why I have unclean emotions and six desires, and the immortals above the nine heavens don't have them."

"Since Miss Chaoyan is a celestial being in the upper realm, how could she forget the Cowherd and Weaver Girl who are separated by the Milky Way, and how could she ignore the Three Holy Mothers who think of the lower realm and the sister from the Jade Emperor's family?"

Shangguan De dismissed a smile, looked at the Milky Way flickering outside the window, and retorted:


Chao Yan was questioned by him. Indeed, thinking about it this way, it seems that there are many gods who think about the world, and each of them has a high status. If you say that you are humble, the princess of the Jade Emperor's family is also a Taoist shallow?

But she soon found the so-called answer: "Then, that's because, it's because they are only a few individual phenomena! Real gods still don't have the seven emotions and six desires."

"Okay, let me give you an example"

Seeing that she was obsessed with obsession, Shangguande pointed at her and said, "Let me ask you, what are the seven emotions and six desires?"

"Brother Shangguan, since you are the dignified and imposing Nine Serene Supreme Saint, why don't you even understand such a simple question?"

Chaoyan was straightforward, and thought he really didn't understand, so she replied triumphantly: "The Buddha said six senses: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind; six dusts: form, sound, smell, taste, touch. , Dharma, so there are seven emotions: joy, anger, sorrow, joy, love, evil, desire"

"Yes, good answer"

Shangguande nodded, staring into her eyes and asked; "Then, have you ever seen a deity in the heaven whose dharma form has no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind, and no joy, anger, sorrow, joy, love, or evil in his heart?" , Desire? Not to mention anything else, just talk about the Queen Mother of Yaochi, if she had no desire for love, she would not be attached to the Lingzhu bracelet, if she had no desire for anger, she would not demote you because you lost the Lingzhu Even if the queen mother is like this, what about the other gods in the nine heavens?"

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