A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 87: No more than one of her!

"I get it, are you resenting me for not expressing your intentions since I already know what you want, but still indifferent to you?"

Qin Zheng slowly approached the place where the breath came from, and said in a gentle tone: "That's because I'm afraid of hurting you because I know that you will never tolerate me having other women besides you at the same time, but I don't Maybe because of this, I abandoned those concubines who have served me and shared joys and sorrows with me for more than ten years. So I originally wanted to bury this relationship deep in my heart, thinking about finding a man who can replace me to match you, but you just didn’t expect it You actually left Zhen Yan'er without saying a word, you silly girl!"

When he said this, he felt that he was approaching the person hiding in the corner, so he grabbed the person suddenly and held her tightly in his arms. The fragrant smell came to his nostrils; embraced

So the woman caught by him struggled a little, and when she couldn't move, she groaned weakly.

"Yan'er, since you and I have the same thoughts, then I have changed my mind. Instead of letting you slip away from my side, it is better to keep you by my side! You belong to me, Yan'er, and no one can do it." Don't try to take you away from me!"

As he spoke, he roughly kissed the wonderful woman in his arms, the hot kisses fell like raindrops, from her smooth forehead to her delicate mouth, his tongue broke through her teeth nimbly and without resistance , lingering with that lilac tongue

The woman in his arms moaned weakly, and submissively immersed herself in his powerful caress

Qin Zheng couldn't control his long-suppressed emotions in his drunken haze. He indulged in caressing the delicate woman in his arms. His hands skillfully wandered around her collar, and then he took off her clothes all at once. Tore it off, and rubbed the two soft little white pigeons just right, the woman under her moaned, and completely gave up resistance

At this time, Mingyue had already hid in the dark clouds...

The next day, Qin Zheng was awakened by the sound of a woman crying next to his ear. He opened his eyes, only to find himself lying in a dirty attic, and a naked strange woman was sitting next to him with her arms around her knees. cover your face and cry

"Who are you?"

Qin Zheng sat up in displeasure, and he found that he was also naked. The dragon robe and a pile of white women's clothes were randomly put together.

"Your Majesty, this servant is Suyun, the personal maid of Concubine Ying."

Seeing him wake up, the woman hurriedly wiped away the tears on her face, knelt on the ground and replied

"Why are you here?"

Qin Zheng rubbed his forehead, because he drank too much wine last night, so when he woke up today, he felt headache

"Have you forgotten, Your Majesty? You drank too much wine last night and forcibly pampered your servants here."

Su Yun blushed and replied cautiously:


Qin Zheng finally understood that the woman last night was not Chaoyan, but this court lady named Suyun

He remembered what happened last night, and couldn't help but angrily said: "You slave, how dare you pretend to be the princess and deceive me?"

"Your Majesty! This servant has wronged me!"

Suyun hurriedly raised her head and argued: "Your Majesty, last night the servant obeyed my mother's order, fearing that His Majesty would be caught in the cold outside, ordered the servant to come out to look for His Majesty, who knows that His Majesty will not allow the servant to speak, and mistook the servant as the princess. The servant thought that Your Majesty was drunk. So I hid here and didn't dare to argue with His Majesty, but His Majesty still mistook the servant for His Majesty the Princess, since you think the servant is deliberately deceiving you, then please grant the servant to die, and the servant will have no complaints!"

"That's it!"

Qin Zheng looked at her impatiently. In the morning light, this woman named Suyun was also born with delicate features, bright and white teeth, and a cute face.

He wanted someone's body, but killed him instead. He couldn't do such a wicked thing. Although he also knew that it was probably a trap set by a cunning woman, which woman in the harem was not trying to achieve some purpose of her own? Thinking about him non-stop?

Forget it, Sangong Sixth Courtyard, three thousand beauties, not one more

So he said angrily: "From now on, you don't have to be a court lady anymore, I will call you Zhaoyi"

"Ah? Thank you, Your Majesty! Long live Your Majesty!"

When Na Suyun saw her, she hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to thank her.

Qin Zheng stood up and said impatiently, "Su Zhaoyi, why don't you wait for me to change clothes?"

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