A confused concubine fell from the sky

Chapter 95: What a wretched heart!

I saw that Wang Bengu was lying on the bed, but he was sticking the pancakes over and over again, as if he couldn't fall asleep.

"Brother Shangguan, what's wrong with this man?"

Chao Yan puzzled

"Just wait and see"

Shangguan De folded his hands in front of his chest, and replied with his usual elegant and leisurely posture.

At this time, I suddenly heard a strange groaning sound from the next door.

"What's that sound?"

Chaoyan was about to ask again, but Shangguande smiled mysteriously, and waved her hand to signal that she didn't need to ask more; then she reached out and walked over to the wall and tapped with her finger, and the thick wall was penetrated, leaving a small circle the size of a finger Hole, shining golden through the light from next door

The moans from next door became clearer

I saw that Wang Bengu was lying on the bed, tossing and turning for a while, and saw the small golden hole, so he got up and lay down on the hole to look in.

Looking at it, he seemed to be stuck, kneeling on the bed with his butt pouted and refusing to get up, with a big mouth showing an almost obscene smile

"What's the matter?"

Chaoyan is not good at playing charades, she couldn't figure it out, so she simply walked to the bed, and with the power of invisibility, she went through the wall to see what happened

As a result, when she ran to the next door to take a look, her face flushed with shame, and she quickly covered her face with a cry.

It turned out that a man next door was stripping naked, hugging a naked woman on the bed and doing that kind of thing.

"It's really embarrassing!!"

Chaoyan hurriedly covered her face and fled back to Wang Bengu's room

"Silly girl, who told you to go there?"

Shangguan De laughed loudly when he saw him at the side, facing his red and hot face with shame, he beat him on the chest angrily, "Brother Shangguan, you big villain! You must have known it a long time ago? Why didn't you tell me? Damn it I was scared to death!"

"I thought you could understand this kind of thing by looking at Wang Bengu's face. I didn't expect you to be so simple, hahaha!"

Shangguan De had a smirk on his face

"Brother Shangguan who hates you!"

Touching her hot face, Chao Yan said, "This is what Miss Yuan Luo did just now? But, what does this mean? Even though this Wang Ben has a voyeuristic heart, he still didn't betray him." Isn't the wife?"

"Well, it's not time yet"

Shangguan De took off his jasper wrench from his left thumb, handed it to her and said, "Take my wrench, and you can hear the inner voice of mortals, try it."

"Hey... Can you hear the inner voice of mortals?"

Chaoyan looked at the emerald green finger in astonishment, and took it dubiously.

Immediately, as soon as she took the finger wrench, she heard a man smiling lewdly and saying, "Pick it harder! Hold that golden lotus foot!"


Chaoyan was so frightened that she lost her hand and threw away her finger. She blushed and pointed at the one who was still pouting her buttocks and peeking at Chun; Wang Bengu's inner voice?"


Shangguande picked up the wrench that had rolled to his feet, and handed it to her, "Silly girl, don't be afraid of the desires of men and women. It's not a shame to have an unobstructed nature. If you don't listen carefully, how can you hear him?" The true thoughts in your heart?"

"I, I don't listen"

Chao Yan seemed to be avoiding the finger wrench, shaking her hands repeatedly and backing away, as if what he handed over was not a finger wrench, but a hot coal, "How can there be no sin in a person's heart? All desires are included, there are no good people in this world, but as long as you can restrain yourself from making mistakes, you are a good person and not a saint. I think this Wang Bengu is a bit wretched now, but it doesn't mean anything, at least he didn't betray his body. his wife"

"Didn't I say it? The time has not come"

But Shangguande thrust the wrench into her hand, and said with a firm smile, "Now the wretchedness in his mind is over, it's time for you to listen to his rational thoughts."

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