() To be honest, Zhang Jiewei is indeed more suitable than me to be the team leader. Among other things, I can't do it just because of what I just did.Because I really don't have much desire to be an official, so I have never felt grateful to those who promoted me, let alone make such nasty actions to show it.

Master Jiang nodded, said the meeting was over, and then left the office quickly, and the figure disappeared before our eyes with the sound of closing the door.

Sometimes, we all feel that Mr. Jiang was sent here, that's why we don't care about the affairs of the secret service. Everything is completely handed over to the team members below, and we are free all day long. .

Zhang Jiewei became the team leader, his face was calmer than before, like frozen meat just taken out of the refrigerator.He glanced around the office, then delivered a short, inaugural-like speech, but no one listened.

After speaking, Zhang Jiewei called me into the small office and asked me to explain my past work.I immediately pretended to be devastated, and handed over all the current responsibilities of each team member and other related matters to him, but my heart was full of joy.

As expected of Zhang Jiewei, a veteran detective, he quickly understood all the situation clearly and made corresponding adjustments.I am not the team leader now, so naturally I will take over from him to investigate Canon Group Liu Shun.

I took Zhang Jiewei's information about Liu Shun, sat at a small desk in the big office and buried myself in it.There are many things recorded in the information, including Liu Shun's immediate and indirect relatives, closest friends, hobbies, past experiences, etc., which are very comprehensive and detailed.

When I turned to the last page, a blank sheet of paper fell off.

I picked up the blank paper and saw that it was written by Zhang Jiewei himself.I saw it said: Liu Shun, whose surname is Liu, the Black Blood Association of Anyin City was established in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. It was an organization of the Liu family in the original city, and gradually evolved into a gang organization.

Since I mentioned the Black Blood Society in the last small setback, I have paid attention to it, and learned that this Liu family was a famous family in Anyin City before liberation, attached to the Kuomintang forces, and later the People's Liberation Army won a nationwide victory. The family did not have time to escape to Taiwan with Lao Jiang, so the end was very miserable.At that time, among the Liu family, there was a man named Liu Neng, who was highly skilled in martial arts, and naturally refused to accept the government's control and suppression, so he used the family's secret hidden treasure and began to recruit social wanderers and counterattacks. The dissatisfied people carried out organized criminal activities, and then developed step by step, becoming the largest underground force in Anyin City.

During this period, the Black Blood Society was also suppressed by the public security organs several times, but the Liu family was originally a local snake in Anyin City and was familiar with the local conditions. There are many underground tycoons in the province, so it is very difficult to completely eliminate them.

And Liu Neng himself is also an extremely cunning person, he never openly clamors to oppose the government, instead he does some charitable activities at the right time, and he also has a legitimate business, so the public security organs are almost helpless against him. All previous blows were palliatives, not root causes.It wasn't until the previous Public Security Bureau chief attacked Liu Neng and the Black Blood Society with a thunderbolt, that the Black Blood Society was wiped out, and Liu Neng himself escaped from Anyin City. Until now, no one knows where this person is hiding.

However, according to some current clues, it can be seen that the Black Blood Society has not been completely eradicated. In the beautiful city of Anyin, this nearly extinct cancer has gradually gained some new vitality. Can faintly see their figures.

Liu Shun, Liu Neng?

One is the boss of the underground Black Blood Association, and the other is the boss of the state-owned enterprise Canon. Is there any connection between them?

There is a world of difference between the two, the only thing they have in common is the surname Liu, but there are so many people surnamed Liu in the world, so it's possible that all of them are related to Liu Neng, so wouldn't this guy become the black pope?

Suddenly, I remembered a piece of news I saw before, saying that the leader of a criminal organization in a certain place sent his two sons to the Police Academy and the Political and Law Academy for further studies. The purpose was not to improve and do good, but to better crime.

Could it be that Liu Neng did the same?

You must know that Liu Neng's reputation in Anyin City was no less than that of the mayor, and even three points higher in the eyes of ordinary people, because this person started his underground career from the beginning of the founding of New China. There are countless storms and waves, but every time he can save the day, it is enough to show that he is resourceful, sophisticated and slippery.What others can do, he can do, and what others can do, he can do better.

If my guess is correct, then the relationship between Liu Shun and Liu Neng is not that simple, even if it is not a father-son relationship, they are also very close blood relatives.In this way, Gu Hengming's death and Xiaoxuan's kidnapping have a clear direction.

Once I figured this out, the next things would be easy to do, but I can't be too prominent now, for Xiaoxuan's safety, everything can only be done in secret.According to the previous agreement with Mr. Jiang, I will try to be as lazy as possible during this period, and he will ask Zhang Jiewei to discipline me strictly, which will highlight my discouragement even more.

When I think of Xiaoxuan, my heart hurts inexplicably. In a daze, a bloody face suddenly appeared in front of me, but before I could see the owner of that face, it flashed by and disappeared into the office space It's like it never existed.

The next day, I got up early and stayed until 08:30 before I went out and lazily arrived at the police station.

As soon as I entered the door of the Secret Service Office, I felt that the atmosphere was not right. Looking along the line of sight, I saw Xiao Zuo sitting there motionless, like a Taoist priest who practiced things, while Gao Jianning and Feng Siyan were hiding behind the computer, pretending to be No door opening was heard.At this time, I felt two sharp eyes piercing my body. Although it was only invisible, it gave me a real sense of touch, which was enough to see how much the owner of the eyes valued me.

I raised my head and saw the owner of my gaze - Zhang Jiewei.

He has the air of being an official, although he is only a small team leader, but he can magnify it infinitely, so big that you feel that he might manipulate your life and death.I don't know if other people have this feeling, anyway, I have really felt it at this moment.

That's exactly what I wanted, though, and I enjoyed watching him, admiring the anger in his brow, as if it had been painted on by mischievous urchins.

Facing my inattentiveness, Zhang Jiewei's eyes became more and more severe, until he couldn't bear it, and then let out an abyss-like growl: "Wang Lei, you are late."

"Yes, I know, but looking at you, I thought I killed someone, and I deserve death!"

It was extremely cold in the office. Gao Jianning originally wanted to break the deadlock after Zhang Jiewei's questioning was over, but my next few words undoubtedly crushed his kindness into dust.

Zhang Jiewei's face suddenly turned pale, and his usual calmness was broken at this moment.

"No wonder he wants to be an official, because this can make him live more like a person, not a cold corpse" I thought viciously.

Seeing Zhang Jiewei's expression about to be furious, Gao Jianning finally became my cousin for a while. He stood up, quickly came to Zhang Jiewei, and said in a low voice: "Group Zhang, Wang Lei has been in a bad mood for the past two days. Well, don't pay too much attention to it, I'll ask him to accompany you later."

Zhang Jiewei gave him a cold look, and his mood seemed to ease, but I don't want this.Today I just want to piss off Zhang Jiewei, make a big fuss, let the whole police situation know about it, let the eyes and ears hiding in the corner hear and see.

"Zhang Jiewei, let me tell you, don't think that being a team leader is a big deal. It's not like we haven't been a team leader before, so why bother?"

Gao Jianning glared at me viciously, and cursed: "If you don't say a few words, you will die? It's alright that Mr. Zhang Zu doesn't care about you a lot. It's okay for you to be late."

I ignored him, looked straight at Zhang Jiewei, and continued provocatively: "Fire me if you have the ability, otherwise don't be coquettish in front of me."

Zhang Jiewei was finally completely furious. He pushed Gao Jianning away with a palm, rushed to me, pointed at my nose and said, "Wang Lei, let me tell you, if Zhang Jiewei is with me for a day, you can be honest with me for a day, otherwise I'm not being rude to you."

I looked indifferent, and said lazily: "I'm late today, why are you so rude?"

"Not only did you come late today, but you also openly contradicted your boss. I decided to deduct half a month's salary. I will report the report to my superior immediately. If you refuse to accept it, I will accompany you to the end."

Zhang Jiewei's words are like iron nails, landing is a pit, my young master's half a month's salary is gone, but this is just the beginning for me, and it ends like this, it is far from what I want Effect.

"Zhang Jiewei, my salary is directly transferred from the finances. What right do you have to withhold it? You really treat yourself like a green onion. Let me tell you, if my salary is less than a penny this month, I will come to your house to eat and drink for nothing. .”

Not to mention, I really have the aptitude of a bit of a rogue, so I said these words without thinking.

Zhang Jiewei was taken aback, as if taken aback, not only that, Gao Jianning who was standing aside, Xiao Zuo and Feng Siyan in the office were also taken aback.After all, a police officer suddenly turned into a rascal, no one can accept it.

I think Zhang Jiewei has reached the point where he can't bear it anymore. If he is not an excellent policeman, he would have given up his fists long ago, and what I am looking for is exactly the same, so I have to work harder.

Zhang Jiewei's blushing face inexplicably returned to the coldness before, he took a step back and said: "I'll give you three days, after three days, if you still like this, I will never forgive you!"

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, this guy actually retreated. I was slightly stunned, and immediately reacted, and stepped forward and shouted: "After three days, what can you do with me? You are threatening me, and I will sue you to my superiors." !"

The obvious unreasonable trouble made Xiao Zuo, who had been sitting on the sidelines, unable to sit still. He sighed and said, "Wang Lei, to be honest, your performance today is really not very good. Although Zhang Zuo is usually not very good, but you It's too much, so much that even I can't stand it."

Gao Jianning also hurriedly said: "Brother, just accept it. You see, Brother Bao also expressed his opinion, so it is indeed your fault today. You should wait and talk about it after you calm down." pull me.

Seeing that the scene was getting more and more lively, I was secretly happy, opened Gao Jianning's hand and shouted: "Don't pretend to be a good person with me here, I'm afraid you have long thought in your heart that I can't be the team leader."

Gao Jianning's eyes widened like goldfish, and he shouted: "What are you talking about, didn't you hear what I said that day? Are you deaf?" Face, I can't wait to step forward and tear me into pieces.

Feng Siyan sat in front of the computer from the beginning to the end, motionless and silent, as quiet as a bird.What is happening in the office now is like a lively performance to her, and she is just an ordinary audience, because she does not belong to the Secret Service.But when Gao Jianning said these words, she actually reacted, her lips moved slightly, but she didn't make a sound.Then Gao Jianning felt her reaction strangely, and turned his head to look at her. The two didn't say anything, but there seemed to be a tacit understanding, which made Gao Jianning calm down.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but think, has something happened between these two people?Impossible, because the two of them basically didn't say a word except for work, which was obvious to all.

I slapped myself hard in my mind, what time is it, and I still think about it, turning the office into a battlefield as soon as possible is the top priority.

After pushing Gao Jianning away, I pointed at Zhang Jiewei's nose and said, "Don't do this with me. I have never been under control in my life. If you don't believe me, let's wait and see."

Zhang Jiewei is a calm person, but it doesn't mean that he has no anger. It's just that he usually comes into contact with criminals, so his anger is suppressed under careful tracking and cruel punishment. Instead, it was his colleague. This kind of stimulation was completely different, something he was not familiar with and could not handle proficiently, so his anger was provoked again.

"Wang Lei, I am now formally warning you that if you continue to mess around, I will use tools in accordance with the law!"

This is the final warning, the effect I expect is coming soon, and I am full of anticipation.

"According to the law? I am also a policeman. Why do you use tools against me? Did I threaten your personal safety? Or did I threaten the safety of other people? Don't put on airs here, you don't have the level of management, Instead, put the damn responsibility on me!"

After finishing speaking, I pushed open the door of the Secret Service Office and shouted loudly: "Zhang Jiewei is so awesome, he has abused his power, and he is going to use tools against his colleagues, yo! He is very capable!"

The doors of several departments next to it opened, and a few heads stuck out, and soon the doors of the entire corridor opened, and everyone looked over, which made me extremely satisfied.Although it's just acting, I'm quite satisfied with my acting skills. I thought that if I started to develop in the entertainment industry, I would definitely be able to embrace something.

This time it really became lively, Gao Jianning and others hurried over to close the door, and kept saying to others: "Everyone, don't watch the small internal disputes."

Originally, I wanted to keep making trouble, but I didn’t want to see the old face of the chief. I believe 90.00% of police officers are like me, because that face that makes you have nowhere to hide can instantly destroy all your defenses and The mask, I was afraid that I would accidentally say something wrong in front of him, so that's the end of the matter.I believe that in this police bureau where gossip can run faster than a four-legged rabbit, I have already become notorious.

But what I never expected was that the director appeared at this moment.

The bureau chief's office was originally on the eighth floor, and he rarely went to other floors, and called people over when he had something to do, but today I don't know what kind of wind blew him here.When I was yelling in front of the Secret Service, he was already standing at the end of the corridor and had watched the whole performance. It wasn't until the actors were about to call the curtain that he, the real protagonist, showed up.

My mind was blank, like an empty corridor.None of the heads that poked out just now could be seen, and the corridor was quiet, only the sound of pressing footsteps.

You know, the sound of footsteps and the owner really control my life and death. In front of him, I am Monkey King, and he is the Tathagata Buddha.

"You are Wang Lei?"

The majestic face of the director appeared in front of my eyes, and he immediately asked this question.

I was stunned, it was very strange that the director would recognize me, I don't know if it was luck or misfortune?

He nodded mechanically, and saluted with a snap.Although I have never followed the trend of inflammation, but I don't want to offend this old guy, let's make a good impression first.

At this moment, Zhang Jiewei saluted ahead of me, and then said: "Director Li, I am Zhang Jiewei, the acting head of the Secret Service Office. I am really sorry for alarming you about a small matter just now."

Director Li hummed, and then said: "Small matter? Such a big movement, let's hear it, how small is it?"

Zhang Jiewei is a qualified police officer, so he would never lie in front of his superiors: "Wang Lei was late for work today, I asked a few questions, but he contradicted me, that's how things are."

Li Ju's face remained calm, he just glanced at us, and then mumbled: "I really don't know what that Jiang Haitao is doing?" After speaking, he turned and left.

It took me a long time before I woke up, recalling what Director Li said when he left, I couldn't help but secretly pray for Master Jiang, of course, praying that he wouldn't use me as a punching bag after being scolded by the director.

However, in order to hide those eyes in the police station, I would rather be a sinner who is condemned and scolded by thousands of husbands!

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