legendary point guard

Chapter 102 The Winter of the Timberwolves

[The second update will be delivered, try my best not to owe an update, please recommend tickets and collections, the first update tomorrow will be at ten o'clock in the morning. ]


No one expected this scene to happen, and the scene of Garnett falling heavily on the floor shocked everyone's retinas.

Lin Sen, who was standing near the free throw line, rushed over immediately. Deron reacted and wanted to hug Lin Sen, but he was still a bit too slow.

Boozer was looking at Garnett on the floor beside him, when a figure rushed over, subconsciously trying to get out of the way.


Lin Sen punched Boozer directly in the chest, and Boozer, caught off guard, staggered immediately.

Boozer raised his fist, but before he could punch, Lin Sen's hands pushed to his chest.

With a violent push, Boozer took three or four steps back and fell down among the reporters at the bottom line, knocking over a pile of equipment.

"Kg, how do you feel?" Lin Sen squatted down, but didn't touch Garnett immediately.

Unknowingly touching Garnett could have made matters worse.

At this moment, Garnett's expression was very painful. As a professional athlete, Lin Sen naturally knew how serious Boozer's malicious foul was just now.

The scene became a little chaotic. If Madsen hadn't been hugged by Okur, Boozer would probably have been beaten again.

However, the other people on both sides were still very rational, and the scene did not cause much trouble.

Bavita never imagined that the situation would suddenly turn into this. As one of the most experienced referees in the NBA, he immediately signaled Boozer for a second-level malicious foul and expelled Boozer from the field.

The penalty for Lin Sen made him a little difficult. It stands to reason that as long as he throws a punch, he must be expelled from the field, and then an additional suspension will be triggered after the game.

But just now Boozer was standing beside Garnett, and Lin Sen's action can also be understood as protecting Garnett. After thinking about it, Bavita decided to expel Lin Sen first.

"God, I hope KG won't have a problem. Just now Carlos's defense was really inappropriate. Was his head stuffed with poop just now? Doesn't he know that such a foul may affect an athlete's career?" Kenny Smith accused.

Boozer was pushed to the sidelines by Kirilenko, and Jerry Sloan's roar made Boozer also react, realizing how inappropriate his actions just now were.

But in the long and harsh insults, Boozer's thought of apologizing was immediately thrown out of his mind, and he walked directly to the player tunnel without looking back.

Garnett was an icon for Minnesota fans, and when Boozer walked into the tunnel, debris flew from both sides of the tunnel.

The staff protecting Garnett and Boozer all became drowned, and got into the player tunnel in embarrassment.

Lin Sen pushed the referee away and waited for the team doctor's examination results.

"Although Wood's action just now was somewhat inappropriate, after all, it did not meet the standards of that old man David Stern's League of Gentlemen.

But I appreciate the fact that the current league is fast-fucking becoming a woman, but waiting for him is likely to be a suspension, but I support him. " Barkley said staring at the basket.

"There may be some problems with the waist, and specific examinations are still needed, but the problem should not be too bad."

Listening to the team doctor's words, Lin Sen nodded: "Kg, as the boss, you can't leave the younger brother behind. I'll go back and take a shower first."

After speaking, Lin Sen followed the staff to the sidelines.

Devin Casey looked at Lin Sen who was walking towards the sidelines, and wanted to scold Lin Sen for being irrational, but he couldn't get out of his mouth.

The team's situation is already bad. Now that Lin Sen is suspended, he can't run. If Garnett's problem is not serious, it may be better, but he can't run if he is absent.

Shaking his head and throwing these things out of his head, he looked at Lin Sen who was walking towards him: "You did a good job, go back and take a good shower, and we will take care of the rest."

"Coach, I'm sorry I was impulsive, but I don't regret it." After speaking, Lin Sen turned and walked towards the player tunnel.

The fans applauded Lin Sen's behavior, and Lin Sen waved his hands and got into the player tunnel.

And Garnett was taken to the hospital immediately, and the dispute ended.

David Stern, who was far away in New York, patted the table, and the expression on his face showed how angry he was at the moment.

For so many years, he has been promoting the League of Gentlemen, hoping to make more people accept basketball. His global plan is also being implemented, and the effect is good.

Although the brawl at the Palace of Auburn Hills had a bad impact, the negative impact of that incident over the past few years has slowly dissipated. What he didn't expect was that another conflict broke out in Minnesota tonight.

Although the scene is not very bad, but because it is the first conflict in the new season, he will be severely punished.

The Timberwolves without Garnett and Linsen are like wolves without their teeth.

In the end, he lost the game at his own home court.

But this is not what people care about. Apart from Garnett's injury, what people care about is the reaction of the league and the thoughts of the parties.

However, Garnett was sent to the hospital and could not be interviewed, and Lin Sen, one of the parties involved, also left the arena early.

Lin Sen did not go home but went directly to the hospital where Garnett was. After examination, things were not bad.

Garnett suffered soft-tissue contusions in his lower back and a torn muscle bond in addition to a strained thigh muscle.

However, although it is not serious, it needs to rest for almost a month. This is undoubtedly a major bad news for the Timberwolves, who have a weak lineup.

Amanda Seyfried immediately updated her Twitter: "Carlos Boozer is a morally corrupt scum, Wood you did a good job, I will always support you, I hope KG recovers soon."

When Lin Sen got home, he received a call from David Falk.

"Wood, I don't know what to say about you, but personally you did a great job, better give him another punch.

But from an agent's point of view it's not a big deal but it could affect you, you know some bitch journalists have been chasing you and I can imagine what they're going to put on your head. "

Lin Sen smiled: "The result won't be too bad, my movement is not too big, I just want to push him away and see how KG is doing, it's that simple."

"Yes, you are like this, so it's time for me to be busy. I have dealt with that old man David Stern for decades. I have to go out and look for him, otherwise things will be worse than you imagined."

"sorry to bother you."

"Bullshit trouble, maybe we can use this matter to bring your fame one step closer."

Lin Sen was about to speak, when David Falk said again: "That Amanda is really nice, her surname is lovely, don't you think about it?"

"I don't even know her..."

"Okay, you go to bed early, leave the rest to me, and I will give you good news." After speaking, David Falk hung up the phone.

"Minnesota Conflict" - "USA Today".

"Rookie's Fist" -- "Los Angeles Times."

"Dark Hour of Timberwolves" -- "espn".

"Farewell, Days Without a Wolf King" - "Yahoo Sports".


The next day, the media paid attention to the conflict between the Timberwolves and the Jazz, and Garnett's upcoming injury for a month made Timberwolves fans feel that the winter had come completely.

Not to mention Lin Sen couldn't escape the suspension.

But what is surprising is that the league, which has always punished quickly, did not announce the punishment until noon the next day.

This made many people feel incredible.


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