Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 103 Assassin who has a chapter to talk about

In the small private room behind the church, Assassin told his life experience and the ins and outs of the whole incident.

She is an orphan, an orphan who grew up in a secret training base. In addition to singing praises to Theofano's family, she has been instilled with her loyalty to Rome since she was a child.She didn't know whose children it was, and she didn't want to know.When she was growing up, the Assassin institution was run by Cheap Daddy and Grandfather, and sometimes my grandfather and my father would go to the training grounds to visit the orphans.

Assassin admitted very directly that she fanatically worshiped Cheap Daddy and my grandfather, not to mention that she once worshiped Caesar like those noble ladies and ladies worshiped heroes, and did not hide that she first took over as my private Sasin and the original purpose of these two missions as Wendir.In her eyes, the Theofano family is the savior of Rome, and Papa Cheap is an admirable ruler in this world. He brought wealth to Rome, brought peace, brought justice, brought other countries, other people The happiness that can not be enjoyed, only cheap daddy is the emperor of Rome, and only cheap daddy can push Rome to a new peak. For the great cause of Rome, she can do anything.

And when it comes to her becoming Wendir, it is because of a historical reason.

Assassin was an institution to protect the existence of the Roman royal family. The superiors of Theofano family naturally launched a purge against Assassin. Assassin was not popular, and it developed very slowly in various places. It was not until my cheap dad came to power that the trend gradually changed.However, in a short period of time, the dilemma of lack of middle-level executives still cannot be changed.

Then, after France put Colbert in power, Colbert continued to introduce policies to increase tariffs, which led to a sharp decline in the profits of the Roman treasury.In order to avoid this policy, more than ten years ago.After more than ten years away from home, the real Mrs. Wendell was killed by pirates hired by the Assassin organization on her way home to visit relatives.

The Assassin group then poisoned the real Mrs. Wendell's husband.After getting rid of the real Mrs. Wendir's husband, Assassin, as a newcomer, was able to play the role of Wendir, the foreign noble lady in Constantinople, because of her loyalty and ability to handle affairs.

As an inconspicuous nobleman, she smoothly integrated into this identity without arousing any doubts.The Shanghai Piaohong Chamber of Commerce is just a chamber of commerce under her name. Her duty is to serve as the hostess of the chamber of commerce among the dignitaries of various countries to ensure that the true background of the chamber of commerce is not exposed. The development was regarded as the result of her seducing the powerful everywhere and exchanging her beauty for benefits.Regarding the chamber of commerce, it was an organization that earned wealth for the Theofano family, and it was also one of the channels for Assassins to infiltrate countries.It's just that as the scale of Piaohong in the sea grew bigger and bigger, the French aroused vigilance.

At the age of 25, two years ago, she received the order to contact me because Caesar decided to take back Piao Hong at that time.She no longer needs to be a cover-up, she married over.Then he can legally send all the wealth under his name to Theofano's family.Of course, the intention is not limited to that.Her act of touching me was also a first move.It is convenient to make arrangements for the Frenchman's next move.If the French firmly believe that Piao Hong was a pawn arranged by the Roman Empire long ago, Rome will make corresponding arrangements for this. If the intelligence shows that the French think that the Theofano family is just greedy for the wealth of Piao Hong, it seems that Caesar also has countermeasures .In any case, if the French wanted to know the real information, they had to mobilize spies inside the Roman Empire, which gave the empire a chance to cleanse and fight back.

According to Assassin's knowledge. The 35 French troops are already in place on all sides of the border, and Rome is still unable to withdraw from the Russian battlefield because Russia is still dissatisfied with the treaty. What's worse is the intelligence display.The pro-French elements in Aragon will start an uprising, and the Italian countries will take advantage of this to join forces with the Holy See to occupy North Naples.

"Well, I know the situation in Rome is very bad, but so what, what can I do, I have no other resources to fight against the French except a fifth Spartan army. And you said so much, Aren't you afraid that your great Caesar will ask you for revealing information that shouldn't be revealed?"

"That's why it's very important to have the Prussian crown prince. With her, you can use all the Prussian troops! I don't understand why Caesar asked me to spy on you, and I don't know why Caesar asked me to be Wendir. Let me come over to protect you again, but I know that this is a good opportunity to eliminate Caesar's doubts about you..."

Assassin was talking, I interrupted: "It's also a good opportunity to serve Rome, isn't it?"

"Don't be so childish!" cried Assassin, "I don't know how much you overheard my conversation with the French, but I can tell you that I am loyal to Caesar and Rome, but Caesar Without possessing me, I am your woman through and through! Whether it is body or soul!"

I asked back, "How do I know this is not a lie?"

"Because this is the last words of a person who is about to die! You asked earlier, if you reveal information that shouldn't be revealed, you will be held accountable by Caesar, and I will die soon, so what are you afraid of being held accountable for?" Assassin said Then, there was an extra dagger in her hand, and before I could yell out, she raised her hand and stabbed her in the abdomen.

Yes, just like this, I thought Assassin was joking at first glance, until I saw the slight movement of her face twitching due to pain, and the blood oozing from her abdomen, I didn't understand this girl It's for real!

Fortunately, I also reached out and grabbed it subconsciously, so that this stupid girl didn't poke too deeply: "Let go!"

"I won't let go!"

"Believe it or not, I will slap you!"

"I won't let it go!"

Feeling the constant force exerted by Assassin's hands, I realized that the girl Ganqing felt that the dagger was inserted too shallowly and not enough, so she had to go deeper.

"If you do this, it will deepen, make the wound too big, and bleed too much, you know!"

"I just want to die slowly but irrevocably, because I have a lot to say to you!"

"If there is anything you can't say well, you have to stab yourself!"

"Because those words don't use this method, I'm afraid you won't believe me if I tell you!"

"Believe. Now you believe everything you say! You let go first!!"

"I won't let you go! Anyway, you don't want me anymore!"

Seeing that this continues, Assassin will really play himself to death, I don't care about other things, it is serious to save this girl's life first.Then, I gnawed down on the woman's mouth.

As for why I did this, I can only say that this stupid girl is too much like a female pig's feet in Korean dramas, so I can only close her mouth with a forced kiss.

This trick really worked, and Assassin's attention was immediately diverted, and his stretched hands soon softened.According to common sense.After this girl was kissed, she should have been shocked, and then pushed me away, but it turned out that she was actually being stabbed in the abdomen, and not only focused on kissing.He also stretched out his tongue and played a deep kiss with me.One hand still held my head.I can't even see the injuries below her clearly if I want to see clearly.

She catered to Assassin with her mouth, and quickly took away Assassin's other hand, I was afraid that this girl would stab me again when she got agitated.When she was short of breath and separated, I put her down on the ground and held her arms with both hands.

He turned his head and glanced at the dagger in Assassin's stomach, but fortunately only a small part went in.Only two or three centimeters, as long as the dagger is not poisonous and does not bleed too much, this abdominal wound is not fatal.I yelled, "I saved your life. If you dare to die, I will make you into a specimen in the future, and play with the corpse every ten days and a half months!"

"Evil corpse, that's fine, it's like you don't care about me."

Assassin is so weird that he likes being raped, I can't laugh or cry about it.

"Fuck [you], I don't have a hobby of playing with corpses, I just let others play. I rape and live if I want to, what's so fun about rape the dead, if you don't want to be raped by others, but want to be raped If I do it, you will live on for me and see how I will kill you!"

"That is to say, you still want me?"

"Nonsense! Lie down for me! Felicia!!!"

I yelled and realized that the room might be well sealed, so I turned around and kicked open the wooden door of the small private room. Felicia, who was not far from the door, heard the sound and looked over. She was startled and asked in surprise. Said: "Is she dead? For real?"

I glanced at the blood on my hands: "Go to Leon quickly, and find a doctor by the way!"


I turned around and cut off the coat on my body with the dagger I carried, and went to give Assassin emergency wound treatment while waiting for Leon and the doctor to arrive.

Facing this woman with a questionable IQ, I can't help but slap her a few more times: "Idiot! I tried my best to get you out. Now you are playing suicide for me. Why don't you die when you are caught by the French?" !"

"At that time, I was reluctant to die, because I knew you still loved me, even if I was tortured badly, but as long as I was still alive, I could go out again, even if I watched you secretly, I would be happy, but now, Today..." Assassin cried with tears in his eyes, "I always thought you didn't want me anymore! Since that's the case, I might as well die, and I can make it clear by the way! Even if I leave, I miss you will be happy too."

Why even Assassin has such a tendency to want to be a tragic heroine?

Could it be that in their eyes, heaven and man have to be on different sides, looking at the remnants bitterly and weeping, full of melancholy, leaving regrets, and can only recall each other in memory, and then lust, is the so-called great love, is the so-called love happiness?

"Women, you have to remember one thing, we men are different from you! You can get physical and psychological [pleasure] in your imagination, but we can't! You know, you can't! If you want to have pleasure, you have to ** Contact! You have to do it with real knives and guns! You can be satisfied with your physical and psychological needs with eyes, but I can't! So, don't let me hear this kind of nonsense that you can be happy just by sneaking a glance!"

"Is there anything that you can't say well, you have to stab yourself! Do you think that stabbing yourself means being stabbed by me? You will still feel comfortable after stabbing yourself?!"

"Although it hurts, but I can let you hold me again and know that you still care about me. I am very happy and happy." Assassin left me speechless the moment he opened his mouth.

"You're hopeless, you're very sick."

"Yes, if this is hopeless, I love you so much I can't help it!"

Next door to Mala, I was covered in goosebumps from the numbness. I looked down and saw that the person involved probably felt ashamed of what he said, so he acted like an ostrich: "You have learned to say such things."

"Because I've been holding this sentence in my heart for a long time! Moreover, it was because I couldn't tell you before that it caused this situation! So I not only want to say it, but I also want to say a lot! It's best to be able to say it every day. Tell you."

Nima, do you want to kill me?

"Okay, you can say whatever you want, but rest first, wait until the injury stabilizes, and then find a time, I will listen to you slowly!"

The phone call stabilized Assassin, preventing her from numbing me to death before Leon came, and preventing the two sisters, Felicia and Pennywise, from hearing Assassin's crazy words. Well, it's okay to let Penny Weiss hear it, but it always makes me feel bad that this girl wants to hand out kitchen knives if Felicia hears it. (To be continued..)

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